Author Topic: Day 140 and counting  (Read 29561 times)

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Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #28 on: March 31, 2010, 11:14:00 PM »
Day 152

Today was another decent day, winding down my funk I have been in. Started out a little rough but got better in a hurry. I got to work and was just finishing posting my roll for the morning when my phone went off. It was one of my brothers from Feb. He was having a bad morning, craving hard and pissy. I texted with him back and forth for the next 30-45 minutes, each of us bitching about our quit, the new triggers, mood swings etc. We both decided it was just another funk and we had the tools to get through. If you are a newer quitter I want you to take notice what day I am posting about. There are funks and bmps in the road along the way. Keep fighting them as you have been already. You have the tools make sure you use them.

So I sit here this evening feeling like a bad ass about my quit and the fact I helped a brother remain quit today. My struggle seemed to fade as I helped my brother stay quit. I gave my number out early and often when I got on this site, glad I did. You never know when one of your actions will help someone. I gave my number to a complete stranger 100 or so days ago and today him having that number kept him quit. Get involved in your group, give your number out and be accountable. Help others.. it feels pretty fucking great !!

Day 152 coming to an end. Started out a little rough.. but feels pretty damn good right now.

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #27 on: March 31, 2010, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: RickDicolus
Quote from: SlaveToTheBear
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
I was always a Dunkin Donuts coffee (w/ travel lid) or McDonalds soda (large straw) guy on a plane.

LOL at myself thinking that a flight attendant was stupid enough to think my coffee was still warm 3+ hours into the flight.

On a flight to St. Louis from Houston about 2 years ago, we hit some severe turbulence about an hour and a half into the flight (2.5 hours is about the total flight). Pilot came on the PA and had the flight attendants pick up all drinks and trash. Knowing the seatbelt sign would be on the rest of the flight, I had about 1 minute to clean out into my Dunkin Donuts spitoon. No dice. Ended up spilling about a quarter of the spitoon on my shirt, and shit-dipped myself (shirt and crotch) while trying to clean out my dip.
This may sound weird, but I actually had a pretty bad crave in Walgreens (WTF?). It must have been the lighting or something, but at some point I just realized that it would've been real inconvenient just like everytime I ever had a dip in while running errands. And THEN I realized how much more enjoyable life was without dip. Just sunshine and not scowling at old ladies.

Seeing you going through this shit ahead of me and coming out stronger makes me stronger and paves the way for my future successes, keep up the good quitting.

And to the plane dudes, I was that a-hole that just spit in my old water bottle and asked if they really wanted my rancid spitter while shaking it to and fro. To the people sitting next to me; I prefer your dirty looks and disapproving noises to any conversation you were going to provide. Haha, maybe next time I fly I'll make a new friend.

Stay Quit,
Believe it or not you can actually talk to the people sitting beside you. I have NEVER talked to anyone on the plane. Would just stuff in my fatty and put on my headphones and spit away.

This trip I actually talked to afew people. Had to put the headphones on for a bit but not the entire trip. Plus... I sat with a group of soldiers in Dallas and talked to them about quitting dipping. Hopefully they will show up on here.. that would rock !!

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2010, 10:49:00 PM »
Quote from: SlaveToTheBear
Quote from: Greg5280,Mar
Quote from: Greg5280,Mar
Day 147

I have always been able to spot a dipper,even the ninja dippers were not safe, but my dip spotting prowess has reached new levels since I quit. I never spent enough time watching other people in the airports before, probably just too worried about finding a seat next to the trash can or where to buy my next 5.00 bottle of whatever to dump out before the flight, but DAMN there are a ton of people that dip. Everywhere I looked I saw people with a fatty in their lip. I handed out all of my KTC business cards, hopefully the young soldiers I was talking to in Dallas yesterday will show here and post with us, that would make the entire trip worth every second of it.
Ain't that the truth.

I traveled dip free this weekend for the first time since I was 15. (Well, at least tobacco dip free). I saw three people run their tins through the x-ray belt. One dude's Kodiak Bear even winked at me on the belt.

I stayed strong, but fucking shit that sucked to see.
Yeah it still bothers me to see other peoples cans and watch them fill their lip. It is getting better tho. It does not bother me like it used to. I would imagine it will keep getting better as I go. At least thats what the vets tell me.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2010, 09:27:00 PM »
Quote from: SlaveToTheBear
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
I was always a Dunkin Donuts coffee (w/ travel lid) or McDonalds soda (large straw) guy on a plane.

