Welcome aboard Adam! Congrats on an outstanding decision. Feel free to PM/email me with questions.
I am on Day 20 of quit myself so I can only relay what I have learned so far.
Post roll every day...I'm reiterating what others have stated here, but make sure you do it every day.
Post questions in chat, your HOF class board etc. about what you are facing/experiencing etc. Read all that you can from the boards. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience here on kicking the nic addiction.
As for your work/commute considerations I can only offer the following since I went through something fairly similar. Have enough gum, seeds, fake chew on hand to utilize during your normal work day and commute. I went through so much fake chew and gum the first 3 days it wasn't even funny...well should have purchased some stock actually. Anyway, I used gum and a ton of the fake stuff to completely replace my dip times. In plain English = since I used to have a dip in when I was working or driving -- after my quit I just replaced the tobacco dip with a fake/alt dip OR gum. For me my mental goal was to (1) get through that day and (2) get to the 72 hour mark = point at which your body is CHEMICALLY free of nicotine....note its not out of your brain housing group
Another thing I did in the evenings or at night was hop on the Live Chat and BS with the crazies in there. Great people. They will square you away and chat your ear off until late about quit ideas, what to expect or at least what they experienced at days X, Y,Z; debate various and sundry things like porn, the national debt, steak vs. salad, astro turf vs. natural grass, southern living, porn, programming, the rules attached to sales and customer service, inappropriate ribbing and a whole lot more. Point is its a great place to engage your mind instead of a crave; make some solid points of contact for covering your six as you progress from day to day; and you start to forge some friendships which is frankly pretty kick ass.
I'm getting long here, but again congrats on the decision. PM me with questions if you have them. See you in roll and on chat. Take er easy and have a good weekend.