2019.03.12 – 204 Days
I have a nice life, with generally very little to justifiably complain about. I have a loving wife, a healthy son, a good house, and a decent job. Problem is, I have been in my head a lot since quitting, and it is proving over and over to not be a great place to hang out. I might get crucified for this post, but I am tired of these thoughts rinsing and repeating through my mind. I read others’ introductions and journal posts, many of which describe how awesome someone feels XXX days quit, but I have yet to share that sentiment.
Prior to quitting tobacco use, I struggled periodically with tonsil stones. In the 13 years I used smokeless tobacco, the tonsil stones likely began around year 10-11. I had always assumed that the tonsil stones were linked to my tobacco use. I have done a fair amount of research since quitting, and none of my findings to date draw that correlation. Today is 204 days clean. Since quitting, I have had a halfway sore throat behind my left tonsil, and it is still present daily. According to the ENT, this is the result of a post nasal drip. He prescribed a nasal spray that helps somewhat, but again, it has been 6+ months sans dip and it is still present. Since quitting, I have had spurts of acid reflux, which leave a lasting globus feeling just above my epiglottis. The globus feeling is still there at approximately a weekly recurrence. Since quitting, the tonsil stones have steadily returned every 4 weeks.
At times, I am also still having difficulty staying awake – like while driving to or from work, or afternoons at work. Just today, I nodded off behind the wheel on a rainy interstate highway, and then opened my eyes to find myself one lane over – which happened to be the exit lane… the wrong exit, that I took anyway because it was too late to get back over. I am very, very fortune to not have hurt someone. Today I drank a Kickstart (4 hours prior), a cup of coffee (3 hours prior), and a Mountain Dew (concurrent). Even after removing nicotine from the equation, my sensitivity to caffeine is low. The more coffee and hot tea I drink, the worse my throat feels too.
I think about caving every day. Some days a minimum of at least once every hour, other days maybe once every 3-4 hours. Outside of KTC, my quit has been like solitary confinement. Ninja dipping has led me to ninja quitting. My old mentor and my brother, both of which dip, have been reluctant to even talk about it with me even though I never pressured them to quit too. Support from my wife has been very sparse, and lessening as time passes. I have tried to explain the daily mindfuck to her. She responds with an apology for not being very active with me in my quit. Then a week passes, she sees me get a text or a call from Superman MikeW, and she sheepishly asks me how the last week went. On the evening of 199 I told her what the following day was for me. Her reply was “that’s good” and then 200 passed quietly.
I have been nicotine free for 204 days. I have not missed roll once since joining the November 2018 Nut House on day 40. The effort is there. I realize life could be much, much worse and that I don't have a leg to stand on when it comes to complaining like this. I just don’t feel like it’s getting better, physically or mentally. Is this just the life of a quitting?
Any advice, insight, or criticism is welcome.