Author Topic: Quit Journal  (Read 11911 times)

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Offline chitownsnus

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2012, 12:01:00 PM »
Thanks everyone! I think like mentioned I just need to take it one day at a time. Today has been good so far. I went for a run this morning and have upped my water intake. Day 4 is off to a good start!

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2012, 09:45:00 AM »
Quote from: chitownsnus
Thanks everyone. I think the real struggle is going to be longterm. I have quit numerous times in the past for 60-90 days at a time always to return. I want this time to be different and that is why I have come here for support. I am starting to get my bearings here and hope that I can use the information provided to make that little difference that I need.
Chi- It is indeed a long term struggle. We are all nicotine addicts. But we can be free by quitting one day at a time. Re-assess your efforts in the past, I'd suggest you merely were stopping tobacco for a while, not building a serious quit. It is up to you. It is not easy, it takes cajones, but the freedom from the can is defnitely worth it. This site and its members will help you, but you have to own your quit.
Glad to be quit with you!
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline Wt57

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2012, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: chitownsnus
Thanks everyone. I think the real struggle is going to be longterm. I have quit numerous times in the past for 60-90 days at a time always to return. I want this time to be different and that is why I have come here for support. I am starting to get my bearings here and hope that I can use the information provided to make that little difference that I need.
Don't think more than one day at a time you can do that, hell I have stayed away from the shit for 2-3 years in the past but I was still a frickn addict I was also a pussy little boy for 54 yrs and now I've become a man for 15 days. I decided to be a man again today it feels good to own control of my life. Be a man face life one day at a time with the rest of us and post roll daily!!!!!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline chitownsnus

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2012, 07:28:00 AM »
Thanks everyone. I think the real struggle is going to be longterm. I have quit numerous times in the past for 60-90 days at a time always to return. I want this time to be different and that is why I have come here for support. I am starting to get my bearings here and hope that I can use the information provided to make that little difference that I need.

Offline wbw

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2012, 11:57:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: chitownsnus
Yes, I know it is going to be hard. My craving is now over, so I feel strong, but for that second I wasn't so sure. I had already planned on driving to the smoke shop and picking up my fresh can of general. That new can smell and the rush of that dip is something that is just heavenly.

That's what sucks about tobacco. It can control my life or I can control it. Right now I am in control and I hope to stay that way.
I know what you can do.

Go here and promise yourself that you won't use nicotine at all today. By doing that, it alerts us that we need to look out for you. There's a few guys that are going through the exact same hell you are right now. You'll find kindred spirits that know how fucking difficult this is.

You can do it. Take it one day at a time. If that doesn't work, take it one minute at a time.
He is right on. Post roll. I promise you I will not use. You promise me. Together we can win...1 day at a time friend.
Best advice i can give you, besides telling you to read everything here and post, is to stop and think. take a moment to really think about what dip/snus/whatever nicotine vehicle has done for you. there is no answer other than nothing of value. The other way to look at it is that the all you have to do is NOT dip. You don't have to actually do or create anything. All you have to do is not use nicotine for the next 24 hrs. A fucking monkey can do that. be the monkey....
Quit Date - March 1, 2012

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2012, 08:08:00 PM »
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: chitownsnus
Yes, I know it is going to be hard. My craving is now over, so I feel strong, but for that second I wasn't so sure. I had already planned on driving to the smoke shop and picking up my fresh can of general. That new can smell and the rush of that dip is something that is just heavenly.

That's what sucks about tobacco. It can control my life or I can control it. Right now I am in control and I hope to stay that way.
I know what you can do.

Go here and promise yourself that you won't use nicotine at all today. By doing that, it alerts us that we need to look out for you. There's a few guys that are going through the exact same hell you are right now. You'll find kindred spirits that know how fucking difficult this is.

You can do it. Take it one day at a time. If that doesn't work, take it one minute at a time.
He is right on. Post roll. I promise you I will not use. You promise me. Together we can win...1 day at a time friend.

Offline cbird65

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2012, 04:02:00 PM »
Quote from: chitownsnus
Well the first day wasn't so bad. The second day was pretty tough, but today is really tough for some reason.

I have been drinking water. I worked out this morning. I have been on the mint snuff as well. Just not sure how to keep from running out to the store and buying me some snus. I guess if I really want to quit then I won't.

Any words of encouragement are appreciated!

The first part of the quit sucks!! here are some things that might help

upper right hand corner- you should use the same user name but will need a different password -

read the Hall of Fame Speeches and Words of Wisdom -

if you haven't posted role -

Where to post roll call: PRE JULY HOF 2012

How to post roll
Believe Me

FLOOR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ,11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19,, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29,,, 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
 ,,,,41 42 43 44 45 46 47


Offline wastepanel

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2012, 04:00:00 PM »
Quote from: chitownsnus
Yes, I know it is going to be hard. My craving is now over, so I feel strong, but for that second I wasn't so sure. I had already planned on driving to the smoke shop and picking up my fresh can of general. That new can smell and the rush of that dip is something that is just heavenly.

That's what sucks about tobacco. It can control my life or I can control it. Right now I am in control and I hope to stay that way.
I know what you can do.

Go here and promise yourself that you won't use nicotine at all today. By doing that, it alerts us that we need to look out for you. There's a few guys that are going through the exact same hell you are right now. You'll find kindred spirits that know how fucking difficult this is.

You can do it. Take it one day at a time. If that doesn't work, take it one minute at a time.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

Offline chitownsnus

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2012, 03:52:00 PM »
Yes, I know it is going to be hard. My craving is now over, so I feel strong, but for that second I wasn't so sure. I had already planned on driving to the smoke shop and picking up my fresh can of general. That new can smell and the rush of that dip is something that is just heavenly.

That's what sucks about tobacco. It can control my life or I can control it. Right now I am in control and I hope to stay that way.

Offline rangy96

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2012, 03:41:00 PM »
Stay strong man. Its gonna be tough. But worth it.

Offline chitownsnus

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Quit Journal
« on: April 14, 2012, 03:33:00 PM »
Well the first day wasn't so bad. The second day was pretty tough, but today is really tough for some reason.

I have been drinking water. I worked out this morning. I have been on the mint snuff as well. Just not sure how to keep from running out to the store and buying me some snus. I guess if I really want to quit then I won't.

Any words of encouragement are appreciated!
