I see what you're saying - I did stop, but I also was never that upset when I started up again before. I'm going in this time though, I'm ready to be done with it.
This is day 2, woke up craving pretty hard and chugged a bottle of water. I've got three sticks of gum in my mouth right now and I'm planning on swinging by the store and grabbing a can of the fake stuff on my way home. Any tips on what's the best/worst on fake stuff?
Definitely have a headache, don't know if it you could call it "the suck" just yet. Which means it's gonna get worst before it gets better, but reading about it on here has kinda got me hyped up and ready for it. I'm just hoping to close my eyes and wake up at the end of the week. Starting on a Monday might have been a mistake, but too late now!
Thanks for all the support guys I really appreciate it.
You are a nursing student, I am a Physician's Assistant. Every day of your career you will be working with patients who are doing something to abuse their health or their relationships, and as a nurse you will be providing the best medical advice based upon the soundest clinical research. And every day of your career as long as you dip you will think to yourself that you are a fucking hypocrite giving advice that you refuse to follow yourself. Your health isn't the only reason to quit: as a medical professional, your personal integrity is also on the line.