BLT4, Don't give up. It is admirable that you went right back to roll. I haven't been around long and don't know what to tell you about how others on here will react to it.
My best guess is that they will want to know why (so they can offer advice and help) to keep you from repeating another cave-in. And, once they have done that and have seen you take responsibility, then post roll and stick to your word that you won't use nicotine at all.
We are all in this together, and it is hard on all of us. Some have underlying anxiety, mental, and/or other substance abuse problems, and if they can stick it out, any of us can. It's hard on all of us. After 8 days it is much better than days 1-3, no doubt about it!
I'm sending you my contact information. Feel free to text me.