GB, wanted to make sure this is captured - there are a lot of people supporting you!
June Goons of Quit!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
If your quit date is between 2/22/2015 and 3/23/2015 this is your group.
Missing Yesterday:
NONE...Day 11
'bubblehead' 'hoftrain' 'bubblehead'
Pre -=186=-
GrievousAngel -=154=-
For 6/7 the HoF Express picks up Gb321. He's the 2nd in a string of three riders flying solo.
Gb321 did not start with June--he had a short stint where he stubbed his toe. The moral of the story: we can learn from our mistakes. GB has come back and quit with a vengeance. He's made his promise for 100 straight days (100%). He's not the first Goon on the train to do so. We're just pointing it out here to highlight how he has come full circle. Congrats on taking your quit by the balls, and welcome aboard.
Quitting with you today, your HoF Conductors Pre and GA
[+] HOF Train Conductors1) October 2008-bubblehed668-The Conductor
2) October 2009-January 2012-Flashman
3) January 2012-Samcat
3) February 2012-Brotherofnomosko
4) March 2012-Mcarmo44
5) April 2012-TSmith17
6) May 2012-Coach Steve
7) June 2012-Zam
8) July 2012-Zam
9) August 2012-Wedge
10)September 2012-Woosel
11)October 2012-Swede and Morgan1
12)November 2012-SirDerek and Mich34
13)December 2012-ericfrompitt and tsnus
14)January 2013-lcwb96 and Boelker62
15)February 2013-Evil_Won and OneImpressiveBall
16)March 2013-wmcatty and cdaniels
17)April 2013-Mike_Land, Halldogau, and Tazbutane
18)May 2013-iizphilister and Spartanron
19)June 2013-JHawth25 and Blazer1975
20)July 2013-Runner and acevlx600
21)August 2013-Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat and Quit
22)September 2013-Eurssell and Jake Frawley
24)November 2013-Pinched and jlud007
25)December 2013-dabean22 and midwest04z
26)January 2014-Ron_Cross and JayDubya and Doc2quit4good
27)February 2014-Punkin, GrizzFall and MN_Ben
28)March 2014-Dave1903, Mogul, Grizzlyhasclaws
29)April 2014-GOLFPRO9696, STARR_78
30)May 2014-ExNuke, ZillahCowboy, Sam83, KCM, JoseyWales
31)June 2014-Lipi, Doc, Paul, Krusty, and Sapper
32)July 2014-MCO and THansen
33)August 2014-Braves360, Smeds, Thumblewort, vbe931, Thewolfe and Zquitter
34)September 2014-Basshaug, natemcpherson, truetomyself, Stig, AR-Fishteen, the TJB, Done4Me, Medicff and Bombero. Chugachugachugachuga
35)October 2014-Medic, Landdon, CavMan, big_dipper, bigton16335, KDLforever, oconnordan, JoeC, dipdaps, Jubella, and paul1231
36)November 2014- Candoit, Southpaw32, Bam0821, Lours, Swetty, Danojeno, AClowroller, Jeeptruck, Lim25
37)December 2014-SoDaCattle, Bazooka Joe, Tuco Grill, Crazy Volts, Castlehusky
38)January 2015-Sir Nope, Sajax, Mitchy, pr0f, Dumpo, Jal0315, SoxFan, Jwright
39)February 2015-Txtaco1, Okie Hunter, Natro, Cpoz421, ink cog kneedough, Jake_M
40) March 2015 Candoit
41) April 2015 Mcarmo
42) May 2015 Candoit
43) June 2015 GrievousAngel Pre
June Goon Quitters: Place your name and promise NOT to use nicotine in any form today below here:gb321- 100 Days quit. I promise not to use nicotine in any form today.
CorwinKB - 93 (Via Kakao)
RCohan - 81 - I quit today
Jakeybear - Day 78- quit
JDFree - Day 81
Mfoster65- Day 76 quit
Kodismack - 103
Bassmaster07- day 91 quit
Quark: Day 77 (11 weeks!)
Corbin Day 81 Congrats gb321
Randall Day 88 Nice job GB. I QLF today.
SKT - Day 92 Quit
Don - 103 - Way to go GB!
Phys- Day 102
Siggy15: Day 84 - I quit today with gb...congrats
JTD- Day 83- I Quit Congrats GB
QuitterKev Day 91 - I quit today!!
Rubble- 98
Mental - Day 98 - Quit today with GB.
Airman4023 - Day 96
NWIeng - day 104, congrats GB
lloyd 21bdw- day 92 congrats gb
Chihua33 - 77
Danojeno Day 98 / PUC 21 Quit Today with gb321!
Laxref: 92. Well done to those hitting the century mark!
NKYRob - day 90 quit today
KDRanger-Day 94- Well done gb--Quit today with my Goons
Rogerk - Day 89
Talonad day 99, loving every minute of it
Aero - day 94 - awesome work GB! Congratulations!
GregP. I promise to quit. Nice job GB!
Redfish13 - Day84
Rutheraj - Day 98- There is too much to lose.
Invader - 88 - Quit! Congrats, gb
Kevin S - Day 103. Quit.
House day 91 quit
foram - day 103 - quit. It's all I can do.
Woodze13: Day 86 - Quit today!
Sugarman- y+1 (via text)
Keith_Quit - 104
KSO Day 80 PUC 21 FTZ today with GB321! Conrats quitter.
Kyle day 103
Snowboredm - Day 77 - WTG GB!!
Support from other Bad-Ass Quitters:Pab - Day 162 quit with gb321 congratulations!
Tom92673 - 110, way to go GB321. Glad you did it.
Sir Nope - 273 w/ Darth and Sugaman
IDWC 133- QLF with Danojeno and GB321. Congrats Bro! Enjoy this great milestone.
ZMcKee13-Day56- great job GB
Worktowin 896. Proud to post with GB321 today. 100 is a great accomplishment.
Flrednek-136- With KSO, Kodi and rest of goons! Congrats to GB, glad you got your head out of your ass, good job brother
KennyZ 208 with NWIeng and June
D2maine 1205 quit with invader and the goons
bird 1255 keep it rolling
Okie hunter 247 w Invader
Hawseman - 137 - with gb321 today - congrats my brother. With other Goons and these supporters today too!
10harley 199 with Dano. Almost there bro. I quit with you and the rest of you goons
MJ 447
Bronc - 450
Teray 117 congrats gb321 on youre HOF!
Cass1970 - 108 - congrats GB on a geeat comeback!
kramer - day 136 with Dano, gb321, Randall, and the Goons. Way to go gb321! Didn't think you had it in you, but you showed me. You hunkered down, posted roll, kept your promise, and repeated for 100 days. Simple. Keep it up, see you at 200. Proud to be quit with you today.
JimJamRustlin - Day 119. GB congrats!!! Stay alert, stay quit. Your battle continues
GoDogs559- 322 w/ AquaD, Dano and all you Goons
Woodytx - 120 with the Goons
Medic-359. Congrats on the HOF GB!!! Also with Dano, Randall, and posting a
Song of the Day for Corwin...hmmmm, how about some
"Roots Radicals" from Rancid?
ChickDip 70 with Vader, Rand, Danoj, DK, KB, Kodi and the goonies (congrats GB)
AquaD 341 with Dano and June
trireb31 - 345 with dano and the Goons.
Jpfabel1073 -122 with GB, way to recover from your fall and show how powerful being a man of your word can be. Proud to quit with you and all of June
30 1576, Congrats GB! 101 is even more awesome, bro. Keep doing exactly what got you this far.