Author Topic: Upper Lippin'  (Read 4100 times)

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Offline tarpon17

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #99 on: January 27, 2012, 09:37:00 AM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?
Yes. Victim. Can a victim quit? Stay tuned...more to come after this short commercial break. :)
2sore- you really do have a lot of sand in your pussy, don't you?
well I guess its been pretty quiet around here. Haven't had a me-whore in quite a while, since Chaos I guess.

Offline Remshot

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #98 on: January 27, 2012, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Scowick65
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?
Yes. Victim. Can a victim quit? Stay tuned...more to come after this short commercial break. :)
2sore- you really do have a lot of sand in your pussy, don't you?

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #97 on: January 27, 2012, 07:46:00 AM »
well man im just pisst he asked who i was and when i stoped by to intraduse my self he just ignored me.

Offline Scowick65

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #96 on: January 27, 2012, 06:37:00 AM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?
Yes. Victim. Can a victim quit? Stay tuned...more to come after this short commercial break. :)

Offline 30yraddict

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #95 on: January 27, 2012, 06:09:00 AM »
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
1. The site is not ran "for profit". Do you see any ads? Matter of a fact we pay our host, invision free, to make sure that no ads are present.

2. I DO encourage everyone to go back to the beginning of this intro and read. Pay very close attention to the inflammatory statements made by twoscore...then he plays the victim. He has contributed significantly to the drama he rails so strongly against.

3. I have remained fairly neutral in all of this, but this most recent post has swayed me quite a bit. Implied legal threats??? Really?

Offline TwoScoreAndTwoUser

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #94 on: January 27, 2012, 02:54:00 AM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
More kind and encouraging words from another of the Magnificent 7! Are there ANY of you left who have not chimed in? IUCHEWIE is the only one I can recall who has been civil to me. (Well, maybe RUTROH, but HIS implication is that if I walk away from their last kick, no more will be forthcoming) The rest of you guys just won't stop, huh? You get BIG laughs from this, huh? Just look at the emoticon. Anyone can see that the implication is that I am too stupid to navigate around. Nice. Did you used to kick the kid with glasses and the brown bag lunch too while you laughed hysterically?


For some history, here are my words which started the whole thing, referred to above as initial "cyber yelling" and "degrading" (presently found at index.php?showtopic=5850st=75 ):

 Just trying to clear some things up. I find this site to be very busy (visually) and where to be/go to be very difficult to ascertain, not to mention the "requisite and proper" language to use (e.g., "try" is a verboten verb).

Yes, I did get defensive later, often quite vocally and colorfully, but only after being being treated VERY poorly.

This (The quote above) is yelling and degrading? You guys really have some pretty thin skin, huh? Even if it would be considered yelling and degrading, I thought the reason this site was set up was so that one COULD rage and let off some steam? Oh, it was so that YOU could rage and let off some steam at the expense of the members, then lie around and 'crackup'. Do you know how sad and pathetic that is? And all the while, dozens, if not hundreds, of members will clamor to your defense because you (legitimately) gave them the structure to be a QUIT and REMAIN A QUIT. But, not everyone is blind and I'm old enough to know that the way that you treat people ALWAYS EVENTUALLY returns to you, often outside of the original domain.

Grow up boys. I'm here. I'm real. Look for all the phantom "red flags" you want. (Apparently, whatever it is that I do, and however I do it set off "red flags" and I have been scrutinized VERY CAREFULLY in the background. Anyone aware of the site's privacy policy?)

All I was asking for was some support in my quit. I got some from some very honorable members. I also got much, much, more. Read my INTRO thread backwards (Upper Lippin). Where did civility first break down? Who was reaching out and being fed a line of bull? I DO NOT MEAN ABOUT HOW TO QUIT. I still don't know if redtrain14 is a moderator or not. He says that he forged the site to look like one. You condone such activities?

I left this INTRO page a day ago to socialize with my group, many of whom respect me. You just can't let it go. You'll reply that I can't. No, when one of le formage grande implies that I'm too stupid to navigate the site, YOU'RE DAMN STRAIGHT THAT I AM GOING TO DEFEND MYSELF.

I have not used tobacco, and I'm not doing any IP masking. Please sirs, I really like my group. May I please remain? Can you please LOCK my INTRO so that I don't have to be subjected to the degradations of any more of your minions (Anybody gonna answer the Redtrain14/Moderator question?)

I STILL prefer Peace, but will not roll over and be raped (that was a euphemism for being treated poorly, JIC any of the M7 wanted to take that literally),


P.S. You are a COMMERCIAL SITE and generate revenue. You have an obligation to your members. IF I WERE MENTALLY UNSTABLE (which I'm not) and COMMITTED SUICIDE OVER THIS (which I wouldn't), do you think there would be any lack of attorneys for the plaintiff side? Consult your attorneys on this and BACK OFF!!
Support our Marines (and all our servicemen) REGARDLESS and IRRESPECTIVE... our B-hole politicians don't

I can roof my barn. I can integrate x/2. I can make non-dense 100% whole wheat honey bread. I can maneuver a 900 lb. 113 Cu. In. Cycle through twisties. I can make children laugh. I can also remain quit... ad infinitum!

