Author Topic: The Quit.  (Read 48566 times)

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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #165 on: February 04, 2022, 03:30:10 PM »
If your looking for a reason to kick that cat shit can to the curb or are struggling in your quit and wondering if KTC really is what it says it is than i hope this helps.

      Today i had to drive my buddy truck into work ( im a cheap ass, really need to buy one) because of bad weather. This snow storm brought about 9-12 inchs of snow so the roads were pretty bad off, level 3 type shit happ'en in my world. In the past the only thing that would calm my stress levels down was a big fatty. something about all that poison in there made me (feel) focused. Not today though! I didn't even think about chew and still had the same if not hyper focus the road conditions required. And better yet i was not risking my buddys truck and my life by reaching for a spitter and turning the cap every 5 minutes.

   The most important thing that happened is my buddy shot me a text to pick him up a can on my way home from work. I immediately felt uncomfortable. I thought, Man i have not bought a can of dip in 402 days, I also have not been inside of a gas station but maybe once since my quit ( so much easier to pay at the pump) one of the greatest perks and time savers of quitting in my opinion. walking in I could feel my fight or flight response, like you use to feel trying to buy alcohol underage . Im sure i looked like a frightened stooge standing there nervously trying to remember his style of chew since it was not what i would have bought. After a funny glance from the cashier i paid and got out of there. sitting in my car i could not feel like the most defeat person. hhahaha i felt so guilty like i let lots of people down. like i let myself down like a little kid.

The point im trying to make is that i didnt even use it and felt like a piece of shit ! thats the power of Brotherhood + Accountability ! that the power of this site. 402 days and i still want to hold my quit tight because of what this site has done for saving my life! Never want to let my Team down and i know alot of people look for my guidance !

Find your group and get on roll Every Damn Day  and you will be at 402 + days stacking wins, I quit with you all

Nick-Otine Free 402 LTBE

I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline worktowin

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #164 on: January 13, 2022, 04:21:58 PM »
Nick-Free - 24-7-365 LTBE

What can i Say , The journey around the sun has  been a complicated one. The trials that come with this addiction are endless, up and down and up and down the CAN is always calling my name. But heres the thing, im the lucky one. I made up my mind 12.30.21 that i would chasing that POS can for the rest of my life. And the pain had brought me nothing but joy! through the suck I earn a badass quit team in my thunderbirds that rallied every time i needed them. a encore of vets that promised me death and destruction if i turn a blind eye to roll call. It brought about painful truths i had to confront about myself but were needed to grow. I would not have it any other way, Nicotine still calls my name EDD even a year in. But it can lick the backside of my balls because i allready know i kept my word 24/7/365 , the proof is in the pudding. If you wanna quit than do so, Get angry , and be a man/woman of your word. We all bitch and wine along the way its part of quitting, and the family here will help settle your score EDD if you follow such a simple process. Its not for the Weak and the "ill quit tomorrowers" its for the grid iron gang that can pull through hard times and pull help others even when you can barley help yourself. I used fake up to my HOF day 265 days ago, i chewed up to fill that void, now because of my quit im taking care of my mouth and i cant chew gum because of my invisalign braces. 4 weeks ive been completely free, and it sucks so good. I absoululty hate it but i know one day ill come to realize this was gods plan , baby steps until its just a blimp on my radar. there is no shame is asking for help, if you need it reach out ill talk you through the glorious suck! ITs a trial period that shows you what your made of, and every quitter that makes it through it is one BAD MOFO because we all know how easy a Day 1 is. Cheer brothers and sisters to a year in and many more to come, if your wondering if this site is for you the answer is yes if you know whats good for your life. got more positive outcomes in the last year than i have in the last 15 chewing! im the lucky one and you can be to. dont be a bitch, suck it up and lets go to work! see yall down the road at the next stop!

So honored to quit with you, sir.  You are doing this the right way, and you have a lot of greatness ahead.  ODAAT.  You'll never catch up to me, but you will really like where you are going.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #163 on: December 29, 2021, 03:25:31 PM »
Nick-Free - 24-7-365 LTBE

