I really cannot express how much the texts, pm's, facebook messages, and phone calls of sympathy and support this past week have meant to me. It has been hard to get through this, but I know He is in a better place, more comfortable, and not struggling. Lots of loved one waiting for him.
I also know deep down that I have more people in my corner than I ever imagined. Not a single message even mentioned quit. they were all about sympathy and condolences. That to me is a powerful message about the bonds formed here. My name is on the line, of course I am quit.
Anyway, you all give me the strength to fight this addiction and the strength to get through this very tough loss. I only hope that someday I am able to repay you the the kindness you have shown me. You are all amazing friends and brothers, and I am damn glad to have you side by side not just in this fight, but in life.
Thank you.