My daily suicide came first in the form of a present from my brother. Christmas time time 2011, my brother gave me a little present that looked like a big tootsie roll. He said it was something he got on his travels through the southern Alabama (he was in sales at the time) and thought it was a funny stereotype gift from area. He said if you open it you have to try it. I said ok whatever sure.
I opened it up, and I didn't understand what it was. Dry snuff in a little cylindrical can. He said take a pinch and snort it up your nose. I did, and that's the last time my life was ever the same.
At first it was kind of a novelty, you snort it, your eyes water, you cough, you laugh at everyone trying a pinch. Then I noticed the buzz was like a caffeine punch to the face and my alertness level rose. I started taking a pinch before big meetings. Huh weird, this stuff actually kinda helps....
I didn't realize I had an addictive personality up to that point. I started justifying my habit by pressuring the buddies next to me, "just take a pinch this stuff is awesome." Looking back I'm happily shocked I never transitioned to cocaine, I would probably be dead.
After a solid 9 months of snorting that crap, I realized my habit had gotten bad. I was now hiding the fact I was snorting maybe 30-40 pinches a day, to the point I couldn't breathe out of my nose most of the time. I went on a trip with a buddy to have a no reason drunkfest in in the northwest, but crap, I forgot my dry snuff! So he handed me his dip can. I said "no way that stuff makes me sick." Little did I know, I had already built up the nicotine tolerance of polar bear.
I thought dip would be a good way for me to wean myself off dry snuff. 1 can a week or so...then 2 a week...then 1 every other day... then 1 or 2 cans a day. You guys know the drill.
It was all fun and games ninja dipping while I was single, then when I was also just dating my future wife.
We got engaged, and I said to myself, "I'm going to quit this when we get married." Well, that idea came and went. "I'm just going to dip on the weekends on my way to home depot." Ok, well maybe just on the way to work..and back." "Ok, maybe just a little bit at work too, I'm bored at my desk, it helps me work faster."
Over a year has gone by since I said I was going to stop. Stopping is not quitting, Kdip mentioned this in the chatroom yesterday. I'm sick of lying to my wife, I'm tired of being a slave to this horrible addiction. I'm tired of feeling like a piece of shit that can't even keep a promise to myself to improve my life. I'm tired of worrying that I'll get cancer and die, but not being able to put down a tin... and for what??
Can't get a cheap rate on life insurance right now, so I don't even have it. Is that how I want to leave my wife if I get in a car accident on the way home today. What a shitty selfish way to live.
It's Day 2 and I quit dying slowly over time yesterday. I am embracing the suck right now. And boy does it suck so good. Hat tip to Kdip who mentioned green tea on the way to work, then dip the leaves to get the oral fix. That saved me this morning. Can't thank you enough for that solid tip.