Bob. Bob. Bob.
As someone who battled anxiety to the nth degree (read my intro if you have 5 hours), let me attempt to set your mind at ease.
First off. You're not going bonkers. You're re-wiring your brain and learning to deal with "life" without your crutch. It sucks, and it looks like you're one of the "lucky ones" who gets the anxiety bonus. I got that too. It blows, no way around it.
Something I really want to stress to you, is that anxiety is bred and manifested by your own thoughts. I know at times it seems you have no control over your thoughts, but you do.
Constantly analyzing yourself, worrying if your crazy, wondering when you will feel "normal" again, comparing yourself to others, fearing panic attacks, and being anxious about...anxiety are all counterproductive thoughts that you control. They are also all things I had to deal with. So take some comfort in knowing your not alone with your situation. I've walked the same path and am 696 days quit, and digging life.
I too HATED meds but used them as an assist to get me through some very tough times. Quitting is hard enough, doing it with one arm tied behind your back is damn near impossible. Don't be ashamed or afraid. Meds while taken with the guidance of a professional can be very helpful. It's the people who abuse the meds who create the horror stories you read about, putting fear into guys like you and me. Think of a diabetic who has to rely on insulin to help him function. There is no shame in that.
I could go on for days with everything I've learned about the anxiety part of quitting. Meds, exercise, some trips to a counselor, this site, and TIME were some of my best allies. I was my worst enemy. Along with my out of control thoughts I glorified chew, gave it waaay too much credit, blamed it for EVERY THING, and believed all the lies it told me. This is the perfect breeding ground for anxiety.
Explore all options to remain quit and control anxiety. Leave no stone unturned. I know right now it may seem like you will feel this way forever, but you won't. Think of this as a small window of suck in your life, because that's really what it is. If I felt that way forever, no way in hell I would still be quit right now.
I know this is some long shit, but this is a subject I really struggled with and always try to help others going through the same. I honestly feel I should write more as I have tons more to share. Feel free to hit me up anytime, if you have any questions. I'm here for you 27/7/365.
Quit on...