Author Topic: Day 140 and counting  (Read 29554 times)

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Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2010, 08:40:00 AM »
Day 147

Man this week has sucked. This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me. This week has cranked my anxiety back up to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days. Probably due to lack of sleep. Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit. I added tools to my toolbox this week !!

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week. I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn... :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip. Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip. And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose. :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time. This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times. I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night. Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies. Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass. I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog. Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!


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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2010, 04:26:00 PM »
Quote from: teamgreen
Quote from: Greg5280
The plane managed to get to where it was going without me having a dip in.
:lol: It's amazing me all the things in the world that keep going around even though I'm not dippin'. Damn world's not even phased?! WTF?!

Nice work disarming another trigger, bro.
I say it all the time when I talk to people but this has been good for me!! All the new triggers I am facing has made me step back and realize I still need to watch out every day. I would not say I was getting too relaxed but I had not had many craves and was cruising right along. The bitch waits for you to relax and comes nibbling on your ear.

I am QUIT !! I will remain QUIT... just will pay closer attention to what I am doing.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2010, 12:51:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
The plane managed to get to where it was going without me having a dip in.
:lol: It's amazing me all the things in the world that keep going around even though I'm not dippin'. Damn world's not even phased?! WTF?!

Nice work disarming another trigger, bro.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2010, 11:41:00 PM »
Day 143

Well today was my first plane travel in my adult life that did not involve a big fatty. My anxiety was crazy last night and this morning. I think I slept for maybe a couple of hours last night. I literally have never been in a plane without a dip, and I was not sure how the whole thing was going to go. I do not like confined spaces and I do not like not being in control of the vehicle I am traveling in. It was not as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. I had a brief 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the flight but after that I turned on my Ipod, cranked some Metallica and everything went well. The plane managed to get to where it was going without me having a dip in. Another chance for me to slap the NIC bitch !! Another victory for me in my newfound quit.

Thanks to this site and all you bad ass quitters !! 143 and counting......

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2010, 04:32:00 PM »
Quote from: mordecai
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 142

Today was actually more like spring.  Had it not snowed yesterday I would have gone golfing but it was way to sloppy outside.  I managed to pass the time today by cleaning out the garage and cleaning the inside of my truck.  I will admit I have had more cravings recently, this is the first spring and summer I have spent nic, dip free.  I actually had to get me a dip of fake today which kinda pisses me off.  I have not used any fake for 30+ days but when I got to cleaning the truck I was having some crazy ass craves.  :blink:  The bitch still lurks !!

I am still pissed at myself for starting this stupid shit in the first place, but I am fighting like hell to keep it outta my body.  Today was still a good day, another one nic free.  Tomorrow.... first plane trip since I quit. 

I will pre-post day 143 verbally here and I will post my actual 143 when I get to CA.
Yeah, my long term plan is to always keep an unopened backup can of fake stuff on hand. Like you said, she is always lurking out there.
I am glad I kept the cans of fake that I had. I thought I was done with the shit. Good thing I was not driving around town looking for some fake, that would have put me too damn close to the real stuff... have not had craves like that in awhile.

Still pisses me off.. !!

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2010, 04:31:00 PM »
Quote from: mekster
I'm only on day 16, but your thought on "getting my mind right" was the single biggest thing that has helped me.
Getting my head on straight was the hardest part for me. The physical stuff did not seem to bother me all that much. I am still battling with the mental part. :angry:

It is better, but some days are still a struggle.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2010, 04:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Ready
Quote from: Greg5280
I never started a intro page.  To be honest I was struggling in the fog so badly when I got here it was all I could do to find the roll call each day and get my name on it.  I have posted all over the site since then and I hope it has helped at least one person in their quit. 

With that thought in mind and since I feel very strongly that I owe a huge debt to help others I am going to post my thoughts in here also.  I will post my thoughts on my quit, maybe some funny shit now and then.  I have recently started reading the intro pages of other guys with days above me and it has been helpful to me. 

Again, I hope it helps at least one person stay quit.

We shall see..
I have seen you helping others, don't think I haven't noticed.

You have helped me stay quit.
Thanks for stopping by. And you have helped afew yourself. Thanks for all the support. !!

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2010, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 142

Today was actually more like spring. Had it not snowed yesterday I would have gone golfing but it was way to sloppy outside. I managed to pass the time today by cleaning out the garage and cleaning the inside of my truck. I will admit I have had more cravings recently, this is the first spring and summer I have spent nic, dip free. I actually had to get me a dip of fake today which kinda pisses me off. I have not used any fake for 30+ days but when I got to cleaning the truck I was having some crazy ass craves. :blink: The bitch still lurks !!

I am still pissed at myself for starting this stupid shit in the first place, but I am fighting like hell to keep it outta my body. Today was still a good day, another one nic free. Tomorrow.... first plane trip since I quit.

I will pre-post day 143 verbally here and I will post my actual 143 when I get to CA.
Yeah, my long term plan is to always keep an unopened backup can of fake stuff on hand. Like you said, she is always lurking out there.
No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.
- 1 Corinthians 10:13

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 10:56:00 PM »
Day 142

Today was actually more like spring. Had it not snowed yesterday I would have gone golfing but it was way to sloppy outside. I managed to pass the time today by cleaning out the garage and cleaning the inside of my truck. I will admit I have had more cravings recently, this is the first spring and summer I have spent nic, dip free. I actually had to get me a dip of fake today which kinda pisses me off. I have not used any fake for 30+ days but when I got to cleaning the truck I was having some crazy ass craves. :blink: The bitch still lurks !!

