Damn this fucking addiction! I can't figure this shit out. First off I am hungry as hell so I am eating like a mother fucker. Then once I am done eating I want to dip more than ever. Mother fucker fucking shit, this is fucking pissing me off more than anything.
yeah it fucking sucks. Don't you love it? I'll make you a promise. Just post roll and quit for 24 hours at a time. Drink a glass of water before you eat and after you eat something.
I am not very many days ahead of you. Today is my 33rd day. It sucked for a month. Guess what. I absolutely love being quit. I gained 12 pounds in that 30 days. If I gained it that fast, fuck I can and will lose it just as fast. But I have been quit and my mind is working nic free!
What I am saying is you are in hell. Just fucking stick to quit. You will love it in the future. For now, love the hate. You will be stronger and committed to this.
I have had three days in a row where the nic bitch has no power, no influence.
It makes me sick to think about the whore and deception of tobacco.
You are an addict for life. Control your addiction only for today. Worry about tomorrow when it comes. Addicted minds can only worry about the day at hand.
Stay strong. I love the fucking pain and hell you are experiencing. Reminds me never, ever, to cave. You can get through it because I and others have. I also did this alcohol free. I'm not bragging, just recommending.
Look in the mirror when you are weak and repeat after me...."No nic, you prick!"
You're in hell....Keep going don't stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're not alone. We get it, we can relate. Rant and bitch here. Go out of your way to be nice to everyone you live with. Bitch us out and complain here. We can take it and give it back.
Don't be a bitch. Become an SM guy and enjoy the pain....it won't last if you stay quit. Keep your word just stay quit today. Post roll tomorrow if it comes.
I am so pumped right now. If I was at your house I would be waterbaording you!
You have a whole site that is cheering you on but it really is your fight and your victory. Have honor and win this.....