I was tossing my vehicle last night, looking for something...found a full can, based on weight, already open. I thought about opening it and taking just a whiff, but also had the thought that I was way too new at being quit to risk opening it for only a whiff. Perhaps no amount of time would prepare an addict to ever smell the poison again...
Without further hesitation I held it out the window and, with out looking at it, took the lid off and poured it on the road.
Without KTC I probably would have found it and thought, hmmmmm one couldn't hurt. And you know the rest of that story......
Good job. I normally don't condone littering. But in this case it's necessary.
Nicely done.
Good job brother, doesn't matter how new you are a whiff could be the difference between life and death for just about any of us. Keep kicking ass, QLF with you!
If it wasn't for my quit brothers, from you recent replies, all the way back to Chewie, I am sure that fucking tin would have ended up in my mouth.
I am not the most verbose person... I Am basically the guy in the back of the room watching everything, saying little. I am absorbing everything everyone says. I am 200% on board with the koolaid here. I may not be ingrained with every intro thread, except BigNastys, but I am reading it all.
This site works wonders. KTC is the lynch-pin, the holy grail, the Rosetta Stone to Quit. It's not something you can buy in a prescription, it's not something your doctor can advise you to do, you can't read how to do it. You have to do it to understand it. The way to quit is so fucking simple, one day at a time, brotherhood and accountability. Knowing that so many thousands went thru this before me makes it possible for me push thru it, ODAAT.
Every night I spend about two hours reading on the forums.. your stories, your trials, your temptations, your caves, your craves, it all gives my the resolve to stand fast against the nic bitch.
Quitters quit, many disappear after HOF, but some stay to help guide the n00bs through the quit. It is you who have already been quit for some time, and stay around and hold us accountable, who relate to us, who push us away from the bitch.. That I give my thanks and appreciation too.
Quit on brothers!!!