Author Topic: Day 6 quit, no turning back  (Read 38317 times)

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Offline Rawls

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #246 on: February 21, 2016, 01:17:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Way to be Andy. Thank you for all your support so far. You are a huge part of my quit foundation. Very proud to be your brother in Iron! Congratulations!
Congrats on your 800 days!
Welcome to the 8th floor BAQ!
Always late, but belated congrats....800 is awesome....keep blazing the trail.....lots of quitters in your wake!
Just another DAY in BA Ville.....
Steak is strong Iron!
Rawls 460
I believe.....

Offline CavMan83

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #245 on: February 20, 2016, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: B-loMatt
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Way to be Andy. Thank you for all your support so far. You are a huge part of my quit foundation. Very proud to be your brother in Iron! Congratulations!
Congrats on your 800 days!
Welcome to the 8th floor BAQ!
Always late, but belated congrats....800 is awesome....keep blazing the trail.....lots of quitters in your wake!

Offline B-loMatt

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #244 on: February 20, 2016, 10:32:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Way to be Andy. Thank you for all your support so far. You are a huge part of my quit foundation. Very proud to be your brother in Iron! Congratulations!
Congrats on your 800 days!
Welcome to the 8th floor BAQ!

Offline ChickDip

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #243 on: February 19, 2016, 11:54:00 AM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Way to be Andy. Thank you for all your support so far. You are a huge part of my quit foundation. Very proud to be your brother in Iron! Congratulations!
Congrats on your 800 days!
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline rdad

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #242 on: February 19, 2016, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: AppleJack
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Way to be Andy. Thank you for all your support so far. You are a huge part of my quit foundation. Very proud to be your brother in Iron! Congratulations!

Offline AppleJack

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #241 on: February 19, 2016, 08:38:00 AM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.
Rockin' it, Andy!
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

Offline Thumblewort

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #240 on: February 19, 2016, 08:24:00 AM »
Awesome Steak, proud to quit with you today!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline KennyZ

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #239 on: February 19, 2016, 07:59:00 AM »
Belated congratulations!

Offline JGlav

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #238 on: February 19, 2016, 07:27:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!
Nice work Andy. Proud to quit with you today.

Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #237 on: February 19, 2016, 06:51:00 AM »
Floor 8 Greatness!

Congratulations on another milestone, and 800 days of win. You new guys wanna know how to win - read this thread. I'd bet my car that this cat hasn't missed a single day of posting. And that he won't.

Hope it's a steak and BJ kinda day for you!

Offline SAM83

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #236 on: February 03, 2016, 04:33:00 PM »
Quote from: starr_78
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Tuco
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.

The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.

Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.

About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:

Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life

Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.
Posting roll is the bare bones, minimum, essential step in our quits man. It's simple...yet sometimes it's not easy.

You won't find too many people disagreeing with you. To be quit means that you have to work to be quit.
Who could possibly disagree with Steak on this? I thought posting roll was the price of admission and I disagree with the statement that it's sometimes not easy. I guess if you are in a coma or something, but otherwise I would say it is 100% easy and simple.

I guess they can just remove his name from roll as stated and his "punishment" for missing weekends is he has to add his name back AND keep track of his days quit. LOL
I might know a thing or two about this conversation...

Fortunately, I think most folks know which way is right and which way is dead ass wrong. Posting roll is a non-negotiable privilege. It is the cornerstone of any healthy quit, and serves as the basis for others to entrust their quits with you.

When you treat posting roll as a tedious, menial chore, your quit soon becomes a tedious, menial chore. It doesn't take much advance scouting to figure out what happens next.

Glad there are guys like you here to keep the reality checks coming, Steak.
We are having a discussion in Dec '15 about roll posting and adding our names to the 200 list. I know this is different than daily roll and roll is an essential act for promising your group you are quit.
That "brotherhood" reaches out when you do not post. That is the first indicator there might be an issue. I have to post roll and keep myself cognoscente of
my addiction. I can read in some of the feedback in that '15 discussion there are doors opening for bailing on posting everyday. Seems like we will soon lose a couple more quitters post HOF
Great topic Steak. And as always thanks for the support.
People who don't want to pay taxes and don't want to support our military can fuck off and move to Mexico. It is warm there and they have nice beaches.

I kind of feel the same way about people who come to KTC and try to shit on the way this place works. If you don't like it, find a different place. People that complain about the rules are lazy. Find a better home, cause this one works when nothing else does.

Steakbomb speaks the truth.
Posting roll, daily right after you get up, with no exception is the strength being the quit. (Period)
If you fight it and don't comply to the advice of successful people who have quit before you,, more that not, that person will fail.

Agree with Steak
Fuckin A Right Andy. Come here to be a good brother or sister, and play by the Damn rules or go somewhere else. I love your passion. It gets me fired up about quitting some more! You are ;Ironman: !
Gives me a quit boner just hearing steak throw down some knowledge. Listen to this man and understand what it means to be "quit" instead of "stopped" huge difference and with posting roll daily, we re-enforce our quit
EDD, it's that simple, it works and it's the price of admission. Otherwise, fuck off. Well said Steak!

