Roll call is not a responsibility, it is a privilege and an honor.
I disagree with this on every level.
You don't really get it do you?
Posting roll is not a privilege... It is not a reward or benefit.
It. Is. A. Responsibility.
You don't GET to post roll... You NEED to post roll.
You dig?
It's not an honor to post roll... Posting roll is something you must honor.
Throw as many words around as you want but you still have it backwards and therein lies the problem. Stop patting yourself on the back for doing nothing special...
Excuse me here.
I believe posting roll IS a privilige. It is not a burden, or a cross I bear.
I am Quit today. I am Quit because of this place and it's brotherhood and accountability.
I do not honor this place as a burden. I honor this place with my daily pledge.
And I honor it daily.
I'm sorry bro, I disagree with you on this, but not on every level.
I Quit today. You Quit today.
We may be looking through different colored glasses, but we are seeing the same image.
Fuck I'm tired of this shit.
I am not. What roll means to each of us and how we look at it is entirely up to you. So long as you give your word and honor it every day, it can be an honor, a privilege, a burden, a reminder, a responsibility - whatever you need it to be so long as you understand what it means and why you are doing it.
I posted in my intro what it means to me and how I think of it. As a reminder to me. You don't have to agree and I don't expect everyone to agree.
Quit on.
You, however, I still have issue with.
But... It does no good to argue against a viewpoint that bends every which way.
OK then.
I have started my viewpoint quite clearly. You have stated yours. Not sure how mine is bending every which way. I don't know why you have a problem with my view point.
Posting roll is not my responsibility - raising my kids, going to work, and paying taxes are my responsibilities. Posting roll every morning with the 3ballers is an honor and a privilege. It is an honor to be a member of this site. It is a privilege to put my name on the line with some of the baddest fucking people on the planet every day.
You are right that i need to post roll; I am an addict. But I don't have to post roll. No one is putting a gun to my head. I do it because I know that before KTC quitting was an impossible dream best put off until tomorrow. Since KTC I have kept that shit out of my lip for over 3 years. I have used the tools to weave a web of accountability so thick it would be epic if I failed (thanks waste).
Does that clear it up for you? Or is there some other issue you would like me to address? Would you be more comfortable pm'Ing, texting, calling, or posting here?