What can i Say , The journey around the sun has  been a complicated one. The trials that come with this addiction are endless, up and down and up and down the CAN is always calling my name. But heres the thing, im the lucky one. I made up my mind 12.30.21 that i would chasing that POS can for the rest of my life. And the pain had brought me nothing but joy! through the suck I earn a badass quit team in my thunderbirds that rallied every time i needed them. a encore of vets that promised me death and destruction if i turn a blind eye to roll call. It brought about painful truths i had to confront about myself but were needed to grow. I would not have it any other way, Nicotine still calls my name EDD even a year in. But it can lick the backside of my balls because i allready know i kept my word 24/7/365 , the proof is in the pudding. If you wanna quit than do so, Get angry , and be a man/woman of your word. We all bitch and wine along the way its part of quitting, and the family here will help settle your score EDD if you follow such a simple process. Its not for the Weak and the "ill quit tomorrowers" its for the grid iron gang that can pull through hard times and pull help others even when you can barley help yourself. I used fake up to my HOF day 265 days ago, i chewed up to fill that void, now because of my quit im taking care of my mouth and i cant chew gum because of my invisalign braces. 4 weeks ive been completely free, and it sucks so good. I absoululty hate it but i know one day ill come to realize this was gods plan , baby steps until its just a blimp on my radar. there is no shame is asking for help, if you need it reach out ill talk you through the glorious suck! ITs a trial period that shows you what your made of, and every quitter that makes it through it is one BAD MOFO because we all know how easy a Day 1 is. Cheer brothers and sisters to a year in and many more to come, if your wondering if this site is for you the answer is yes if you know whats good for your life. got more positive outcomes in the last year than i have in the last 15 chewing! im the lucky one and you can be to. dont be a bitch, suck it up and lets go to work! see yall down the road at the next stop!
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #162 on: October 21, 2021, 07:54:10 AM »
     Although Discord has , as Woody would say, "posioned the waterhole" i will hit up my intro a few more times. Something i feared while dipping was the visit to the dentist. I always brushed the hell out of my teeth before heading there, praying and hoping they would not notice my beat up gums and cheek. aint it funny, like a dentist is not gonna notice you chew! addicts are crazy man, they never really said anything but i always had the guilt and fear that one day they would tell me i had oral cancer, that i would need surgery because of possible gum reduction , that they would be pulling teeth next visit because of my lack of better judgment to suck on a cat turd. 

      Yesterday i had no such fear , maybe a little anxiety because you know we all think " maybe i quit to late" we never know for sure if were out of the woods (QUIT TODAY!). But more or less i walked in there proud, gave my dentist my day count as i proudly told her my year quit was coming up in December. She said my mouth has healed up amazing and i probably saved my teeth yearssss of future problems. I have always had 100% overbite but never wanted to correct it because even as a addict i figured my teeth and mouth were in a world of hurt down the road! ( never thought id quit and accepted that my teeth were gonna need pulled or gums fixed at some point, didnt care really that how deep nicotine addiction is!) But now with my freedom my Dentist recommend i get it straighten out, so with my new quit life im head to get orthodontics to get my mouth straighten out for good!

Quitting has  all the upside , Its a WIN WIN! you cant get those odds anywhere else in your life. ITs worth everything , if you swung in here first before you head over to the other site , know your best life starts today with the tossing of that shitty can!

I quit with you all EDD - Nick-296 LTBE
« Last Edit: October 21, 2021, 08:09:20 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline Keith0617

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #161 on: September 22, 2021, 04:44:01 PM »
Contract To Give UpWhen you’re ready to give up your quit, print, and sign.

The Contract To Give Up

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________

For those of you  with a wad of cat shit in your mouth reading this not sure if you can do it , todays your day to grow a pair and sign up with December, If not feel free to print the above and hand it out to your loved ones
NICK-LTBE 266 days

Still carry a copy of it in my wallet. Probably need a new unfaded, non sweat stained and fully readable copy to put in there now.
I also carry a copy in my wallet.

Offline bubblehed668

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #160 on: September 22, 2021, 11:34:05 AM »
Contract To Give UpWhen you’re ready to give up your quit, print, and sign.

The Contract To Give Up

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________

For those of you  with a wad of cat shit in your mouth reading this not sure if you can do it , todays your day to grow a pair and sign up with December, If not feel free to print the above and hand it out to your loved ones
NICK-LTBE 266 days

Still carry a copy of it in my wallet. Probably need a new unfaded, non sweat stained and fully readable copy to put in there now.
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Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #159 on: September 22, 2021, 07:52:21 AM »
Trials and Temptations

2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

9 Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. 10 But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.

12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

13 When tempted, no one should say, “God is tempting me.” For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone

                                                                        James 1:1-13
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline stillbrewing

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #158 on: September 21, 2021, 04:36:27 PM »
Contract To Give UpWhen you’re ready to give up your quit, print, and sign.