Offline starr_78

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #235 on: February 03, 2016, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: rdad
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Tuco
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.

The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.

Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.

About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:

Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life

Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.
Posting roll is the bare bones, minimum, essential step in our quits man. It's simple...yet sometimes it's not easy.

You won't find too many people disagreeing with you. To be quit means that you have to work to be quit.
Who could possibly disagree with Steak on this? I thought posting roll was the price of admission and I disagree with the statement that it's sometimes not easy. I guess if you are in a coma or something, but otherwise I would say it is 100% easy and simple.

I guess they can just remove his name from roll as stated and his "punishment" for missing weekends is he has to add his name back AND keep track of his days quit. LOL
I might know a thing or two about this conversation...

Fortunately, I think most folks know which way is right and which way is dead ass wrong. Posting roll is a non-negotiable privilege. It is the cornerstone of any healthy quit, and serves as the basis for others to entrust their quits with you.

When you treat posting roll as a tedious, menial chore, your quit soon becomes a tedious, menial chore. It doesn't take much advance scouting to figure out what happens next.

Glad there are guys like you here to keep the reality checks coming, Steak.
We are having a discussion in Dec '15 about roll posting and adding our names to the 200 list. I know this is different than daily roll and roll is an essential act for promising your group you are quit.
That "brotherhood" reaches out when you do not post. That is the first indicator there might be an issue. I have to post roll and keep myself cognoscente of
my addiction. I can read in some of the feedback in that '15 discussion there are doors opening for bailing on posting everyday. Seems like we will soon lose a couple more quitters post HOF
Great topic Steak. And as always thanks for the support.
People who don't want to pay taxes and don't want to support our military can fuck off and move to Mexico. It is warm there and they have nice beaches.

I kind of feel the same way about people who come to KTC and try to shit on the way this place works. If you don't like it, find a different place. People that complain about the rules are lazy. Find a better home, cause this one works when nothing else does.

Steakbomb speaks the truth.
Posting roll, daily right after you get up, with no exception is the strength being the quit. (Period)
If you fight it and don't comply to the advice of successful people who have quit before you,, more that not, that person will fail.

Agree with Steak
Fuckin A Right Andy. Come here to be a good brother or sister, and play by the Damn rules or go somewhere else. I love your passion. It gets me fired up about quitting some more! You are ;Ironman: !
Gives me a quit boner just hearing steak throw down some knowledge. Listen to this man and understand what it means to be "quit" instead of "stopped" huge difference and with posting roll daily, we re-enforce our quit

Offline rdad

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #234 on: February 03, 2016, 10:46:00 AM »
Quote from: ChickDip
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Tuco
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.

The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.

Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.

About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:

Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life

Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.
Posting roll is the bare bones, minimum, essential step in our quits man. It's simple...yet sometimes it's not easy.

You won't find too many people disagreeing with you. To be quit means that you have to work to be quit.
Who could possibly disagree with Steak on this? I thought posting roll was the price of admission and I disagree with the statement that it's sometimes not easy. I guess if you are in a coma or something, but otherwise I would say it is 100% easy and simple.

I guess they can just remove his name from roll as stated and his "punishment" for missing weekends is he has to add his name back AND keep track of his days quit. LOL
I might know a thing or two about this conversation...

Fortunately, I think most folks know which way is right and which way is dead ass wrong. Posting roll is a non-negotiable privilege. It is the cornerstone of any healthy quit, and serves as the basis for others to entrust their quits with you.

When you treat posting roll as a tedious, menial chore, your quit soon becomes a tedious, menial chore. It doesn't take much advance scouting to figure out what happens next.

Glad there are guys like you here to keep the reality checks coming, Steak.
We are having a discussion in Dec '15 about roll posting and adding our names to the 200 list. I know this is different than daily roll and roll is an essential act for promising your group you are quit.
That "brotherhood" reaches out when you do not post. That is the first indicator there might be an issue. I have to post roll and keep myself cognoscente of
my addiction. I can read in some of the feedback in that '15 discussion there are doors opening for bailing on posting everyday. Seems like we will soon lose a couple more quitters post HOF
Great topic Steak. And as always thanks for the support.
People who don't want to pay taxes and don't want to support our military can fuck off and move to Mexico. It is warm there and they have nice beaches.

I kind of feel the same way about people who come to KTC and try to shit on the way this place works. If you don't like it, find a different place. People that complain about the rules are lazy. Find a better home, cause this one works when nothing else does.

Steakbomb speaks the truth.
Posting roll, daily right after you get up, with no exception is the strength being the quit. (Period)
If you fight it and don't comply to the advice of successful people who have quit before you,, more that not, that person will fail.

Agree with Steak
Fuckin A Right Andy. Come here to be a good brother or sister, and play by the Damn rules or go somewhere else. I love your passion. It gets me fired up about quitting some more! You are ;Ironman: !

Offline ChickDip

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  • Likes Given: 2132
Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #233 on: February 03, 2016, 02:49:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Tuco
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.

The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.

Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.

About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:

Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life

Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.
Posting roll is the bare bones, minimum, essential step in our quits man. It's simple...yet sometimes it's not easy.

