Day 39, bitches!
Still dealing with some minor craves, especially after dinner and before bed. But, they seem to pass quicker than before. My mouth had a disturbance earlier this week, but I think I figured out that it was the cinnamon gum that I was chewing. I picked it up over the weekend because I wanted change and by Monday afternoon my tongue hurt so much! I couldn't eat and was barely able to talk. Anyway, I stopped and almost back to normal now. An ongoing thing has been that food tastes different. Not better and maybe a bit worse..
Also wanted to document my weight, because I was REALLY concerned about the quitting gain. I've been up and down a bit, but as of right now am 4 lbs over what I weighed when I quit. The timing worked out great. because the month of October was challenge month at the yoga studio I go to. 30 classes in 30 days. Well, I did thirty classes in the first 22 days! So on top of being active, I started taking Herbalife supplements and shakes. I am pretty busy, and love the idea of protein meal replacements. It's been working for me over the past week, at least I don't feel like I want to shove food in my face all the time. And I feel great with tons of energy! All without caffeine.
Thanking my group December RANT for the great support, as well as the Mayhem group for making me an honorary member. Not sure what I bring to the table there, but the smell of quit is so strong in there I can taste it. They help me along every damn day.
Also appreciate your comments on here, your PM's and texts. This truly is an amazing community. Proud to be here and quit with you!