The Contract To Give Up

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________

For those of you  with a wad of cat shit in your mouth reading this not sure if you can do it , todays your day to grow a pair and sign up with December, If not feel free to print the above and hand it out to your loved ones
NICK-LTBE 266 days

657 days later...I still have this hanging above my desk at work.  Very powerful.  Thanks @nick-Otine Free !
"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's everything in between that makes all worth living.  So, love the life you live, live the life you love." - Bob Marley

“La tristesse durera toujours." ~ Vincent van Gogh

"You can fuck off all the way to fuckoff mountain and jump off FUCKOFF point for all i care. Just post and stay quit." ~MikeW2018~

HOF-3/13/20; 2nd floor-6/21/20; 3rd floor-9/29/20; 1 year-12/3/20; 4th floor-1/7/21; 5th floor-4/17/21; 6th floor-7/26/21

HOF Speech Here

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #157 on: September 21, 2021, 08:34:06 AM »
Contract To Give UpWhen you’re ready to give up your quit, print, and sign.

The Contract To Give Up

I give up my quit. Quitting is impossible and I cannot do it. I love dipping more than I love myself. I care about dipping more than I care about my personal health. I love dipping more than I love my family. I know this addiction will kill me, and I ACCEPT that fact. I enjoy spending time alone with my can more than I enjoy spending time with anyone else on the planet. I look forward to losing my jaw, my tongue, my throat, my life – it’s worth it. When I am lying in my hospital bed fighting a losing battle against cancer I will feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that this is the path I CHOSE. My only regret will be that I didn’t start dipping earlier in life. I will feel sorrow for my family’s heartbreak and suffer untold pain, but I know you must sacrifice for the things you truly love.

I know ALL the consequences of my actions and I accept them fully and without regret. I hereby choose to give my life to this addiction – I do so with a smile on face.

Signature: ____________________
Date: ____________________

For those of you  with a wad of cat shit in your mouth reading this not sure if you can do it , todays your day to grow a pair and sign up with December, If not feel free to print the above and hand it out to your loved ones
NICK-LTBE 266 days
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline ChickDip

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #156 on: September 19, 2021, 01:10:04 AM »

     What a great listen this morning! So relatable to quitting nicotine and this Site. We come up with bullshit excuses as to why we can not take 2 minutes every morning to jump on and post roll. "im to busy", "my family is more important", "I have other priority's that come first" "ill get to it when i can" Every addict has there own go to excuse as to why they cant make it on roll by noon ---> *insert your bullshit lie here* It makes sense, were addicts, We need just a gap so we can to slip back to the can. You read that correct, Addicts want to go back to the can. If were honest to ourselves were always thinking about packing our lip no matter how long you have been free from it. Heres where we separate "there are days we dont want to WUPP, But we DO IT ANYWAY!" "THE JOB HAS TO GET DONE REGARDLESS OF YOUR EMOTIONS"  we have to Love the WUPP Especially when we dont feel like it and that is what we call the TEST DAYS. That's what we Have to do as addicts to EARN our way into Freedom. It a chance to prove to other newbies and vets but most importantly yourself what your made off, That you are what you say you are, That your word is your bond, That you are a person of integrity and honor. The real magic is WUPPing when our body and heart says were not going to any more, but our MIND tells us to DO IT ANYWAY. Thats were Bad Ass quitters separate themselves from those that fail and leave, or stop posting roll. The minute the nic bitch starts telling you to post later, the minute you feel this site is not for you, The minute you put other things in front of your quit. The minute you say you don't wanna quit any more. But you DO IT ANYWAY  That's the difference between a LOSER and someone who is a successful in keeping dip out of their life for good. the last 2 minutes of this video he even mentions addiction. "Every Addiction has a trigger, and when you start to WUPP thats when the magic happens, When you step up when your being tested its gonna be of the best wins you encounter in your own quit! MOVE FORWARD ANYWAY! YOUR ADDICTION IS WINNING FROM HERE ON OUT!

Nick-LTBE-262 days of WUPPING EDD
The minute the nic bitch starts telling you to post later, the minute you feel this site is not for you, The minute you put other things in front of your quit. The minute you say you don't wanna quit any more. But you DO IT ANYWAY  That's the difference between a LOSER and someone who is a successful in keeping dip out of their life for good.

