Hang tough BP, just maybe through your strength and story some of the other hockeyheads will come to their senses and give up the nic as well. But in the mean time honor your promise to yourself and us to stay quit today every single day. My last snus was 32 days ago and used to control my life. I would go well out of my way to get my fix, and aside from eating and sleeping I had one or two in my lip constantly. Eventually even that wasn't enough and I would pop in a stronger spit tobacco and swallow that crap too. My wife and kids despised it. I hated it too and wanted to quit so bad I would lie to myself daily that this would be my last can. It was the addiction and fear of the withdrawls that wouldn't let me give it up, the lie of the nicotine addiction in my head.
Now I'm a man of my word and though I have made it through a month by promising to stay quit every day, I realize that just one chew, smoke, or snus and i would be back where I started and there is no way in hell I ever want to go through that again. If anyone gives you shit about it, remind them of who is control of their life, and how your quit made you in control of yours. Come up with a plan to maintain control for tonight, honor your word, and check in tomorrow so we can hear how it went. You can do this. Proud to be quit with you today Billy!