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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #57 on: June 13, 2014, 07:25:00 PM »
Steakbomb18 I never said it was the delivery system that was what made it the most addictive, but there are chemicals in cigarettes and dip that intensify the effect of nicotine-fact. I was talking about the harm, but that's besides the point-you're right, its asinine to argue about the harm level.....and completely besides the point. Clearly, I don't have it all figured out, I just know what made me fail last time. I don't plan on "weeing" anything by the way-though I personally know many people who quit for a lifetime by weening.

duathman I was not asking for medical advice from the board. All I wanted to know was if anyone here had bipolar too, and how they dealt with quitting. I was explaining why I was waiting till the 24th. I'm hardly justifying anything, but is nescessary for people like me to do things the right way. The average Joe blow doesn't have to worry about the side effects of removing a drug that has mood controlling effects......I do. If I dump it cold turkey without doing it correctly, I will fail-and I know it.

People have mentioned the mind altering effects and the grip nicotine has one people....that's true, and it's going to be that much more intensified because of underlying problems. This is exactly why I will talk to my doc on the 24th, order what I need to for "fixations" and get my shit in one sock now, not impulsively tossing it, which no doubt does work well for some people.

J2thaZ Point taken, thank you for the reply.

CavMan83 Thank you! Congrats on the quitting. Thank you for the links. I realize I was pretty much wasting my time talking about the harm of the drug vs the tobacco etc.-it's really irrelevent. You're correct about coming to the board with people that have experience; they are the ones that know what they're talking about.
Nicotine............go F*** yourself!

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #56 on: June 13, 2014, 05:37:00 PM »
I count 3 newbies (Cav, J2thaZ, Dagranger) on this thread preaching some quit gospel. This is how you quit. They read, they learn, and they know their addiction. Respect.

There are some asinine statements on this thread, which have absolutely no clinical merit. For example, the notion that a delivery system is more addictive than the drug just plain wrong. The acts of chewing, smoking, spitting, ...these are habits. These are fixations. These are NOT addictions. If you stop the act of spitting, I guarantee you will not have withdrawal symptoms. If you quit nicotine or an other drug, you will have withdrawal symptoms...some have it worse than others.

Regardless of what I say, when I read threads like this...i.e. people who come here thinking they have it all figured out, because they've either successfully stopped for a month, believe that weening works, or whatever quit gets stronger because I realize that I know what I'm doing and they don't. I know how to quit.

I don't need to defend what I say to these people nor do I need to listen to somenone who is not quit defend their perceived quit to me. My respect is reserved for those who quit nicotine. All of it.
Certified Grade A Badass

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #55 on: June 13, 2014, 12:33:00 PM »
Quote from: duathman
Did some mental hospital close and release all its patients? Seems as though we have had our run of the fucked up. Sorry this will not help anybody just frustrating to see morons justify their addictions.

We are not doctors, we are quitters. We can't help with both.
^^^^^ x 2.
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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #54 on: June 13, 2014, 12:26:00 PM »
Did some mental hospital close and release all its patients? Seems as though we have had our run of the fucked up. Sorry this will not help anybody just frustrating to see morons justify their addictions.

We are not doctors, we are quitters. We can't help with both.

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #53 on: June 13, 2014, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Grizzly No medical professional would treat the disorder with nicotine-it's self medicating. That being said, it does provide relief from the symptoms. I am on meds now, that's why it's time to quit.

Dagranger The intent is to determine if I need to change my dosages etc. Of course the doctor is going to tell me to quit-I am not expecting otherwise, and I already knew it.

Thumblewort That's my point exactly.

AppleJack You are completely is "evil", especially because it is enhanced by MAOIs and various chemicals to make it more addictive. I am certainly not defending it, but I dislike the fact people point their finger at nicotine, and not consider that the delivery system is what's killing them.

In some form, I don't doubt it could be used as a pesticide. Overdose is possible, but you can overdose on water. The "drug" is also in many of the foods we eat, and has never been proven to do any more than slightly elevate blood pressure.

