Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline Dave1903

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2014, 09:28:00 AM »
We have another bad ass from Feb 14 hitting a year today let's give Hope congrats today on being quit for a year. Congrats Hope party today then get right to killing the nic bitch
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline Grizzlyhasclaws

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #29 on: February 09, 2014, 01:35:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
HOPE, way to be an awesome quitter. Congratulations on 100 days of some fine quitting. I look forward to seeing you around here for the next 100.

Hope you are a rock solid quitter. Congrats and enjoy your day! And like mogul said I hope you stick around for 100 more.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #28 on: February 09, 2014, 01:00:00 PM »
HOPE, way to be an awesome quitter. Congratulations on 100 days of some fine quitting. I look forward to seeing you around here for the next 100.


Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2013, 03:07:00 PM »
How is it going Hope? Its been too long since you updated your intro/diary.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

Offline Dave1903

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2013, 09:03:00 AM »
Quote from: hope
I'm through with this stuff. This site ROCKS! Couldn't quit today without it. I'm on Day 21 today and wanted to think about the wasted time I've spent dipping, but it's never too late to start over and make things better. It IS getting better, ODAAT.
you hit the nail on the head with that statement this I a very very cool site I am so glad I joined day 30 keep the quit going.
The nic is a bitch, but it's gone one day at a time.

Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2013, 06:11:00 PM »
I'm through with this stuff. This site ROCKS! Couldn't quit today without it. I'm on Day 21 today and wanted to think about the wasted time I've spent dipping, but it's never too late to start over and make things better. It IS getting better, ODAAT.

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
Pride thing?...I will tell you what to be proud of...

Being successful at one of the most difficult things one can do... quitting an addiction that is killing you...

This is one nasty fight and even the biggest and toughest men have been brought to their knees in their quit.

I had days where I cried, I prayed and I dang near traded my soul for some relief but the one thing I didn't do was dip.

120 days later do you think I am proud? Hell yes I am. I have guys that I have never met in person holding my up when I was fallen down. Guys that truly cared about me and my health. I would never disappoint them by caving and I would be willing to call anyone of them the second that feeling crossed my mind.

The thing is, we need you to be successful so we can continue to be successful. Together, we win this thing.

I quit with you.
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #23 on: November 18, 2013, 10:54:00 PM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.
This is an excellent thing for you hope! I also felt a strong sense of pride knowing I had made the right decision to quit tobacco. I am glad to be quit with you today!! Keep moving on.
Enjoy the good, and survive the bad but post everyday.

You will have tough triggers. The theme in my head today is get digits and program in your phone.

Release your pride in going alone on this. Support and ask for support! Service helps the addict as much or more than being served!

Before you get to the point where you must have just one or justifying why you need to cave....YOU are required to call and talk to a brother and ask for permission to cave.

Just do it. I made the call a few times. One time we didn't talk about dip. Just got laughing and empathy for what I felt. Within 5 minutes, the craving was gone and I was stronger.

Calling for permission to cave is a neat experience you should be humble enough to try.

DO IT! Keep up the good work. It will take time but I am not going back I hate nicotine and the fraud that she is and always has been is so clear to me now.
The quit sherpas have arrived. Follow. They know how to climb the mountain. Glad you found us.
Yall are just sooo cool! I don't know if I could call....I know I would have to..but it would be hard...glad to hear some of you have done it. I'm really so prideful. It's sooooo stupid! I think it's not knowing how to be real, not a good sense of reality. You know, like you think you'll do something and it just never happens and you wonder what happened. You meant to do it. But it was really important and you rationalize it will happen, then it doesn't. You're ashamed, but it's okay. You didn't mean it, so it's okay. It's NOT OKAY!!
I told you it was stupid. Now you know.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2013, 02:15:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.
This is an excellent thing for you hope! I also felt a strong sense of pride knowing I had made the right decision to quit tobacco. I am glad to be quit with you today!! Keep moving on.
Enjoy the good, and survive the bad but post everyday.

You will have tough triggers. The theme in my head today is get digits and program in your phone.

Release your pride in going alone on this. Support and ask for support! Service helps the addict as much or more than being served!