Mic drop
July 2015 Jackals - House of WUPP
"....the load doesn't weigh me down at all, he ain't heavy he's my brother"
Try to believe that you are worth more than you think, and others are worth more than you think.
"If you haven't... Quit now......If you have... Stay that way " ~AppleJack
"Make It Through Today" WarE2013 (Rest Easy)
"I am quit... for today... with you... but not FOR you" ~LBP
"Endeavor to Persevere!" Lone Waite

my intro / my HOF speech / my comma club
Building a Strong Quit / My HOF Day

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #155 on: September 17, 2021, 07:36:45 AM »

     What a great listen this morning! So relatable to quitting nicotine and this Site. We come up with bullshit excuses as to why we can not take 2 minutes every morning to jump on and post roll. "im to busy", "my family is more important", "I have other priority's that come first" "ill get to it when i can" Every addict has there own go to excuse as to why they cant make it on roll by noon ---> *insert your bullshit lie here* It makes sense, were addicts, We need just a gap so we can to slip back to the can. You read that correct, Addicts want to go back to the can. If were honest to ourselves were always thinking about packing our lip no matter how long you have been free from it. Heres where we separate "there are days we dont want to WUPP, But we DO IT ANYWAY!" "THE JOB HAS TO GET DONE REGARDLESS OF YOUR EMOTIONS"  we have to Love the WUPP Especially when we dont feel like it and that is what we call the TEST DAYS. That's what we Have to do as addicts to EARN our way into Freedom. It a chance to prove to other newbies and vets but most importantly yourself what your made off, That you are what you say you are, That your word is your bond, That you are a person of integrity and honor. The real magic is WUPPing when our body and heart says were not going to any more, but our MIND tells us to DO IT ANYWAY. Thats were Bad Ass quitters separate themselves from those that fail and leave, or stop posting roll. The minute the nic bitch starts telling you to post later, the minute you feel this site is not for you, The minute you put other things in front of your quit. The minute you say you don't wanna quit any more. But you DO IT ANYWAY  That's the difference between a LOSER and someone who is a successful in keeping dip out of their life for good. the last 2 minutes of this video he even mentions addiction. "Every Addiction has a trigger, and when you start to WUPP thats when the magic happens, When you step up when your being tested its gonna be of the best wins you encounter in your own quit! MOVE FORWARD ANYWAY! YOUR ADDICTION IS WINNING FROM HERE ON OUT!

Nick-LTBE-262 days of WUPPING EDD
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 07:53:04 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #154 on: September 14, 2021, 08:33:35 AM »

"The only way I Lose is if I quit"

" Becasue I Know I am  1 YES away"

"You Cant Defeat ME"

" Diamonds Are Created under Pressure and Heat, and after all they go through all that struggle they become Unbreakable"

" the First thing they Teach in you in Navy basic training  is how to respond when your gun jams and how to carry a dead body"

     Watch the Video above and picture and relate it all to quitting nicotine. You wanna quit? Be prepared for a DOGFIGHT! Want help? Be willing to be helped! Its never gonna happen if you keep doing it your way. Its never gonna happen if you leave after 100 days. Do you want to win or do you want to stop for awhile and go back to something that kills you. Are you that dead body we have to carry off the KTC field? Can you handle the pressure of strangers holding you accountable ? Are you strong enough to make it though those hard days where life aint fair!
This system works, look around you will see. Think your smarter than what works... Well you aint got that DOG in ya. Its so easy to slowly start fading away from this site but lately i see so many returning wishing they would have never left. Because Dipping is no joke! That glass and insolation in that pinch rips and tears your gums to hell. floods your blood pressure and injects Poison into your body. Teeth stained brown with that floating leaf stuck to the front of your tooth. Making you look like the Back end of a mule.

Get in the DOGFIGHT! Be Intentional! And Quit, I cant.... I wont do it for you. Becasue you can see those that really wanna be free of chains and those that are leaving the window open. Great video LETS GO. DONT TALK ABOUT IT---- BE ABOUT IT!
Nick-259 LTBE
« Last Edit: September 14, 2021, 08:38:45 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
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Offline DaddysJunk

