I have heard it all and I have said it all. But sometimes life gives you lemons, you can make lemonade or squirt them in your eyes. There is stress and relationships, there are children and ex's. No one one person is perfect, though we all may think we are. I mift, I messed, I broke in a time of need. This happens though you may not think it does. It is hard but you get back up. There are excuses and there are no excuse, exceptions, but no exceptions. No one person but our self puts us where we are, we put us were we are. There are no sorrys or they are all used up. There are always people to fall on whether we do or we don't is up to us as individuals. No one can make you, you will make yourself.
I have bagered and been bagered. I've broken and bruised and been broken and bruised. All we can do is try and try we do.
'And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one'
'And don't let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one'
Words some of us may live by, but the evil one comes in many forms.