For whatever reason I feel the need to get this off my chest. Don't know why. I don't mean to be a downer or discourage anyone, just look at it as me journaling.
So I've made it to day 33, and, for the most part it has been easy. Too easy...actually scares me. Why? I know what happens when I get to the "seventh inning stretch" on my quit. You see I caved two times before. Once fifteen or so years ago, that quit lasted a few months, after that went to cigars, and eventually back to chew. Another time I was using a fake product called Rizla (sp?). The company stopped making it and I was too chickenshit to stay quit without it.
You see I know me. I know I'm an addict. I expect to fight this all the days of my life. I know that the minute I loose sight of that, my quit will be in jeopardy. My quit can NEVER go on autopilot. Knowing this makes it difficult to celebrate any milestones....I think the HOF day is just going to be another day to me, another day to stay quit. ditto for floor 2, 3, one year, comma, etc. When I look at some of the old HOF groups where no one is posting roll any more I think -that can never be for me. I'm an addict, always will be. I'll always need people to hold me accountable. I thank all of you for that
But you all will have to forgive me when I don't get giddy when I hit 100, 365, 1,000 or 10,000 cause i'll just be another addict quittin one day at a time.