Author Topic: Worktowin's road to winning  (Read 139118 times)

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Offline Gonehuntn79

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #40 on: July 17, 2013, 06:04:00 AM »
Quote from: worktowin
Subject: triggers

Well, here I am on day 206. This morning I set the alarm early so I can go to the gym for an hour after I post roll and before I go to work. So, I woke up, posted roll, got the dog up, and decided to walk him down the stairs. Took about 3 steps in the yard... And my damn sprinklers came on. Pretty much took a direct hit. Soaked from head to toe on about 3 seconds.

So what, you say? Well, I year ago I would have shouted a bunch of four letter words and stormed in the house. And I would have needed a big time fix of nicotine after that. I probably would have muttered some rude words under my breath to my wife and taken a long shower with a big fat lip to recover. This morning I stood there for a second and started laughing. Then the wet dog and I ran back inside. And now I'm gonna head to the gym. Gonna sweat anyway, what's the difference?

A year ago everything was a trigger. I didn't own my life. An addiction owned me and more of my actions than I even still understand. Day 206... Damn it feels good to be myself.
Another great, funny and inspiring post. You're just one badass quitter aint ya? Glad to have you as a mentor! Holler if ya need me. Later...
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ---Leo Buscaglia

Encourage your quit brothers!

Money saved as of 11/6/13=$885.00

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2013, 05:48:00 AM »
Subject: triggers

Well, here I am on day 206. This morning I set the alarm early so I can go to the gym for an hour after I post roll and before I go to work. So, I woke up, posted roll, got the dog up, and decided to walk him down the stairs. Took about 3 steps in the yard... And my damn sprinklers came on. Pretty much took a direct hit. Soaked from head to toe on about 3 seconds.

So what, you say? Well, I year ago I would have shouted a bunch of four letter words and stormed in the house. And I would have needed a big time fix of nicotine after that. I probably would have muttered some rude words under my breath to my wife and taken a long shower with a big fat lip to recover. This morning I stood there for a second and started laughing. Then the wet dog and I ran back inside. And now I'm gonna head to the gym. Gonna sweat anyway, what's the difference?

A year ago everything was a trigger. I didn't own my life. An addiction owned me and more of my actions than I even still understand. Day 206... Damn it feels good to be myself.

Offline Erussell

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2013, 02:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Have you seen that ecig commercial. The guy talks about how it doesn't do this, that, and the other. Then at the end he says it's time to take our freedom back.

I couldn't believe it. How many people fall for that statement. Everytime i hear that commercial i'm like wtf are you talking about you imbecile.

Great job worktowin. Proud of you man. I'm a little over 50 behind you,, don't never let me catch you man. Quit with you anyday.
That e-cig is an evil trap. A close friend is tied to that think like flies on a shit pile. It is her crack pipe. Probably hits it every 30-60 seconds. It is so sad. She quit smoking with that little "tool". Taking her freedom back, uhhh, I don't think so. She is the worst nicotine addict I have ever seen. Lick it, slam it, suck it, snort it, smoke it, patch it, it doesn't really matter, it is all the same. Nicotine is a thief, a liar, and a killer in any form. We must stay away, we have come to far to even consider it.

Congrats on 200 worktowin, and congrats on the victory today. You have been a steady and even keeled constant in my quit. Always there, always positive, always pressing forward toward the goal we share. Living life freely without the bondage of nicotine. Damn proud to be quit with you worktowin.

Very proud, brother.
Worktowin, your post here gave me chill bumps. Congrats on 200 one day at a times like this one in your post! Your a bad ass! When I grow up, I want to be like you! Erussell
I would rather lose to a cheater than win as a cheater.

Offline Jayhawk

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2013, 12:20:00 PM »
Right here with you bro. Way to be. I quit with you today.
The fog is just one long kick in the balls.

Quit 5/15/13
HOF 8/22/13

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2013, 08:00:00 AM »
Quote from: omahaflyer
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Have you seen that ecig commercial. The guy talks about how it doesn't do this, that, and the other. Then at the end he says it's time to take our freedom back.