I am still pissed at myself for starting this stupid shit in the first place, but I am fighting like hell to keep it outta my body. Today was still a good day, another one nic free. Tomorrow.... first plane trip since I quit.

I will pre-post day 143 verbally here and I will post my actual 143 when I get to CA.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #4 on: March 21, 2010, 09:47:00 PM »
Toys Today

My daughter had a couple of young kids over the other day babysitting them, first time I have had young kids in my house in years which is nowhere close to kid proof by the way. I leave knives, tools, matches, all kinds of stuff just laying around.

The boy (2) was all over the house, chasing my Rottie, screaming, playing in my closet. You name it. The final straw was when he went upstairs and got his head stuck in the banister posts. Now that is funny !! I thought to myself "hey at least now I know where he is" and I should leave him there until his mom shows back up. "

Aside from the shreaking he was doing as he tried to pull his head back out which may have caused him to pass out, he was in no real danger so it was some really funny stuff. I finally get his head unwedged with a couple of my bad ass tools and down stairs we went.

I decided I would sit with them all and play in hopes of keeping the volume level down and I was already in a decent mood with the events of the evening so far. We plugged in Finding Nemo ( Which is also some very funny shit ) and I drag out the bag of toys in hopes of keeping my great mood going.

I have to say I was very disapointed !! My toys were so much cooler and I will give you some examples.

1. His toy cars vs. my Tonka toys. First of all my Tonka toys rocked ! The were made of steel and made in America (probably from some cool shit like melted down planes, retired aircraft carriers, or unused ordinance) and they were painted with paint that did not scratch off when one hits the table leg. ( Probably lead paint which is bad ass too. ) Anyway, his cars were made of plastic and made in China. That alone makes my toys better but that is not all. I could actually move dirt around and build shit with my stuff. I pushed his car across the floor one time and the wheel falls off. Cheap China shit !! I used to ride on my Tonka trucks ! His shit can't survive in the harsh environmnet of my kitchen floor. I used to throw mine off the roof, ride them down the hills, my parents even backed over them. If I had cars like his when I was young my parents would have gone broke trying to replace them all the time. There is NO WAY his cheap ass cars would have survived any of the stuff I used to do, let alone the matches and Lysol flamethrower of death like my Tonka trucks did.

2. His GI Joes vs. My GI Joes - Ok this one was again very easy. He had very small lame ass GI Joes ! They are like 3" tall now. WTF ? And they had no cool ass gear ? What happened to the bad ass GI Joes ? The big dudes with the kung fu grip, eagle eyes!! Bad ass dudes with Bad ass stuff. The ones that would pimp slap Ken and take Barbie ! Big ass helicopters, ATV's, Guns of all sorts, Grenades, Bazookas, war shit. My GI Joes had a buzz cut and scars which makes them very cool. They should have had some bad ass tattoo also but they were still cool. And you could go to the store and buy a whole new set of "Special Ops" gear for whatever bad ass mission you wanted to send him on. Plus if need be you could pick up one of the GI Joes I had and use it to crack your friend across the head for talking shit, or you could throw it like a ninja star. So it was not only a toy it was also a weapon which puts my GI Joes to a whole new level of bad assery versus his. If any of you have ever taken a GI Joe to the head you know it is a formidable weapon. I am sure some of you are wondering about the doll thing. Well I was 7 at the time and they were cool shit.

3. His building blocks vs. Mine - Again this one was very easy. He had lame ass lego blocks to build with and although you can build some fun stuff with them they are far less fucntional than the blocks I had. I think, looking back all my building blocks were trash from construction sites, sanded down and the nails pulled out of them. You know the ones I mean. Pieces of two by fours, dowel rods, two by fours with the arches cut into them.... those building blocks. ( By the way great idea by the guy who did it. Gather some scraps from the build site, sand em a bit, slap some lead paint on them and sell them..) Although I could not actually build shit with windows in it or fancy stuff you can't use his to prop up a wobbly table or crack your kid in the ass with a lego block. Not to mention my blocks made you actually use your imagination. And again if need be my blocks could be wielded as weapons. There was more than one lump handed out in my neighborhood. So my blocks rock !!

Anyway I am sure all of my toys were cooler than his but he did not have any other stuff for me to break. I still say all my stuff is cooler than what he had. If he comes back over maybe I will show him how to use the Lysol flamethrower of death...

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #3 on: March 21, 2010, 09:11:00 PM »
I'm only on day 16, but your thought on "getting my mind right" was the single biggest thing that has helped me.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2010, 08:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
I never started a intro page. To be honest I was struggling in the fog so badly when I got here it was all I could do to find the roll call each day and get my name on it. I have posted all over the site since then and I hope it has helped at least one person in their quit.

With that thought in mind and since I feel very strongly that I owe a huge debt to help others I am going to post my thoughts in here also. I will post my thoughts on my quit, maybe some funny shit now and then. I have recently started reading the intro pages of other guys with days above me and it has been helpful to me.

Again, I hope it helps at least one person stay quit.

We shall see..
I have seen you helping others, don't think I haven't noticed.

You have helped me stay quit.

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Day 140 and counting
« on: March 21, 2010, 08:44:00 PM »
I never started a intro page. To be honest I was struggling in the fog so badly when I got here it was all I could do to find the roll call each day and get my name on it. I have posted all over the site since then and I hope it has helped at least one person in their quit.

With that thought in mind and since I feel very strongly that I owe a huge debt to help others I am going to post my thoughts in here also. I will post my thoughts on my quit, maybe some funny shit now and then. I have recently started reading the intro pages of other guys with days above me and it has been helpful to me.

Again, I hope it helps at least one person stay quit.

We shall see..