No, you didn't understand me. In my country time is diffrent. For example here is 9.45 am and I just woke up. That's why I wrote yesterday that I want to quit today - 8 april 2014. So now I'm going to start my day one.
Did you quit yet?
Nice job posting roll. You will never regret quitting.
How about sharing some things about your great country with us non-polanders? Pretty much all that I know about Poland is that the place makes great vodka and hot lookin women. Sounds like a good place to live if you ask me!
You have posted your word to yourself and all if us that today you will not use nicotine. You can do anything for a day... You can do this. Stay on this site as much as you can, especially chat if possible. But remember, this is a one day at a time fight. And today you have given your word.
Today's gonna be bumpy my friend. Remember today always. As you will never have to relive this again.