Day 1 in the books. Going to try to call it an early night to avoid some of the withdrawals. It's been a tough day, but as I drove home from a stressful day of law school, I passed my usual gas station stop. . It's been hard, but it feels good to be quit. Finally came clean to the fiance' and told her about the three years of hiding my dip use. She's on board, and I'm all in. I appreciate the advice all of you have given and I ask that you keep it coming. I know I'll need it. Looking forward to Day 2.
Advice for day 2, wake up, post roll, keep active whether on the site or in life, honor your word. You wrote something you are going to want to analyze for a good while. That is,
I felt an urge to pull in, but decided to continue to the grocery and buy about a dozen bags of sunflower seeds
You know what you just did? A big part of nicotine usage and some of the difficulty us addicts have in quitting is that we IMPULSIVELY dip. It requires no thought or rationale. It became subconscious to us, like pulling our hand off a burner on the stove. This is what is meant by guarding your quit. Keep an active mind in your quit and you will not fail yourself to an impulse.
Quit with you today on day 2 of your journey.