Author Topic: Upper Lippin'  (Read 5661 times)

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Offline azchief32

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #114 on: January 27, 2012, 09:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
well man im just pisst he asked who i was and when i stoped by to intraduse my self he just ignored me.
Syn...I think somebody farts higher than their hole.
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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #113 on: January 27, 2012, 08:54:00 PM »
Dear KTC,

Thank you for existing. Day 423 has been peachy. I like my life today. I look forward to day 424 with you.



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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #112 on: January 27, 2012, 06:58:00 PM »
This thread alone has kept me from even thinking about caving. I could not imagine the relentless shit you would take. That alone is worth not caving for! guys crack me up!

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #111 on: January 27, 2012, 04:50:00 PM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Aglawyer
Did someone call for a Plaintiff's attorney???

'drool'  'drool'  'drool'  'drool'  'drool'

Who can I sue???
Can we get an ambulance chaser emote?

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #110 on: January 27, 2012, 04:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Aglawyer
Did someone call for a Plaintiff's attorney???

'drool' 'drool' 'drool' 'drool' 'drool'

Who can I sue???

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

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"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

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Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #109 on: January 27, 2012, 02:38:00 PM »
Did someone call for a Plaintiff's attorney???

'drool' 'drool' 'drool' 'drool' 'drool'

Who can I sue???

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #108 on: January 27, 2012, 02:32:00 PM »

I don't really think that you've done as much reading on here as you claim. Do me a favor, go to the HOF thread, start at the back and read to the front. Read each and every speech carefully. Take a deep breath and absorb not only the last 6 months worth, but all of them. From there, go to the Words of Wisdom, mix in some old quit groups and make an effort to see how this place came about.

I don't expect you to change your mind about me, we've gone beyond that discussion. However, I would like to take a second look at what this site really does and for what it truly stands.

If you are who you say you are, I trust that you will at least give this consideration.

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #107 on: January 27, 2012, 01:52:00 PM »
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser

P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
What are we in, junior high?

Sometimes the most evil snake comes disguised as a nice shiney polished apple.
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Offline Nolaq

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #106 on: January 27, 2012, 01:41:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: Syndrome
well man im just pisst he asked who i was and when i stoped by to intraduse my self he just ignored me.
His spel cheker mus B doun.
I think Chief already knew who you were 'drome.....

Just sayin' _
What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #105 on: January 27, 2012, 01:03:00 PM »
Quote from: Syndrome
well man im just pisst he asked who i was and when i stoped by to intraduse my self he just ignored me.
His spel cheker mus B doun.
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Offline Nolaq

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #104 on: January 27, 2012, 11:33:00 AM »
Quote from: Ready

I read through the most recent exchange. I must admit, I was slightly amused.

Why are you here?
What are you willing to do to stay quit?
What do you hope to accomplish with your posts in this thread?

Your actions seem silly to quite a few around this site. Are you one of those special people I see on American Idol who think they are indeed the greatest singers of all time (And they genuinly believe it)

Then, we hear them sing. Then we hear Randy say, "Dude, singins not for you, ever."

Then the cameras follow them out of the audition room and then are motherfuckin the judges and flipping them the bird sayin how fucked up the judges are and how they will show them by becoming the best singer in the world and make millions and millions of dollars.

One of the more amusing tactics of the judges is a challenge to the inflamed singer to go find someone on the street, anyone, who thinks they are a good singer. The hapless tone deaf singer eagerly accepts the challenge and trudges forth onto the street to find the mass of people who will testify he is the most talented singer they have ever heard.

Inevitably, he returns with some very nice children and a grandfather who may be hard of hearing to say he sings "okay" And you can tell they are just the nicest people in the world and just didn't want to say how bad he sucks.

I say all this on the off chance you are not a self rightious dooshbag of a troll looking to entertain themselves by fucking around on a non-profit self help site.

And if you are offended by what I have written and feel the need to reply to defend yourself, it is not necessary. This post was not for you. This introduction section is sometimes the first impression people who are contemplating quitting will get.

It is a fine day to be quit.
It is a fine Quit Day Indeed my friend.

What is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!

Offline Ready

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #103 on: January 27, 2012, 11:09:00 AM »

I read through the most recent exchange. I must admit, I was slightly amused.

Why are you here?
What are you willing to do to stay quit?
What do you hope to accomplish with your posts in this thread?

Your actions seem silly to quite a few around this site. Are you one of those special people I see on American Idol who think they are indeed the greatest singers of all time (And they genuinly believe it)

Then, we hear them sing. Then we hear Randy say, "Dude, singins not for you, ever."

Then the cameras follow them out of the audition room and then are motherfuckin the judges and flipping them the bird sayin how fucked up the judges are and how they will show them by becoming the best singer in the world and make millions and millions of dollars.

One of the more amusing tactics of the judges is a challenge to the inflamed singer to go find someone on the street, anyone, who thinks they are a good singer. The hapless tone deaf singer eagerly accepts the challenge and trudges forth onto the street to find the mass of people who will testify he is the most talented singer they have ever heard.

Inevitably, he returns with some very nice children and a grandfather who may be hard of hearing to say he sings "okay" And you can tell they are just the nicest people in the world and just didn't want to say how bad he sucks.

I say all this on the off chance you are not a self rightious dooshbag of a troll looking to entertain themselves by fucking around on a non-profit self help site.

And if you are offended by what I have written and feel the need to reply to defend yourself, it is not necessary. This post was not for you. This introduction section is sometimes the first impression people who are contemplating quitting will get.

It is a fine day to be quit.

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #102 on: January 27, 2012, 10:40:00 AM »

I quit with you today pumpkin!

Miles - 3hunnard and something days of freedom

pssstt..this site works. Make yourself accountable to your quit brothers and keep your those days stack up...

I quit with with you all!

Offline theo3wood

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #101 on: January 27, 2012, 10:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Keddy
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?
Yes. Victim. Can a victim quit? Stay tuned...more to come after this short commercial break. :)
2sore- you really do have a lot of sand in your pussy, don't you?
well I guess its been pretty quiet around here. Haven't had a me-whore in quite a while, since Chaos I guess.
In the vernacular of LOOT: Keddy shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
Some people learn the hard way and some people never get it. We'll see.
Some folks just can't seem to get out of their own way. Perhaps twoscore is an angry elf.

Sorry for the pile on, brother. Couldn't resist. Keep up the rage.
"the cycle is over. we are clean. we are shining beacons to the masses that think it can't be done." ...LooT

"We have the right to watch our children grow and have earned the right to participate in their lives. We will not be denied. Success can be our only option now. We can never tire, give up, fail, or falter. We are worth more than this addiction and will stop at nothing to beat it." ...Sweenz

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #100 on: January 27, 2012, 10:19:00 AM »
Quote from: tarpon17
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?
Yes. Victim. Can a victim quit? Stay tuned...more to come after this short commercial break. :)
2sore- you really do have a lot of sand in your pussy, don't you?
well I guess its been pretty quiet around here. Haven't had a me-whore in quite a while, since Chaos I guess.
In the vernacular of LOOT: Keddy shrugs his shoulders and walks away.
Some people learn the hard way and some people never get it. We'll see.