Setting all that aside, I completely agree with you, it's something I want to go away-but I also know how I need to do it. I have stopped for extended periods before, and went back, so this time I am going to do it right.
My man, I can't keep reading this intro. The following quote just came out of the tips of your fingers:

"I dislike the fact people point their finger at nicotine"

Uhhh, bro, other than pointing one's fingers inwardly, the only finger we do point on this site is at nicotine. Wanna know why? WE ARE NICOTINE ADDICTS!!!! I don't understand why this is hard to grasp. I understand your point regarding mental health, but this isn't a medical professionals forum. Most of us aren't doctors. We can't treat your bipolar disorder. We can help guys/gals that wanna quit NICOTINE, not analyze the psychosemantics of the truisms associated with NICOTINE.

Today I quit NICOTINE, and because I am an addict, I choose to surround myself with bad ass quitters that like me are quitting NICOTINE. If you wanna talk to a doctor about your mental health stuff, great.

Finally, for you to write that you thought this site was "more about helping people than it is", 'Finger' I am quit today because of my resolve and because of KTC. I am saving my life today because of this site. How's that for helping people? 'Finger' Stop wasting our time bro.
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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #52 on: June 13, 2014, 12:12:00 PM »
AppleJack You are completely is "evil", especially because it is enhanced by MAOIs and various chemicals to make it more addictive. I am certainly not defending it, but I dislike the fact people point their finger at nicotine, and not consider that the delivery system is what's killing them.

The above is a quote from you Thomas....

I'm a new quitter myself...not even having hit three days after damn near 40 years of Copenhagen....believe you need to reconsider your statements in light of the facts: it's not the delivery system, it's the NICOTENE, along with God knows how many other chemicals, in the dip that is the problem. In case you were not aware, nicotine, milliliter per milliliter, is more poisonous than arsenic, than strychnine, or than snake venom. An average dipper uptakes enough nicotine daily to KILL a small rodent (think gerbil/mouse/etc...).

Here's an AWESOME article, posted in Brettlees signature page, that you need to take a read-through...lays out plainly why nicotine messes with your head and why you want more (and don't blame it)...why do you think folks on KTC call her the nic-bitch? Bitch, in my opinion, is too kind of a word for what this chemical does to people.

Finally, when you've decided you're done, and you are ready to listen to dudes that have been down the road you're contemplating...spit it out, post roll with your word that you're going to be nicotine free (no tobacco, no e-cigs, no patches, no gum), and join us. This is a group of committed quitters; they will not cater to anyone who is not willing to gut out the quit, but they have a shit-ton of experience helping those who are willing.

Just my unsolicited opinion after reading your "excuses". Join us, man up, and in 100 days you'll be glad you did.

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #51 on: June 13, 2014, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Thomas79
I am certainly not defending it, but I dislike the fact people point their finger at nicotine, and not consider that the delivery system is what's killing them.

See point #2 in my previous post.

Your addiction is deluding you. See how strong it is? Nicotine is running the show for you... how does it feel to be its puppet?
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #50 on: June 13, 2014, 11:58:00 AM »
Grizzly No medical professional would treat the disorder with nicotine-it's self medicating. That being said, it does provide relief from the symptoms. I am on meds now, that's why it's time to quit.

Dagranger The intent is to determine if I need to change my dosages etc. Of course the doctor is going to tell me to quit-I am not expecting otherwise, and I already knew it.

Thumblewort That's my point exactly.

AppleJack You are completely is "evil", especially because it is enhanced by MAOIs and various chemicals to make it more addictive. I am certainly not defending it, but I dislike the fact people point their finger at nicotine, and not consider that the delivery system is what's killing them.

In some form, I don't doubt it could be used as a pesticide. Overdose is possible, but you can overdose on water. The "drug" is also in many of the foods we eat, and has never been proven to do any more than slightly elevate blood pressure.

Setting all that aside, I completely agree with you, it's something I want to go away-but I also know how I need to do it. I have stopped for extended periods before, and went back, so this time I am going to do it right.
Nicotine............go F*** yourself!