We are the few, the proud, the knights who say NI to NI-co-tine!

I AM a non-tobacco chewer/user

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #93 on: January 26, 2012, 10:59:00 PM »
Quote from: 30yrAddict
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
Actually I've been lost in here for the last 348 days :wacko:
I had the Minotaur after me for a little while.
In the end I Surrender, I and I alone accept that I have and always will have a Nicotene ADDICTION. It is my choice to quit, but I can't do it alone. I get to go down this path one time, I want to do it right. I recognize that my word, my integrety to you is on the line and is only as good as my actions. Caving is not an option in this plan-Eafman 7/11

I am not cured. I will quit one day at a time. I will continue to do what works. Posting roll everyday. To do otherwise would be foolish on my part. You can do this-Ready 12/11

To overcome your addiction you must comprehend what it means to fail-Razd 3/12

Theres a lot of people that come here, especially vets, that WANT to be reminded that they are addicts.-Tarpon 6/12

Just as a building starts with architectural drawings. Your daily quit begins with a promise.-Scowick 2/13

Here and now, focused on today, minute by minute, whatever it takes, I promise to all my bros and myself not to become a negative stat and stay quit!-krok 1/15

I want everyone to be quit. Even the assholes.-Probe1957 1/18

Ignoring history or erasing history fixes nothing and leads you inevitably down the same path.-69franx 04/30/2021

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #92 on: January 26, 2012, 10:14:00 PM »
Quote from: Remshot
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.
Actually I've been lost in here for the last 348 days :wacko:

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #91 on: January 26, 2012, 10:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Rutroh

... As the quietest of "The 7",
I thought I was the quietest???

Just an aside...If someone can't navigate this site, I don't think it's the site that's the problem! 'crackup'

2score....You coming in here cyber yelling at us and degrading our beloved site reminds me of a scene from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. In the scene, Jeremiah and the bald trapper meet up with some indians (Native Americans to those who are pc). The one indian is yelling when he speaks and Jeremiah asks the bald trapper why he is doing that. The bald guy says "It's because he's scared of you". (or something close to that)

Nothing to be scared of buddy. Instead of trying to bump chests with everyone who somehow offends your sensitivities, stand back and watch, read, and learn. Interact, but stop assuming that so many are trying to make you the camp bitch. They aren't. There are methods to their madness. Take the time to learn the idiosyncracies.

That's all. I'm exhausted. That's more than I've said in a week.

PS. By the way, my quit brothers and I started reaching 6 years quit this week, and there are others here who have been quit longer. Our site does work. We don't "fix" what ain't broken.

Quit -1/23/06
HOF -5/02/06 May 2006 Drama Queens

Proverbs 18:2

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A Quit Plan: Do you have one?

CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit.
After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco. SportDad 1/13/05

Warm summer sun, shine kindly here;
Warm southern wind, blow softly here;
Green sod above, lie light, lie light.-
Good-night, dear heart, good-night.

Be silly, be honest, be kind

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #90 on: January 25, 2012, 05:29:00 PM »
You made your promise today, keep it and repeat tomorrow. Nice job! You can PM your number if you need anything.

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #89 on: January 25, 2012, 05:21:00 PM »
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Since NO ONE wants to be peacemaker... PLEASE LEAVE ME IN PEACE.  If you don't have encouraging words for me, don't have words for me.  The structure of this site HAS given me those who DO have words of support and who ARE providing those much needed words of encouragement.  God bless them in their quit and God bless you all.
... As the quietest of "The 7", I will say this as succinct as possible.
If you want a peacemaker to appear... look in the mirror and offer that to others. If you want to be left in peace....leave others in peace.
If you want words of encouragement... offer it to others.
OK you get the point.
?We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.?
#8213; Kurt Vonnegut

Quit! 12/31/2005

Proverbs 31:8-9

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #88 on: January 25, 2012, 05:10:00 PM »
Point of correction, Leahy was the one asking for a peacemaker. He took heat for that so lets give credit where its due. I'm not much of a diplomat, nor do I have a lot of quit under my belt but I do recognize a quitter who is suffering. I gather you are older and have dipped longer than most so you may be suffering more than most. Its a shitty time for sure. It will get much, much better Paul and you will be in a much different frame of mind soon. Give it some time and here's some unsolicited advice-in the middle of all this chaos, its ok to lay low for a while. No one will think less of you for not counter punching every slight, perceived or real.

