Author Topic: Quitting after the 24th  (Read 5470 times)

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2014, 10:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,

"Ahem...I'd like to begin the press conference by thanking everyone in wasting their time reading this. We will keep this brief, and there will be no questions following.

I was above the 'system'. I had a much better plan. I thought I had this under control, so, even though I had been quit a mere couple of weeks, I decided to forego posting roll because that is for you pussies that are too weak to quit being addicts.

Ignoring the advice to post roll; ignoring the phone numbers that I had; and ignoring the advice to lay off the booze in the early quit, I got plastered and said screw all of you, my brothers in my group, my loved ones and myself by caving. I only did it once, so back off.

I will not do the manly thing, admit my failure, answer the questions and face the consequences by starting over. I'm too good for that. Instead, I have joined a circle jerk at work that will coddle me, tell me everything is ok and not give a crap if I dip or don't dip.

Thank you all for being a bunch of idiotic shmucks that believed in me and cared more about me than I did.

Go 'Finger' yourselves friends,

---- About fixes that.
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

Offline Etxaggie

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2014, 12:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,

You can do both you know. You never bought into this program to start with did ya?
I questioned making nicotine the first thing on my mind when I woke up in the morning, yes. These last 4 days clean; since falling off, have put me in so much a better mind set without doing it.

Extaggie Why does not posting here preclude me being serious? Are the millions who quit without this site not serious?

GDubya I am sure it does for many.

bigton Yes, you guys did check on me....that wasn't the problem. I did have a watchful eye here-and that's what I need; however, I don't wish to be consumed with the idea of the addiction, anymore than I was consumed by the addiction itself. In sight-out of mind. Ironically, you mock something that is fundamentally the same as what you're doing here. Furthermore, I now have to face accountability in person.
Thomas-'re not serious about your quit because you stuffed your face with nicotine! YOU choose to do that. No one put that in your mouth for you. So now you have decided to join a quit circle at work  step away from KTC. Why??? If I were serious about quitting, I would root myself with as many quit brothers  sisters as I could. Work, online, family, church, etc...

When someone pulls back, that screams of addiction speak. Trust me, stick around  u will be able to spot it also.

Quit 12/31/2013

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2014, 06:08:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
The Law of Addiction States, “The administration of a drug to a drug addict will reestablish dependence on that drug.” We did not write the law. We do not execute the law. We simply know the law. This means, by using nicotine once, the user either reverts to full-fledged use or must go through the full withdrawal process associated with quitting. Most do not opt for the withdrawal. Withdrawal sux.
I think we also need to add into this when we reference it.

We did not write this law, We do not execute it, and We are not ABOVE it.

as it is definitely one that I have seen if we break, it goes back to before the beginning.

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2014, 05:59:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Here, at KTC, the quit plan is not tweaked for unique and special butterflies. We butterflies conform to the plan. Why? Because our addiction will not conform. Our addiction is unyielding.
And there you have it...

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2014, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,
I am a Thomas like you. But I am not another "doubting" Thomas.

You doubt you will quit for good.
You doubt this program will teach you what you need to know.
You doubt that a brotherhood of people can hold you accountable.
You even doubt you are an addict.

Your doubts create excuses and addicted minds like excuses, because then they can live with being a coward and failing; because it's not their fault.

I once doubted but had enough hope to trust a group of people to face my fear of breaking up with my mistress, Nicotine for good. 842 days I have quit.

One day, your doubts will make you sick. You will look at that can and realize what a scam she is. Your eyes will open and you will realize that you hate that can of lies. You hate how it rules your life. You hate how you almost worship it. That day you will not doubt your are an addict. You will have an epiphany an admit you are an addict and need help to quit. Then you won't doubt.

Am I wrong? If I am, recruit your work team to get in here and join the fight. If you are accountable to each other, sign your names on a roll and join the brother hood. You can have both. So arm yourself with humility, courage and hope. Then you can join the war and we will battle with you.

Never think you can bullshit addicts. We know addicted bullshit speeches.

You doubt and you and your circle jerk quitting coworkers are going to fail. I'd put a 100 bucks on it that all of you won't make it 100 days. One if not all will surrender to nicotine before 100 days. When the 1st one falls, post with us. If you all make it. PM me and I will send you 100.00.

Do you accept? Your group makes it 100 days, I mail you 100 dollars. One fails and you post roll with us and learn how to quit for good.

Why do I do this. First I know I won't need to send you 100.00 but if I did, I would be okay with that because I may have assisted in preventing UStobacco from killing another Thomas. Not one red penny will I give to UST ever again but I will put cash into getting other people to quit funding that terrorist organization! I would proudly lose this bet but I wont. You're an addict along with your co-workers. They don't have the tools needed to quit.

Blah, blah, blah. More addict talk. Blah, blah, blah. By the way, I have fine tuned a better quit planÂ…blah, blah, blah.