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #49 on: June 13, 2014, 09:00:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Quote from: Knockout
"Nicotine isn't that terrible actually" -Thomas79

Yes, what I meant was health wise-and JUST the nicotine itself. I never meant it wasn't a bad addiction to have. Caffeine is not terribly bad health wise either, but the addiction really sucked, that's why I gave it up.

If I thought it was all fine and dandy, I would not be here gathering resources to quit. My purpose was to learn from people who have mental illness, that are giving up the beneficial effects of nicotine, and how to deal with that. This is also why I want to talk to the doc before I do anything, to prevent what happened to me last time I stopped.

Do some research...

* Nicotine used to be one of our most effective pesticides. They banned it because it was too harmful to wildlife.
* A refill vial for the new e-cigs (typically 5-10ml) is enough to kill a child. Kill... dead... cease to be.
The list goes on.

"It isn't that terrible..."!?

It's EVIL.
Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it? It’s not ten.

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #48 on: June 13, 2014, 08:53:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Hello all,

My name is Thomas, and I plan on quitting after my doctors appointment on June 24. I am glad I found this site, because I didn't know about all the herbal chews on the market to help with the behavioral addiction. I will keep you posted......thank you all.

I for one will not be able to sleep until Thomas makes his choice of which "quit smokeless" site he joins on the 24th. I hope you pick us, because my momma says I'm the 3rd best looking quitter and the 2nd best kisser.
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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #47 on: June 13, 2014, 07:57:00 AM »
Quote from: Thomas79
Quote from: Knockout
"Nicotine isn't that terrible actually" -Thomas79

Yes, what I meant was health wise-and JUST the nicotine itself. I never meant it wasn't a bad addiction to have. Caffeine is not terribly bad health wise either, but the addiction really sucked, that's why I gave it up.

If I thought it was all fine and dandy, I would not be here gathering resources to quit. My purpose was to learn from people who have mental illness, that are giving up the beneficial effects of nicotine, and how to deal with that. This is also why I want to talk to the doc before I do anything, to prevent what happened to me last time I stopped.

I'm not one to pile on guys who are new to the site . But what do you think your doctor will tell you on the 24th...."Errrr yes I think it's a good idea to quit dipping" What else do you expect him to say. Unless your doctor has been addicted to nicotine and then quit, he won't know more about it than us. My wife is a doctor, she doesn't know shit about quitting. Just throw your dip away and start quitting now.

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #46 on: June 13, 2014, 07:52:00 AM »
Addicts need a slap across the face and a bucket of cold water doused on their heads sometimes.

When you realize you are poisoning yourself and that nicotine is doing nothing positive for you, come on back.

I'm pretty sure that there are treatments for bipolar disorder other than tobacco/nicotine. Also, I haven't heard of bipolar disorder being treated with tobacco.

Good luck! We are here to support when you decide to actually quit. Planning doesn't work when it comes to quitting. You just quit.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2014, 03:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Knockout
"Nicotine isn't that terrible actually" -Thomas79

Yes, what I meant was health wise-and JUST the nicotine itself. I never meant it wasn't a bad addiction to have. Caffeine is not terribly bad health wise either, but the addiction really sucked, that's why I gave it up.

If I thought it was all fine and dandy, I would not be here gathering resources to quit. My purpose was to learn from people who have mental illness, that are giving up the beneficial effects of nicotine, and how to deal with that. This is also why I want to talk to the doc before I do anything, to prevent what happened to me last time I stopped.

Nicotine............go F*** yourself!

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #44 on: June 13, 2014, 03:24:00 AM »
"Nicotine isn't that terrible actually" -Thomas79
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

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Re: Quitting after the 24th
« Reply #43 on: June 13, 2014, 02:41:00 AM »
I have to be careful to manage my bipolar symptoms closely. That is the reason that I started in the first place; self medication. If you don't live with it, you can't understand why, so I won't bother to explain it. My intention coming to the page was to get info from people who went through the same problem.

I honestly thought this site was more serious about helping people. I had a brief discussion with Chewie and he seemed like a cool guy, despite a disagreement in viewpoint. All in all, it doesn't matter-I will do it with or without petulant slander.


PS: Knockout; my message was genuine-I really do wish everyone here well.
Nicotine............go F*** yourself!