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #153 on: September 08, 2021, 11:32:46 AM »
     Today I woke up again with a headache and a little bit nauseous, 3 days of dealing with this frustration and annoyance. However when I got on roll this morning I seen my fellow Thunder brother Jeepmoxie  was struggling as well. I can say this, I joined KTC for reasons like these. seeing someone else ,only a day behind in his quit, going through something similar almost immediately toughened my resolve. " Damn Nick he is going through the same shit as well and he is still going don't be a pussy" " Fuck this if he can stay quit I damn sure know I can". Its the Magic of Brotherhood + Accountability that keeps Me quit, If I was going it alone I would be just another guest standing out in the cold looking in.
     As many know, one of the ways i stay quit or distract my craving mind is by listing to motivational stuff on my way to work instead of slinging Horse shit in my lip. This is some of the messages I heard today and am applying to my Quit: Self discipline is the ability to want to do something , but do it any way. I may not want to to WUPP, But i do it any way. I may not want to Let people know ill be late to roll, but i do it anyway. I may not have felt comfortable giving out my phone number, but i did it any way. Change your mentality and on the other side there is greatness. YOU can face down everyone including that weak voice inside your own mind.
     If you truly want to achieve something, you got to find ways to put yourself at risk of something great happening. I wanted my freedom so I risked putting myself out there on this site to walk into my great new nicotine free life. I accepted my own responsibility, i see myself as primarily responsible for my outcomes and my experience. I can drink as much of the kool-aid as i want , i must first hold myself to the higher standard of my quit and KTC comes Second to helping me stay quit. Cause and effect exist, if you want to get better at something you need to put in the work. If you want to save your own life you must be willing to face the flames. Lock and load yourself with every tool to get you out of the trenches of nicotine and possible death.
     I dare you to take a stand today, to say " NO MORE". I will no longer Accept this (dip) for my life. I dare you to take action today. I dare you to quit and have KTC keep you Accountable.

Nick-Otine Free- 57 LTBE

     This was almost 200 days ago........ WOW, just incredible. I give all credit to this site, Quitting is a marathon not a sprint . these were hard days, and this is a perfect reminder as i woke up today wanting that fix just one more time. But the true honest key is....drum roll please...... YOU have to want your freedom more than anything in the world. Jump first and grow wings on the way down. You do this and tack on what i said ^^^^^ at day 57. you will be well on your way to a nicotine free life. Listen, observe, join in, get involved and as your group gets stronger begin to expand to other areas of the site. There is something here for every single person. choose what works best for you and your quit and this could be the day you look back at your own 200 day past and be inspired about just how far you have come.

I quit non stop, day in and day out. Be the Change you want to see in the world! Will see you on December roll and ill be cheering for you!
Nick-253 LTBE
Exactly!! You can't grow those wings until you JUMP! You think you're gonna die at first, then you realize you're kind of gliding. Next thing you know, one day you're flying without realizing it. Baby birds can't fly until they're shoved out the nest, and either fly or die before they hit the ground. But once they fly, they are FREE!

What are all these guests waiting for? Quit being a pussy! Fucking jump into your quit! We will help you fly.
Quit date: 2/17/21    HOF:5/27/21

The Lord God who created us created us to be free, slave to neither man nor substance. -Athan

“Me not wanting dip was the beginning of me
wanting myself thank you.”
~Nayyquitirah Waquitheed(Stillbrewing)

Offline Addictx3

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #152 on: September 08, 2021, 10:32:04 AM »
     Today I woke up again with a headache and a little bit nauseous, 3 days of dealing with this frustration and annoyance. However when I got on roll this morning I seen my fellow Thunder brother Jeepmoxie  was struggling as well. I can say this, I joined KTC for reasons like these. seeing someone else ,only a day behind in his quit, going through something similar almost immediately toughened my resolve. " Damn Nick he is going through the same shit as well and he is still going don't be a pussy" " Fuck this if he can stay quit I damn sure know I can". Its the Magic of Brotherhood + Accountability that keeps Me quit, If I was going it alone I would be just another guest standing out in the cold looking in.
     As many know, one of the ways i stay quit or distract my craving mind is by listing to motivational stuff on my way to work instead of slinging Horse shit in my lip. This is some of the messages I heard today and am applying to my Quit: Self discipline is the ability to want to do something , but do it any way. I may not want to to WUPP, But i do it any way. I may not want to Let people know ill be late to roll, but i do it anyway. I may not have felt comfortable giving out my phone number, but i did it any way. Change your mentality and on the other side there is greatness. YOU can face down everyone including that weak voice inside your own mind.
     If you truly want to achieve something, you got to find ways to put yourself at risk of something great happening. I wanted my freedom so I risked putting myself out there on this site to walk into my great new nicotine free life. I accepted my own responsibility, i see myself as primarily responsible for my outcomes and my experience. I can drink as much of the kool-aid as i want , i must first hold myself to the higher standard of my quit and KTC comes Second to helping me stay quit. Cause and effect exist, if you want to get better at something you need to put in the work. If you want to save your own life you must be willing to face the flames. Lock and load yourself with every tool to get you out of the trenches of nicotine and possible death.
     I dare you to take a stand today, to say " NO MORE". I will no longer Accept this (dip) for my life. I dare you to take action today. I dare you to quit and have KTC keep you Accountable.

