If LOOT has had any impact on your quit, either by sharing his jewels with you (get yer fuckin hands off me 40)Â…by offering an outlet for your angerÂ…or simply by pissing away the day with mindless babble, then please return the favor. Pick out a couple young quitters and mentor. DonÂ’t let their achievements, however small, go unnoticed or without comment. Sacrifice of yourself to reach out to a brother in need. Please.
If you do this, youÂ’ll build lasting relationships and in the process build your own accountability even beyond roll call. Roll call is a daily commitment. The bonds I share with some of the best people in the world are lifetime commitments. Roll call be damnedÂ…those who are truly my brothers know that I will never betray them.
I've been thinking about accountability a lot lately, and how so many people here were so instrumental in my quit. Then, I started thinking about how I have been instrumental (hopefully) in some other quits out there. I then realized that some of the quitters I've mentored are now mentoring others in the same fashion I once took them in.
It's the mother fucking circle of quit.
What I don't think many people realize is how many days quit are built into mine. Would I be quit today if Loot, ODAAT, 30, J2b, Luke, and Nolaq hadn't made the decision to be quit as well once? I'd like to think so, but I know that their experiences quitting and the support they were able to give early in my quit propped up my quit when I needed it most. I wonder if Eaf, Moe, CNC, Luby, and even TK making their decision about the same time I did kept me quit by giving me quit brothers I'd fight wars for. I wonder if McCarmo, CoachSteve, and many others typing the same the words I wrote to them once have helped keep me quit by showing me that others take what I say to heart.
All of these guys (and many, many more) have been very instrumental in my quit and I'd like to say thank you to all of them.
I'm going to try something new.
The KTC has many products available at the store. I'm going to purchase a coin for a new quitter, and engrave my name and day count (on his/her day 1). That coin then will be sent to that quitter to protect.
Not only is that quitter steering his own quit, but he knows that part of my quit is entrusted to him.
Once he makes the Hall of Fame, then he will engrave the coin with his name and day count after adopting a new quitter. The coin will serve as a physical reminder of all the days that were put in so that he can be quit. He will then send it along.
How badass would it be to be holding a coin with a family tree of sorts showing how you came to be quit?