Q: Why are KTC quitters so damn inflexible?
A: Addiction is inflexible.

The Law of Addiction States, “The administration of a drug to a drug addict will reestablish dependence on that drug.” We did not write the law. We do not execute the law. We simply know the law. This means, by using nicotine once, the user either reverts to full-fledged use or must go through the full withdrawal process associated with quitting. Most do not opt for the withdrawal. Withdrawal sux.

I know, this inflexibility is incongruent with our American culture ~ “I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream just whipped cream but only if it's real; if it's out of the can then nothing.”
“Not even the pie”?
“No, I want the pie, just not heated”.

Here, at KTC, the quit plan is not tweaked for unique and special butterflies. We butterflies conform to the plan. Why? Because our addiction will not conform. Our addiction is unyielding.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2014, 12:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,
I am a Thomas like you. But I am not another "doubting" Thomas.

You doubt you will quit for good.
You doubt this program will teach you what you need to know.
You doubt that a brotherhood of people can hold you accountable.
You even doubt you are an addict.

Your doubts create excuses and addicted minds like excuses, because then they can live with being a coward and failing; because it's not their fault.

I once doubted but had enough hope to trust a group of people to face my fear of breaking up with my mistress, Nicotine for good. 842 days I have quit.

One day, your doubts will make you sick. You will look at that can and realize what a scam she is. Your eyes will open and you will realize that you hate that can of lies. You hate how it rules your life. You hate how you almost worship it. That day you will not doubt your are an addict. You will have an epiphany an admit you are an addict and need help to quit. Then you won't doubt.

Am I wrong? If I am, recruit your work team to get in here and join the fight. If you are accountable to each other, sign your names on a roll and join the brother hood. You can have both. So arm yourself with humility, courage and hope. Then you can join the war and we will battle with you.

Never think you can bullshit addicts. We know addicted bullshit speeches.

You doubt and you and your circle jerk quitting coworkers are going to fail. I'd put a 100 bucks on it that all of you won't make it 100 days. One if not all will surrender to nicotine before 100 days. When the 1st one falls, post with us. If you all make it. PM me and I will send you 100.00.

Do you accept? Your group makes it 100 days, I mail you 100 dollars. One fails and you post roll with us and learn how to quit for good.

Why do I do this. First I know I won't need to send you 100.00 but if I did, I would be okay with that because I may have assisted in preventing UStobacco from killing another Thomas. Not one red penny will I give to UST ever again but I will put cash into getting other people to quit funding that terrorist organization! I would proudly lose this bet but I wont. You're an addict along with your co-workers. They don't have the tools needed to quit.
Quit And Be Free

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2014, 09:38:00 AM »
I hope you get the help you need Thomas. KTC is the only thing that has kept me quit in 17 years, included trying to quit with real live people. In my case, once a real live person caved, we all caved.
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2014, 09:36:00 AM »
I guess I am as confused as everyone else. If you are not going to use the site, then don't use it. Why draw all this attention to yourself by creating this introduction topic? Sounds to me you want back in, but like a lot of cavers you don't want to take the shit for caving. Since you are already getting shit on, why not just jump back in here take your medicine and become a stronger quitter?

Offline Paul1231

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2014, 09:05:00 AM »
What the fuck is this bullshit? I knew his soft ass caved but a fucking farewell announcement? No one will beg...if you ever get serious and stop lying to yourself get in here as a retread.

Fucking softer than baby shit

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2014, 08:53:00 AM »
As others have pointed out....

This is weak fucking sauce.

I WANT to be reminded. Every day. I'm coming up on 3,000 days and I'm STILL just $5 and a bad fucking decision away from a can/day habit for the rest of my life. I often hear "But Chewie, the only time I think about dip is when I'm on the site".


The moment you forget, the moment you think you've got this, is the moment you're fucked.

Hope you'll reconsider.
"Every man dies... not every man really lives." - William Wallace

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Episode III: The Final Quit | 406 Northlane |

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2014, 06:11:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,
This sounds real close to an early quitter I knew a while back. Never could get it together and was "relieved" when he stopped posting roll. I'm sure he was, because the pressure was gone to commit to stop killing yourself... I feel certain he is still cramming it in... Maybe not at a work dip circle, but "happy" to still be dipping.... Sad to lose a brother like that.... All that said you are always welcome here and remember there is always a lot of drama associated with quitting tobacco.
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
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4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
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6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2014, 04:09:00 AM »
Please lose my number it's reserved for people that are serious about quitting. Pm your adress and I'll send that nickel. I would have had a better chance at winning the lotto.
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2014, 04:02:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Quote from: UH60Chief107
Quote from: Thomas79
Quote from: wastepanel
Quote from: Thomas79
Greetings all;

I have missed roll for the past few days. Truth is, I did something stupid last Saturday(drank), which led me to fall off the wagon once.....promptly leading my to vomit everywhere too; a well deserved result.