LOL at myself thinking that a flight attendant was stupid enough to think my coffee was still warm 3+ hours into the flight.

On a flight to St. Louis from Houston about 2 years ago, we hit some severe turbulence about an hour and a half into the flight (2.5 hours is about the total flight). Pilot came on the PA and had the flight attendants pick up all drinks and trash. Knowing the seatbelt sign would be on the rest of the flight, I had about 1 minute to clean out into my Dunkin Donuts spitoon. No dice. Ended up spilling about a quarter of the spitoon on my shirt, and shit-dipped myself (shirt and crotch) while trying to clean out my dip.
should have switched to the puke bag :o

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2010, 08:01:00 AM »
Quote from: RickDicolus
Quote from: SlaveToTheBear
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
I was always a Dunkin Donuts coffee (w/ travel lid) or McDonalds soda (large straw) guy on a plane.

LOL at myself thinking that a flight attendant was stupid enough to think my coffee was still warm 3+ hours into the flight.

On a flight to St. Louis from Houston about 2 years ago, we hit some severe turbulence about an hour and a half into the flight (2.5 hours is about the total flight). Pilot came on the PA and had the flight attendants pick up all drinks and trash. Knowing the seatbelt sign would be on the rest of the flight, I had about 1 minute to clean out into my Dunkin Donuts spitoon. No dice. Ended up spilling about a quarter of the spitoon on my shirt, and shit-dipped myself (shirt and crotch) while trying to clean out my dip.
This may sound weird, but I actually had a pretty bad crave in Walgreens (WTF?). It must have been the lighting or something, but at some point I just realized that it would've been real inconvenient just like everytime I ever had a dip in while running errands. And THEN I realized how much more enjoyable life was without dip. Just sunshine and not scowling at old ladies.

Seeing you going through this shit ahead of me and coming out stronger makes me stronger and paves the way for my future successes, keep up the good quitting.

And to the plane dudes, I was that a-hole that just spit in my old water bottle and asked if they really wanted my rancid spitter while shaking it to and fro. To the people sitting next to me; I prefer your dirty looks and disapproving noises to any conversation you were going to provide. Haha, maybe next time I fly I'll make a new friend.

Stay Quit,
I still have my hardest times when I am on the road. Working alone, on the road, it was just me and my trusty can aaalllll day long. Way too beat that bitch back.

"Nicotine is not a crutch, it's a limp. Accountability is a crutch. Use it to get stronger." - ninereasons March 2, 2011

Offline RickDicolus

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2010, 02:55:00 AM »
Quote from: SlaveToTheBear
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
I was always a Dunkin Donuts coffee (w/ travel lid) or McDonalds soda (large straw) guy on a plane.

LOL at myself thinking that a flight attendant was stupid enough to think my coffee was still warm 3+ hours into the flight.

On a flight to St. Louis from Houston about 2 years ago, we hit some severe turbulence about an hour and a half into the flight (2.5 hours is about the total flight). Pilot came on the PA and had the flight attendants pick up all drinks and trash. Knowing the seatbelt sign would be on the rest of the flight, I had about 1 minute to clean out into my Dunkin Donuts spitoon. No dice. Ended up spilling about a quarter of the spitoon on my shirt, and shit-dipped myself (shirt and crotch) while trying to clean out my dip.
This may sound weird, but I actually had a pretty bad crave in Walgreens (WTF?). It must have been the lighting or something, but at some point I just realized that it would've been real inconvenient just like everytime I ever had a dip in while running errands. And THEN I realized how much more enjoyable life was without dip. Just sunshine and not scowling at old ladies.

Seeing you going through this shit ahead of me and coming out stronger makes me stronger and paves the way for my future successes, keep up the good quitting.

And to the plane dudes, I was that a-hole that just spit in my old water bottle and asked if they really wanted my rancid spitter while shaking it to and fro. To the people sitting next to me; I prefer your dirty looks and disapproving noises to any conversation you were going to provide. Haha, maybe next time I fly I'll make a new friend.

Stay Quit,
A message about accountability from Skoal Monster.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."
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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2010, 11:26:00 PM »
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.  :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
I was always a Dunkin Donuts coffee (w/ travel lid) or McDonalds soda (large straw) guy on a plane.

