Its like this Fort ole boy, ( think british accent).
You have been using a stimulant and neuro toxin ( nicotine ) . now your not. Your body is REALLY USED to that and your internal wiring is a mess ( think LA freeway at rush hour) thanks to chewing. Your body isn't back to working normally by a long shot so give it time. Exercise will help jump start your system and kick you out of the funk. But like a fat chick with a crush, the funk will keep coming back.
Good news is this, the funk is a sure sign your body is trying to get back to normal,your healing!! AND the episodes of the funk become further and further apart. This is all normal. You can't poison yourself for years and expect NOT TO feel shitty and depressed after a month or two of being clean. It takes awhile to heal. Hell, I've had zits that took longer than your 38 days to clear up. Just chill lil buddy its all good, just stay quit today.
p.s. you don't have to go to the gym, just take a walk around the block or couch if your really out of shape, and lay off the pringles there porky.