Before you get to the point where you must have just one or justifying why you need to cave....YOU are required to call and talk to a brother and ask for permission to cave.

Just do it. I made the call a few times. One time we didn't talk about dip. Just got laughing and empathy for what I felt. Within 5 minutes, the craving was gone and I was stronger.

Calling for permission to cave is a neat experience you should be humble enough to try.

DO IT! Keep up the good work. It will take time but I am not going back I hate nicotine and the fraud that she is and always has been is so clear to me now.
The quit sherpas have arrived. Follow. They know how to climb the mountain. Glad you found us.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2013, 12:54:00 PM »
Quote from: doc2quit4good
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.
This is an excellent thing for you hope! I also felt a strong sense of pride knowing I had made the right decision to quit tobacco. I am glad to be quit with you today!! Keep moving on.
Enjoy the good, and survive the bad but post everyday.

You will have tough triggers. The theme in my head today is get digits and program in your phone.

Release your pride in going alone on this. Support and ask for support! Service helps the addict as much or more than being served!

Before you get to the point where you must have just one or justifying why you need to cave....YOU are required to call and talk to a brother and ask for permission to cave.

Just do it. I made the call a few times. One time we didn't talk about dip. Just got laughing and empathy for what I felt. Within 5 minutes, the craving was gone and I was stronger.

Calling for permission to cave is a neat experience you should be humble enough to try.

DO IT! Keep up the good work. It will take time but I am not going back I hate nicotine and the fraud that she is and always has been is so clear to me now.
Quit And Be Free

HOF Speech

Offline Doc2quit4good

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #20 on: November 18, 2013, 11:16:00 AM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.
This is an excellent thing for you hope! I also felt a strong sense of pride knowing I had made the right decision to quit tobacco. I am glad to be quit with you today!! Keep moving on.
Real Quit Day 9/18/2013 8th Floor 11/26/15
HOF day: 12/26/2013. 9th Floor 3/5/16
2nd Floor: 4/5/14 Comma Day 6/13/16!!!
3rd Floor 7/14/2014. 3 Years 9/18/6!!!
1 Year 9/17/2014. 11th Floor 9/21/16
4th Floor 10/22/14. 12th Floor 12/30/16
Half Comma 1/30/15. 13th Floor 4/8/17
6th Floor 5/10/15 4 Years 9/18/17!!!
7th Floor 8/18/15. 15th Floor 10/26/17
2 Years 9/17/15 16th Floor 2/3/18
5 Years 9/18/18  17th Floor 5/14/18
18th Floor 08/22/2018  19th Floor 11/30/18

Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2013, 11:18:00 PM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.
and thanks, Grizz. I mean it.

Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2013, 11:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Grizzfall
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
Glad to be posting on Day 16. Hard to believe it's been over 2 weeks. My life has changed for the better in many ways, but the main thing is I just feel like a different person. I'm trying to figure it out. It's good, don't get me wrong. It's great and I wouldn't even be quit if it wasn't for KTC and you all. The support and encouragement, messages and posts all provide the reading necessary to be quit. Love the Feb 2014 group. Y'all rock! Thanks for being here and I hope I can offer some help to someone, like you've given to me.

Offline Grizzfall

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
Quote from: hope
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome.  Post roll, keep your promise today.  Don't think you are quit forever.  Only when it's "today", 

Repeat.  All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost.  The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today". 

None of us worry about tomorrow.  We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!
Congrats on making it through two weeks. Those are some miserable times there. I hope to see more of your thoughts here so that we can all keeps tabs. Keep quit with feb 13 and stay strong.
"This personal torture has a good ending right?"

Offline hope

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2013, 09:23:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Welcome. Post roll, keep your promise today. Don't think you are quit forever. Only when it's "today",

Repeat. All the tools, support, and wisdom here is free of cost. The only compensation required is to quit by posting roll and keeping your promise every day that is, "today".

None of us worry about tomorrow. We quit today.
I'm keepin' on keepin' on. I love this. No one knows what you look like, what kind of car you drive, whether or not you have all your arms and legs. This is the most amazing place! Keep coming back is what they say in AA. But here, it's keep posting roll. That's our accountability. One day at a time. Today is great!