Hi, i have decided to quit dipping, and I came across this site and I believe it is perfect for helping me accomplish this goal! I need help in trying to understand how exactly everything works on this site, but I know that I want in. I read in all of the welcome stuff to start with your story, so here it goes. I am 32 years old, and started dipping when I was 19! I am from Louisiana and I am High School Football Coach and avid hunter! The coaching community is what ultimately what led me to dipping! I pretty much have had a dip in my mouth all hours of the day except for when I eat. Since the birth of my son, a lil over a year ago, I have made several dates to quit and never fall through! My son almost poured my spit bottle all over him the other day, and in the same day I saw one of those Facebook posts of someone having their jaw removed due to dipping!! I had seen this several times before, but on this day it broke me down!! I imagined that being me and imagined my son in a hospital waiting room asking what was wrong with me.. this was my moment and it happened Monday. I grabbed a dip out of my fresh new can that night! Threw the can away and said this will be my last dip for the rest of my life. I have gone the last 2 days without one and have worked out alot in these last 2 days and it has helped and I still feel greatly motivated. I want to very much be apart of this group and make sure my promise stays true!! I need help in how the website works and I look forward to this journey.