I couldn't believe it. How many people fall for that statement. Everytime i hear that commercial i'm like wtf are you talking about you imbecile.

Great job worktowin. Proud of you man. I'm a little over 50 behind you,, don't never let me catch you man. Quit with you anyday.
That e-cig is an evil trap. A close friend is tied to that think like flies on a shit pile. It is her crack pipe. Probably hits it every 30-60 seconds. It is so sad. She quit smoking with that little "tool". Taking her freedom back, uhhh, I don't think so. She is the worst nicotine addict I have ever seen. Lick it, slam it, suck it, snort it, smoke it, patch it, it doesn't really matter, it is all the same. Nicotine is a thief, a liar, and a killer in any form. We must stay away, we have come to far to even consider it.

Congrats on 200 worktowin, and congrats on the victory today. You have been a steady and even keeled constant in my quit. Always there, always positive, always pressing forward toward the goal we share. Living life freely without the bondage of nicotine. Damn proud to be quit with you worktowin.

Very proud, brother.

Offline omahaflyer

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2013, 07:52:00 AM »
Quote from: Its_Got2Happen
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Have you seen that ecig commercial. The guy talks about how it doesn't do this, that, and the other. Then at the end he says it's time to take our freedom back.

I couldn't believe it. How many people fall for that statement. Everytime i hear that commercial i'm like wtf are you talking about you imbecile.

Great job worktowin. Proud of you man. I'm a little over 50 behind you,, don't never let me catch you man. Quit with you anyday.
That e-cig is an evil trap. A close friend is tied to that think like flies on a shit pile. It is her crack pipe. Probably hits it every 30-60 seconds. It is so sad. She quit smoking with that little "tool". Taking her freedom back, uhhh, I don't think so. She is the worst nicotine addict I have ever seen. Lick it, slam it, suck it, snort it, smoke it, patch it, it doesn't really matter, it is all the same. Nicotine is a thief, a liar, and a killer in any form. We must stay away, we have come to far to even consider it.

Congrats on 200 worktowin, and congrats on the victory today. You have been a steady and even keeled constant in my quit. Always there, always positive, always pressing forward toward the goal we share. Living life freely without the bondage of nicotine. Damn proud to be quit with you worktowin.

Very proud, brother.
Memorial Stadium

Southeast: "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars."
Southwest: "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory."
Northwest: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport."
Northeast: "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes."

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2013, 06:21:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Have you seen that ecig commercial. The guy talks about how it doesn't do this, that, and the other. Then at the end he says it's time to take our freedom back.

I couldn't believe it. How many people fall for that statement. Everytime i hear that commercial i'm like wtf are you talking about you imbecile.

Great job worktowin. Proud of you man. I'm a little over 50 behind you,, don't never let me catch you man. Quit with you anyday.
That e-cig is an evil trap. A close friend is tied to that think like flies on a shit pile. It is her crack pipe. Probably hits it every 30-60 seconds. It is so sad. She quit smoking with that little "tool". Taking her freedom back, uhhh, I don't think so. She is the worst nicotine addict I have ever seen. Lick it, slam it, suck it, snort it, smoke it, patch it, it doesn't really matter, it is all the same. Nicotine is a thief, a liar, and a killer in any form. We must stay away, we have come to far to even consider it.

Congrats on 200 worktowin, and congrats on the victory today. You have been a steady and even keeled constant in my quit. Always there, always positive, always pressing forward toward the goal we share. Living life freely without the bondage of nicotine. Damn proud to be quit with you worktowin.


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Re: Day 16
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2013, 08:07:00 AM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Have you seen that ecig commercial. The guy talks about how it doesn't do this, that, and the other. Then at the end he says it's time to take our freedom back.

I couldn't believe it. How many people fall for that statement. Everytime i hear that commercial i'm like wtf are you talking about you imbecile.