You won't find too many people disagreeing with you. To be quit means that you have to work to be quit.
Who could possibly disagree with Steak on this? I thought posting roll was the price of admission and I disagree with the statement that it's sometimes not easy. I guess if you are in a coma or something, but otherwise I would say it is 100% easy and simple.

I guess they can just remove his name from roll as stated and his "punishment" for missing weekends is he has to add his name back AND keep track of his days quit. LOL
I might know a thing or two about this conversation...

Fortunately, I think most folks know which way is right and which way is dead ass wrong. Posting roll is a non-negotiable privilege. It is the cornerstone of any healthy quit, and serves as the basis for others to entrust their quits with you.

When you treat posting roll as a tedious, menial chore, your quit soon becomes a tedious, menial chore. It doesn't take much advance scouting to figure out what happens next.

Glad there are guys like you here to keep the reality checks coming, Steak.
We are having a discussion in Dec '15 about roll posting and adding our names to the 200 list. I know this is different than daily roll and roll is an essential act for promising your group you are quit.
That "brotherhood" reaches out when you do not post. That is the first indicator there might be an issue. I have to post roll and keep myself cognoscente of
my addiction. I can read in some of the feedback in that '15 discussion there are doors opening for bailing on posting everyday. Seems like we will soon lose a couple more quitters post HOF
Great topic Steak. And as always thanks for the support.
People who don't want to pay taxes and don't want to support our military can fuck off and move to Mexico. It is warm there and they have nice beaches.

I kind of feel the same way about people who come to KTC and try to shit on the way this place works. If you don't like it, find a different place. People that complain about the rules are lazy. Find a better home, cause this one works when nothing else does.

Steakbomb speaks the truth.
Posting roll, daily right after you get up, with no exception is the strength being the quit. (Period)
If you fight it and don't comply to the advice of successful people who have quit before you,, more that not, that person will fail.

Agree with Steak
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 6 quit, no turning back
« Reply #232 on: February 02, 2016, 05:07:00 PM »
Quote from: JGlav
Quote from: Tuco
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Steakbomb18
There is a troubling conversation happening in one of the quit groups. IÂ’m not going to name anybody or the group; if youÂ’re that interested go find it on your own. Lots of drama, and a lot of issues are hitting the fan; but one issue in particular is quite dire and if there are people here that donÂ’t find this concerning, then maybe this whole quitting thing isnÂ’t for you. That issue is posting roll. Apparently there are some that believe this to not sacred and half-assing the roll posting is acceptable. IÂ’m going to say strait up, it is not acceptable and if you think that way, then you are wrong.

The following is an excerpt from the conversation I was reading. I hope it irks you as much as it did me.

Idiot: I don't post unless I am at work and I don't work on the weekends. I post when I want and how I want and that will never change. You should feel blessed that I make my daily appearance M-F and if I get a little bad weather or go out of town than I'm not posting.

About a year ago, I made a similar post about the value of posting roll, because there were people in my quit group beginning to trail off. In that post I stated what posting roll meant to me and why it is paramount. At that time, I said:

Posting roll, for me, has become more than a simple promise, itÂ’s a creed and a gracious act. It tells my fellow brethren that:
1) I promise to be quit today
2) I care about you being quit today
3) Thank you for saving my life

Hopefully after reading this post you agree with me and not the idiot. DonÂ’t be the idiot. When it comes to nicotine addiction, the idiot loses.
Posting roll is the bare bones, minimum, essential step in our quits man. It's simple...yet sometimes it's not easy.

You won't find too many people disagreeing with you. To be quit means that you have to work to be quit.
Who could possibly disagree with Steak on this? I thought posting roll was the price of admission and I disagree with the statement that it's sometimes not easy. I guess if you are in a coma or something, but otherwise I would say it is 100% easy and simple.

I guess they can just remove his name from roll as stated and his "punishment" for missing weekends is he has to add his name back AND keep track of his days quit. LOL
I might know a thing or two about this conversation...

Fortunately, I think most folks know which way is right and which way is dead ass wrong. Posting roll is a non-negotiable privilege. It is the cornerstone of any healthy quit, and serves as the basis for others to entrust their quits with you.

When you treat posting roll as a tedious, menial chore, your quit soon becomes a tedious, menial chore. It doesn't take much advance scouting to figure out what happens next.

Glad there are guys like you here to keep the reality checks coming, Steak.
We are having a discussion in Dec '15 about roll posting and adding our names to the 200 list. I know this is different than daily roll and roll is an essential act for promising your group you are quit.
That "brotherhood" reaches out when you do not post. That is the first indicator there might be an issue. I have to post roll and keep myself cognoscente of
my addiction. I can read in some of the feedback in that '15 discussion there are doors opening for bailing on posting everyday. Seems like we will soon lose a couple more quitters post HOF
Great topic Steak. And as always thanks for the support.
People who don't want to pay taxes and don't want to support our military can fuck off and move to Mexico. It is warm there and they have nice beaches.

I kind of feel the same way about people who come to KTC and try to shit on the way this place works. If you don't like it, find a different place. People that complain about the rules are lazy. Find a better home, cause this one works when nothing else does.

Steakbomb speaks the truth.