Though I have once again been clean since that night, I have been contemplating whether or not I was going to come back here. I have decided to move away from posting roll. Instead, I have joined a quit circle at my work. The accountability is still in my face all the time, and to be honest with you, the mental aspect has improved drastically. Instead of being reminded of an addiction I want to leave behind me first thing in the morning, I have a watchful eye while I try and get back to normal.

I thank all of you for the support, and I apologize for taking so long to post this.

Stay strong friends,

You can do both you know. You never bought into this program to start with did ya?
I questioned making nicotine the first thing on my mind when I woke up in the morning, yes. These last 4 days clean; since falling off, have put me in so much a better mind set without doing it.

Extaggie Why does not posting here preclude me being serious? Are the millions who quit without this site not serious?

GDubya I am sure it does for many.

bigton Yes, you guys did check on me....that wasn't the problem. I did have a watchful eye here-and that's what I need; however, I don't wish to be consumed with the idea of the addiction, anymore than I was consumed by the addiction itself. In sight-out of mind. Ironically, you mock something that is fundamentally the same as what you're doing here. Furthermore, I now have to face accountability in person.
You say you don't want to be faced with the addiction every morning or "consumed with the idea of the addiction"...... Tucking the thought of being addicted in the back of your mind without facing it head on is in fact the way an addict would handle it. What happens when you do think about it and you aren't prepared? The purpose of this site is not to think on the addiction first thing and torture ourselves because we cannot use. You use this site as a tool to take the option to use nictoine off the table so you don't have to think about it the rest of the day. You got it all wrong. You just slapped all your Sultan brother's in the face and shit in our house.....What you need before accountability is to realize you are an addict that has an addiction. You must think about that every day. The moment you forget you are an addict is the moment you start slipping.
Excellent response my that cannot make me do anything but consider these words. It was certainly not my attention to slap anyone in the face here.....

"Tucking the thought of being addicted in the back of your mind without facing it head on is in fact the way an addict would handle it."

Such an impenetrable axiom. I have no choice but to lay prostrate before such destruction of my logic. I concede.......I must retire now, defeated......
This is one of those moments that since we are not face to face, I cannot tell if you are being sincere or sarcastic. I will assume this was a sincere response.

I have always kept a phrase in my mind since I was a young teenager. Pardon the poor grammar but here it is "everything ain't for everybody". While KTC may not be a good fit for some, it is undeniable that it uses a proven method that works. The method used here has helped thousands quit using nicotine. Is that to say the route we use to maintain our quit is the ONLY way to quit? Absolutely not. I get the feeling that you are somehow trying to attribute your "cave" to the methods we use for accountability. I find it hard to believe that a method used by thousands upon thousands to quit would suddenly contribute to a person using nicotine. I believe what you have going on is the addict part of your brain trying to justify why you caved and is putting the blame on the very thing that will help you stay quit.

I hope for your sake that you stay quit. I know that this method works and I will continue to use it. It is a shame that you are letting your brain be controlled by your addiction and cannot see that you are running away from the very thing that can help you.
Sultans-- 'stick' --Nic

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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2014, 03:51:00 AM »
KTC isn't for everybody. It's only for those who really want to quit, which this clown clearly doesn't. I'm sure he'll do much better in his work circle where they can all sit around and coddle each other's balls.
We are what we repeatedly do. ~ Aristotle

Quit or get off the pot, Sally. ~ Diesel2112

The way I see it, you can either post roll daily or fuck off. ~ jost2brown

Bam! Right in the ass! ~ MonsterEMT

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HOF Date: 6/11/14
2nd Floor: 9/19/14
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Re: Farewell Announcemnt
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2014, 03:41:00 AM »
What the fuck is this bullshit? Isn't this like your 3rd intro? Didn't you say you were going to quit after the 24th because you were bi-polar and chew leveled you out or some shit like that?

Is this the same Fucking guy?

Now, all the sudden there's a "quit circle" at your work???? Do you think we are Fucking stupid or something? Where the fuck do you work where there is a dip Fucking quit circle? Who leads this circle? What do they know about quitting? What do you guys do exactly in this quit circle? I'm dieing to know. Obviously you guys don't meet first thing in the morning, but when you do finally meet, does the circle talk about addiction or is that just too much for you to handle? Who talks in the circle, anyone? Or do you all just get nose to nose and telepathically communicate with one another. I mean heaven forbid someone say the "A" word, but at least you have "face to face accountability".

A workplace dip quit circle is going to save you and be better than this site and its near 20,000 members... I've heard it all now.

"I must retire now...defeated". That's about the only truthful thing you've said.

You're weak, Thomas...and dumb. People here are trying to help you, but you're too cowardly to follow the advice.

Good luck in your circle jerk off. I'm sure it's just what the doctor ordered.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
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20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."