Nick-Otine Free- 57 LTBE

     This was almost 200 days ago........ WOW, just incredible. I give all credit to this site, Quitting is a marathon not a sprint . these were hard days, and this is a perfect reminder as i woke up today wanting that fix just one more time. But the true honest key is....drum roll please...... YOU have to want your freedom more than anything in the world. Jump first and grow wings on the way down. You do this and tack on what i said ^^^^^ at day 57. you will be well on your way to a nicotine free life. Listen, observe, join in, get involved and as your group gets stronger begin to expand to other areas of the site. There is something here for every single person. choose what works best for you and your quit and this could be the day you look back at your own 200 day past and be inspired about just how far you have come.

I quit non stop, day in and day out. Be the Change you want to see in the world! Will see you on December roll and ill be cheering for you!
Nick-253 LTBE

Hell yeah Nick! You are a great, positive presence in this community. Props to you.

Offline nick-Otine Free

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Re: The Quit.
« Reply #151 on: September 08, 2021, 09:06:22 AM »
     Today I woke up again with a headache and a little bit nauseous, 3 days of dealing with this frustration and annoyance. However when I got on roll this morning I seen my fellow Thunder brother Jeepmoxie  was struggling as well. I can say this, I joined KTC for reasons like these. seeing someone else ,only a day behind in his quit, going through something similar almost immediately toughened my resolve. " Damn Nick he is going through the same shit as well and he is still going don't be a pussy" " Fuck this if he can stay quit I damn sure know I can". Its the Magic of Brotherhood + Accountability that keeps Me quit, If I was going it alone I would be just another guest standing out in the cold looking in.
     As many know, one of the ways i stay quit or distract my craving mind is by listing to motivational stuff on my way to work instead of slinging Horse shit in my lip. This is some of the messages I heard today and am applying to my Quit: Self discipline is the ability to want to do something , but do it any way. I may not want to to WUPP, But i do it any way. I may not want to Let people know ill be late to roll, but i do it anyway. I may not have felt comfortable giving out my phone number, but i did it any way. Change your mentality and on the other side there is greatness. YOU can face down everyone including that weak voice inside your own mind.
     If you truly want to achieve something, you got to find ways to put yourself at risk of something great happening. I wanted my freedom so I risked putting myself out there on this site to walk into my great new nicotine free life. I accepted my own responsibility, i see myself as primarily responsible for my outcomes and my experience. I can drink as much of the kool-aid as i want , i must first hold myself to the higher standard of my quit and KTC comes Second to helping me stay quit. Cause and effect exist, if you want to get better at something you need to put in the work. If you want to save your own life you must be willing to face the flames. Lock and load yourself with every tool to get you out of the trenches of nicotine and possible death.
     I dare you to take a stand today, to say " NO MORE". I will no longer Accept this (dip) for my life. I dare you to take action today. I dare you to quit and have KTC keep you Accountable.

Nick-Otine Free- 57 LTBE

     This was almost 200 days ago........ WOW, just incredible. I give all credit to this site, Quitting is a marathon not a sprint . these were hard days, and this is a perfect reminder as i woke up today wanting that fix just one more time. But the true honest key is....drum roll please...... YOU have to want your freedom more than anything in the world. Jump first and grow wings on the way down. You do this and tack on what i said ^^^^^ at day 57. you will be well on your way to a nicotine free life. Listen, observe, join in, get involved and as your group gets stronger begin to expand to other areas of the site. There is something here for every single person. choose what works best for you and your quit and this could be the day you look back at your own 200 day past and be inspired about just how far you have come.

I quit non stop, day in and day out. Be the Change you want to see in the world! Will see you on December roll and ill be cheering for you!
Nick-253 LTBE
« Last Edit: September 08, 2021, 09:12:45 AM by nick-Otine Free »
I may not be a smart man, but I know what quit is! -Quitest Gump-
     -Don't plan for the future, Quit for today!-
"The way to get started is to (quit) talking and begin doing." Walt Disney
~you cant plan your quit you just have to do it, both feet free fall.~
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the Valiant never taste of death but once"
Daily Devotional