Hello Everyone!
Buddy of mine suggested this site to me. He has been quit for quite a while and I had quit (not with KTC) October 13th, last year. I woke one morning and said "F*** this Sh*T" and stopped. Had been pretty much fine until about a month ago and thought a single dip would be no big deal. Bought a can of Copenhagen LC last week and realized I was screwing the pooch.
Long story short. Boy Scouts tried (and LOVED) Hawkins at about 13 years old. I am 48 years old now and have chewed it all; canned, pouch, twist, plug plus smoked too. I come from a long list of tobacco-holics. 2011, I buried by 67 year old father from lung cancer. I hate this addictive shit.
My longest quits have been cold turkey and that is the path I am on no. Buddy of mine and fellow KTC guy calls be daily to see how I am doing. Much hope this helps be keep the quit.