LOL at myself thinking that a flight attendant was stupid enough to think my coffee was still warm 3+ hours into the flight.

On a flight to St. Louis from Houston about 2 years ago, we hit some severe turbulence about an hour and a half into the flight (2.5 hours is about the total flight). Pilot came on the PA and had the flight attendants pick up all drinks and trash. Knowing the seatbelt sign would be on the rest of the flight, I had about 1 minute to clean out into my Dunkin Donuts spitoon. No dice. Ended up spilling about a quarter of the spitoon on my shirt, and shit-dipped myself (shirt and crotch) while trying to clean out my dip.
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"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan

Offline CalNotKodiakBears

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2010, 11:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: Greg5280,Mar
Day 147

I have always been able to spot a dipper,even the ninja dippers were not safe, but my dip spotting prowess has reached new levels since I quit. I never spent enough time watching other people in the airports before, probably just too worried about finding a seat next to the trash can or where to buy my next 5.00 bottle of whatever to dump out before the flight, but DAMN there are a ton of people that dip. Everywhere I looked I saw people with a fatty in their lip. I handed out all of my KTC business cards, hopefully the young soldiers I was talking to in Dallas yesterday will show here and post with us, that would make the entire trip worth every second of it.
Ain't that the truth.

I traveled dip free this weekend for the first time since I was 15. (Well, at least tobacco dip free). I saw three people run their tins through the x-ray belt. One dude's Kodiak Bear even winked at me on the belt.

I stayed strong, but fucking shit that sucked to see.
Quit Date: 03/20/10
HOF Date: 06/27/10
Comma: 12/13/12

"We are a way for the cosmos to know itself." -Carl Sagan

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2010, 09:35:00 PM »
Day 151

Well today was pretty good. One of the better days I have had in the past week. Traveling to the shops was a little harder than I expected and I have been in a funk since I got back. Yesterday the sun was out, beautiful day. My craves were insane and my anxiety was pretty wild. I have been looking forward to spring and summer but I had not thought about a whole new set of triggers but I am learning them as they show up and fighting them one by one.

I came home from work today and instead of sitting out back in my chair with a fatty in I came in, changed clothes and went for a walk with my daughter. It still amazes me how much time I have to spend with my wife and daughter now. This shit still sucks some days, but the good days certainly outweigh the bad ones now and I am still finding the extra bonues that come from quitting.

Stay quit...

Offline Greg5280

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2010, 02:40:00 PM »
Quote from: rlavec
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.  :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
See that brings up jacket shopping. When you were looking for a new jacket you had too make sure it had a pocket on the inside so you could hide your spitter in there. I have a military jacket that has two big pockets on the inside. Could fit a standard 20oz bottle in there with no problem wore that damn thing all over the place when I traveled. Even when it was warm outside.. like you say, thought I was hiding, nothing could have been farther from the truth..

Again.. STUPID SHIT !! I should kick my own ass....

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2010, 02:36:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

Nice work Greg!!! I no longer have to hide by the window in the back of the plane to dip anymore myself and I don't use the barf bag for a spitter anymore either!!! Its also nice not having to sit by a trash can in the gate area either!!! :D I find myself swimming or walking/running nowdays on the road instead of dipping and drinking beer in front of TV all eve. Life is better without dip!!!
I would have to agree with that my friend. It still pisses me off when I look back at the wasted time etc associated with my addiction.

I have always been able to spot a dipper,even the ninja dippers were not safe, but my dip spotting prowess has reached new levels since I quit. I never spent enough time watching other people in the airports before, probably just too worried about finding a seat next to the trash can or where to buy my next 5.00 bottle of whatever to dump out before the flight, but DAMN there are a ton of people that dip. Everywhere I looked I saw people with a fatty in their lip. I handed out all of my KTC business cards, hopefully the young soldiers I was talking to in Dallas yesterday will show here and post with us, that would make the entire trip worth every second of it.
Next time your in Dallas let a brother know. Just sayin.
You can count on it. I was going to post this trip to see if anyone wanted to get together while I was out but it was a two shop trip and it was very abbreviated as it was. I will get things lined back out then when I go out I will have more time.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2010, 02:26:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

Nice work Greg!!! I no longer have to hide by the window in the back of the plane to dip anymore myself and I don't use the barf bag for a spitter anymore either!!! Its also nice not having to sit by a trash can in the gate area either!!! :D I find myself swimming or walking/running nowdays on the road instead of dipping and drinking beer in front of TV all eve. Life is better without dip!!!
I would have to agree with that my friend. It still pisses me off when I look back at the wasted time etc associated with my addiction.

