Author Topic: Day 3  (Read 5243 times)

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2011, 11:14:00 AM »
Quote from: noonelikesaquitter
Quote from: J.crow37
all my friends that still dip just say "youll never be able to do it"
Fuck them. Not in the literal sense, but in the "I'm stronger than your pussy ass" sense.

There are a lot of long time, long term dippers here. I dipped for the better part of 29 years. Today I'm looking at one year quit. If I can do it, you can do it.

I'd be telling your 'friends' THEY are the ones that can't do it.
Addiction loves company jcrow. You ever see the group of office building sidewalk smokers? I guarantee none of them wants to be the only one out there. Your failure would just add to their own rationalizations.

Fuck them, prove them wrong.

Offline Nolaq

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 10:54:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
all my friends that still dip just say "youll never be able to do it"
Fuck them. Not in the literal sense, but in the "I'm stronger than your pussy ass" sense.

There are a lot of long time, long term dippers here. I dipped for the better part of 29 years. Today I'm looking at one year quit. If I can do it, you can do it.

I'd be telling your 'friends' THEY are the ones that can't do it.
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 10:53:00 AM »
Congrats on your quit JCrow. Its the right choice. The only choice. The suck is what it is and the fog is thick, but it will all clear. Just stay strong. Quit again every morning when you post roll.

You can do it. We all have faith in you because you made it here.
Freedom - 8 January 2011
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How bad do you want to quit? - posted by NOLAQ
"I'm an F-18 nic bitch, and I'll destroy you in the air." - The Sheen

"The truth, when you finally chase it down, is almost always far worse than your darkest visions and fears." - Hunter S. Thompson

Offline jcook

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 10:16:00 AM »
You are right in the middle of The Suck. And yeah, it sucks. Bad. It is supposed to suck. Your body is healing from the poison you have been feeding it. Remember the suck, embrace it. When the craves hit during your quit you need to remember how this feels.

Congrats on your decision. It is one of the best things you could have done for you. This is a daily walk, a daily fight with your addiction. You are an addict, a fact that I hope you are embracing. Treat this as an addiction and your quit as your choice of life over a slow death. Protect your quit and be proud of it. Use this site and the support and accountability you find here to make your quit strong. Proud to be quit with ya!
"I like a man who grins when he fights." - Winston Churchill

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Offline andrew

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 08:11:00 AM »
Hey man, this is no attempt, you're either doing it or you're not! Give it 100% commitment and you'll feel a lot better about it, trust me. Congrats on three days, you're probably right in the thick of the fog...I know at three days I really was. Post roll and keep us updated, if you need anything PM me, I have weird sleep/work hours and I'm time zones off so I'm usually on at weird times.
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Offline Maverick55

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Re: Day 3
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 07:57:00 AM »
Quote from: J.crow37
Not gunna lie I didn't expect to see half as many people posting on this but I think thats great. This is my day three of my cold turkey attempt. Its been about 6 years 1+ can a day. got sick of it and threw the last can out the window on the way home one day. the day to day aproach is great, cus all my friends that still dip just say "youll never be able to do it" but you're right only today matters, and every individual day you can stay nic free is a day of bettering yourself
Atta boy JCrow!! Great decision, best you can make. One item I want to touch on from your Intro - those friends of yours that are giving you shit right now and doubting your quit - they ARE the #1 most dangerous thing to your quit right now. I'd advise staying away from them for a bit, until you can get a handle on your quit. What is coming out of their mouths is hate. They HATE that you have the mental fortitude to put that can down, to have taken that action. They all WANT to take that action but can't.

Have you ever met a dipper that didn't want to/plan on quitting? Of course not, because deep down we all know this shit is bad for us, but we were so damn wrapped up in that nic bitches siren song that we lolled ourselves back into comfort and put that shit back in our mouths and its all better again - perpetuating the cycle of money into UST's bank accounts. No more for us.

That hate your friends are spewing will eventually change to jealousy, as they realize that you ARE strong enough to pull this off. One day, if they're smart, they'll ask you how you did it and you can tell them about KTC.

Stay strong JCrow - lean on us if you need help, just say the word. You need a number, mine's yours for the asking.
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Offline J.crow37

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Day 3
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:49:00 AM »
Not gunna lie I didn't expect to see half as many people posting on this but I think thats great. This is my day three of my cold turkey attempt. Its been about 6 years 1+ can a day. got sick of it and threw the last can out the window on the way home one day. the day to day aproach is great, cus all my friends that still dip just say "youll never be able to do it" but you're right only today matters, and every individual day you can stay nic free is a day of bettering yourself