Day 33 is winding down. I am so grateful for this website. It is amazing the kind of friends that can be made simply by connecting to a website. Someone mentioned in chat that they wished they would have written down thoughts they had on their quit journey. I am planning on doing that here. I wish I could spend more time in chat, and connect with more fellow quitters. I find the wildcard a great place to hang in. I had the great fortune of chatting with Big Bro Jac the other night. There are tons of great people here. This site continues to be an inspiration for me, whether it is the daily posts, interacting with new quitters, going through some dip rage on chat, reading someone else's dip rage, bonding with my quit group, or chatting with a vet. I want to thank each and every one of you that I have met or have posted with, and want you all to know that if you ever need my help, just let me know.