I have always been able to spot a dipper,even the ninja dippers were not safe, but my dip spotting prowess has reached new levels since I quit. I never spent enough time watching other people in the airports before, probably just too worried about finding a seat next to the trash can or where to buy my next 5.00 bottle of whatever to dump out before the flight, but DAMN there are a ton of people that dip. Everywhere I looked I saw people with a fatty in their lip. I handed out all of my KTC business cards, hopefully the young soldiers I was talking to in Dallas yesterday will show here and post with us, that would make the entire trip worth every second of it.
Next time your in Dallas let a brother know. Just sayin.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2010, 01:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked. This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me. This week has cranked my anxiety back up to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days. Probably due to lack of sleep. Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit. I added tools to my toolbox this week !!

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week. I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn... :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip. Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip. And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose. :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time. This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times. I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night. Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies. Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass. I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog. Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

LOL... reminded me of those traveling days. Sitting in your seat all hunched over with your spitter. Thinking the person next to you doesnt see or smell you.
How bout ordering that diet coke so you can blend it in more , hoping it goes unoticed until you have to hand it back to the flight attendant and she looks at you like your a troll . :unsure:
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. Buddha

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2010, 12:57:00 PM »
Quote from: kdip
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

Nice work Greg!!! I no longer have to hide by the window in the back of the plane to dip anymore myself and I don't use the barf bag for a spitter anymore either!!! Its also nice not having to sit by a trash can in the gate area either!!! :D I find myself swimming or walking/running nowdays on the road instead of dipping and drinking beer in front of TV all eve. Life is better without dip!!!
I would have to agree with that my friend. It still pisses me off when I look back at the wasted time etc associated with my addiction.

I have always been able to spot a dipper,even the ninja dippers were not safe, but my dip spotting prowess has reached new levels since I quit. I never spent enough time watching other people in the airports before, probably just too worried about finding a seat next to the trash can or where to buy my next 5.00 bottle of whatever to dump out before the flight, but DAMN there are a ton of people that dip. Everywhere I looked I saw people with a fatty in their lip. I handed out all of my KTC business cards, hopefully the young soldiers I was talking to in Dallas yesterday will show here and post with us, that would make the entire trip worth every second of it.

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Re: Day 140 and counting
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2010, 10:42:00 AM »
Quote from: Greg5280
Day 147

Man this week has sucked.  This is my first time back out traveling since my quit and it has brought up many old triggers for me.  This week has cranked my anxiety back up  to mid 50 levels and I have been in a funk for the last two days.  Probably due to lack of sleep.  Although this week has been rough, it has also been good for my quit.  I added tools to my toolbox this week !! 

Being in the shops again, the sounds the smells, plus all the techs dipping put my craves on high this week.  I fought through and only had two dips of fake all week but damn...  :blink:

As I mentinoned at the beginning of the trip this was my first time in a plane without dip.  Strange that the planes fly, the luggage gets to where it needs to be sometimes, everyone gets through their day.. all without me having a dip.  And... the puke bag got to stay in my seat pocket and possibly be used for its intended purpose.   :huh:

All the time alone in hotel rooms used to be prime dipping time.  This trip I actually found the pool in the hotel I have stayed at numerous times.  I swam laps and sat in the hot tub for a bit each night.  Actually more relaxing that laying in the bed with a fatty in watching old HBO movies.  Who would have thought ? :wacko:

I am dragging some serious ass.  I have not slept enough this past week, feels kinda like a mini fog.  Anyway I get back on a plane today at 1400 and will be at my home and in my own bed tonight.... best thing about it is I am STILL QUIT !!

Nice work Greg!!! I no longer have to hide by the window in the back of the plane to dip anymore myself and I don't use the barf bag for a spitter anymore either!!! Its also nice not having to sit by a trash can in the gate area either!!! :D I find myself swimming or walking/running nowdays on the road instead of dipping and drinking beer in front of TV all eve. Life is better without dip!!!