Great job worktowin. Proud of you man. I'm a little over 50 behind you,, don't never let me catch you man. Quit with you anyday.
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #32 on: July 12, 2013, 11:53:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
So are e cig's like slushes from 7/11 now? I mean seiously. A fucking Dr. Pepper e cig? Just say no to the slushes that kill. Hell no my brothers. Hell no.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline Derk40

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2013, 11:24:00 PM »
Quote from: jake
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!
Head on a swivel man! Head on a swivel! She can sense any potential for weakness. She knew about that carrot cake last night in celebration of hitting the 2nd floor and went after you today! Way to beat her back and keep ur word. Awesome.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline jake frawley

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
Quote from: KC_Guy
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit.  Through the fog!  I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways!  Life is good!!!  Came clean to wife and she is proud!  Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy!  Sooo safe!  Sooo cheap!!! No danger!  He puffed!  He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now?  4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down?  He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him?  No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it!  Fuck you bitch!!!!!!  Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
I expect to here nothing else from you ! Your word and integrity is why I follow you. Well done! You are an example of honoring your word!

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2013, 11:12:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit. Through the fog! I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways! Life is good!!! Came clean to wife and she is proud! Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy! Sooo safe! Sooo cheap!!! No danger! He puffed! He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now? 4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down? He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him? No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it! Fuck you bitch!!!!!! Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.
Hell yeah brother. You are quittin like a BOSS. Thats what we do here. Very proud of you man.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14

Offline worktowin

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #28 on: July 12, 2013, 10:58:00 PM »
So.... Here I am on day 201. I've fought the fight. I've quit. Through the fog! I've lost 60 lbs and changed all my bad ways! Life is good!!! Came clean to wife and she is proud! Craves, what are you talking about?

Around 4pm some colleagues that I used to work with invited me out for drinks. I went and all was going great. Then one of them pulled out an e cigarette. Told me that it was dr pepper flavored. Yummy! Sooo safe! Sooo cheap!!! No danger! He puffed! He looked so happy. Offered it to me.

5 seconds of hell followed. Tomorrow the first guy I reached out to, flguy42, reaches hof. I have posted my word, 99 days in a row, with him.

Kc guy lives 3 miles from me. He went through hell losing his job 4 weeks ago. I challenged him hard that night, and he kept his word. I gave mine this morning. How could I break it now? 4 weeks ago tonight we were frantically typing to one another while he was fighting the bitch.

One of my mentors, waketech, had almost the exact same experience. How could I let him down? He is a bad ass cop. I work for a booze company. For Christi's sake.... If he can do this, I can.

Today I reached out to a new quitter, gonehuntin. I could I do this to him? No way. He gave me his word. I gave him mine. No way.

I woke up quit. Ill go to sleep quit. Keep your guard up. Keep posting. I haven't had a crave for many many days. Today was a big win. Jake. Erussell. Jayhawk. Gamecock. Scott. Toolshed. Jhawth. Davemo. Derk. Ob. Nick. Guido. Iufan. Kjstout. Itsgottohappen. Sportsfan. And so many others. I gave every one of you and everyone else on this site my word today first thing, and goddamn it I kept it! Fuck you bitch!!!!!! Ill tske my brothers and sisters on this site over you any day!

Thank to all of you.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2013, 11:47:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: jake
200 Days!  Great Job Bro!  I am proud to quit with you today and each day forward!
Thanks Jake; you and a lot of others got me here. Lately there have been some people on this site trying to discourage posting roll. Those yahoos are not celebrating 200 days today. This system is the real deal.

You know how good you feel about your quit, well... It really does get even better. I can't proclaim to have been in a cult or have a grandfather that started a bus company, but I've done pretty well for myself in like. And success at this quit is one of my greatest accomplishments.

Thanks for all of your support.

Offline KC_Guy

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Re: Day 16
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2013, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: jake
200 Days! Great Job Bro! I am proud to quit with you today and each day forward!
Worktowin is a QUIT MACHINE. Locked and loaded every damn day. Congrats bro.
Quit Date 05/20/2013

HOF 08/27/13
2nd Floor 12/5/13
3rd Floor 3/15/14
4th Floor 6/23/14
5th Floor 10/1/14