Day 20 - I find myself on the road for work. I'm in the UK, where smoking and drinking is the ultimate past time. I do neither, so dipping used to be my out. Today, I no longer dip. I've kept the nic bitch at bay (its only day 2), but she is persistent! Tapping me on the shoulder, reminding me that I will not sleep well tonight, and I could prevent feeling out of place, if I was able to pinch a dip. Reality hits, and I know that addiction will constantly be knocking on my door, but I will not answer that door. I will remind myself that the dependency to nic is awful. I will remind myself that I have not had a headache in a week, which is something I could not say prior to last week, for the past several years!! I will remind myself that I can hold a conversation without spitting on the ground 30 times, and the person I'm talking to, will probably appreciate it. I will hold my non-alco drink high, and not let my addiction degrade me. And after a long night of socializing with folks I really do not know, I will retire to my hotel room and access the KTC community for continued support and be proud that my quit continues and will see another day.
Peace out!