Looking forward to succeeding this time...not feeling all that confident in me, though.
Looking forward to something your not feeling confident you can do? You either want to quit or you don't. And because you stumbled across this website, it's most likely you want to quit the can. Everybody in here is quitting the can, and we're doing it one day at a time.
Wake up in the morning, post roll (a promise to you and everybody in here) you can and will quit, and when it gets rough (cause it will) come back to this site and read up, chat, vent, do whatever you got to do to make it through the day. Then repeat the next day. Quitting is that simple. Do you own your body, or does Nicotine own you? Hope to see you in the AM 30yr! You can do this!
Larry is right. Either Quit or don't.
No confidence in Quitting? Are you confident that you will die a fucking horrible death if you don't? I am.
Man up, get it done.
Is it gonna suck? yup
Is it gonna be hard? yup
Biggest challenge of your life? yup
Will you have support? yup
Will it save your life? YUP
You can do this!!!! How do I know? Because this site is packed with thousands of people just like you that are doing it.
Read up, learn, post roll every day, get it done!!! We are here to help you.
If I can be of any assistance feel free to PM me.