IMHO fellas its time to give this man some kindness and if nothing else a little peace and quiet.

See you in the morning Paul.
Grit and Quit ~ Timpy
Building a relentless, laser-sighted, chrome-plated, heat-seeking, cock-blocking, wolf pack of a quit (with curb feelers), one day at a time.

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #87 on: January 25, 2012, 05:07:00 PM »
Still playing the victim sugar?

Rage sucks. LOOT knows first hand. The first 9 months or so LOOT was a raging lunatic. It took a couple trips to the doctor and a few prescriptions to calm it down. Was truly a very dark, very scary period of time. One that LOOT will not repeat.

This place is home for many of us. It is the only respite we have from the troubled waters of an addiction. We use it to build relationships with like minded people in hopes that when the day comes that we need a rope, there will be a friend at the top of the hole to throw it. We take great pride in this house. You are more than welcome here. We hope you find the same calm we find. However, when you walk in the front door and piss on the floor, we take umbrage.

We'll chalk it up to rage. We'll chalk it up to fog. We'll let it go. You just need to know where we are coming from.

In the end, the type of support you get here may not be for you. It is harsh at times. Primarily because we are all fluent in bullshit to and don't hesitate to call it when we see it.

Take what you need...leave the rest.


PS. The Word of the Day was not really smart-ass. You like big words. So does LOOT. LOOT just doesn't find it necessary to use them. No one really wants to play WOTD with ol LOOT. You can head it up...if you have time.

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #86 on: January 25, 2012, 04:56:00 PM »
Quote from: TwoScoreAndTwoUser
Thank you for your service, Coach. There are few people, if any, I feel our country owes VERY MUCH to above those who have served in the armed services. You have my deepest and sincerest gratitude.

I'm not sure why I'm going here, because logic and truth does not work in conversations with certain people:

I NEVER asked for or tried to change the formula of what works to help those on this site. In fact, I have followed them to a "T."

I present facts. You rebut with heartwrenching stories. I NEVER claimed abused/sorrowful past. That's you. Do you seriously think that my standing up for what I believe are depriving others of their quit? Really, please answer that for all the tuned in readers. I'm an old fart. I'd gladly give up my quit if it meant that some addicts in their 20s or 30s would keep theirs. My kids are grown and many loved ones gone. These youngins have a lot more future than I have (Provided their QUIT remains)

And is this place such a fragile Jenga-like location that it can only survive with gentle nudging of well-intended moderators or coaches, or is it a place where rage and anger CAN rock the boat so that others can see that success can come for those who weather the storms?

And how about some common, human decency guys.

Loot? Why stoop so low to call me a troll? Why the smart ass remark about Word of the Day?

qmann: It sucks. I'm cold, wet, and have an accumulation of maybe 2 hours sleep in the last 48 hours. FYI, I have a wonderful wife, not a boyfriend. You joining in the "Kick the loquacious quitter" parade too?

Phil4: Nice to "meet you." Thanks for the warm welcome. They are few and far between.

DW3: Thank you for asking someone to step up to the plate and be peacemaker. Funny though, no takers.

Observation: Not every vet is mean as cat-piss, but those who are ARE VETS. Hmmm... a "hazing" mentality held by a few perhaps? Or am I the locus of THEIR personal DAY XXX rage?

Speaking of mean as cat-piss....Wastepanel unveiled the truth. Leahy would have wanted the vets to be mean... 'nuff said... secret revealed.

Gonna TRY and hang with my quit group. I'm not the only one with all this rage, probably just the most vocal... and that's a good thing for the soul and sanity. I think that gettin' out the rage is a symbiotic process which helps get out the poison. I suspect they;ll burn each other out. There MAY be a few lads and lasses who need to find their rage voice. Maybe I can lend a hand there!

Since NO ONE wants to be peacemaker... PLEASE LEAVE ME IN PEACE. If you don't have encouraging words for me, don't have words for me. The structure of this site HAS given me those who DO have words of support and who ARE providing those much needed words of encouragement. God bless them in their quit and God bless you all.


dude, shut up and quit.

"It's amazing what a man can see by the light of a burning bridge" - Unknown

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Re: Upper Lippin'
« Reply #85 on: January 25, 2012, 04:51:00 PM »
Thank you for your service, Coach. There are few people, if any, I feel our country owes VERY MUCH to above those who have served in the armed services. You have my deepest and sincerest gratitude.

I'm not sure why I'm going here, because logic and truth does not work in conversations with certain people:

I NEVER asked for or tried to change the formula of what works to help those on this site. In fact, I have followed them to a "T."

I present facts. You rebut with heartwrenching stories. I NEVER claimed abused/sorrowful past. That's you. Do you seriously think that my standing up for what I believe are depriving others of their quit? Really, please answer that for all the tuned in readers. I'm an old fart. I'd gladly give up my quit if it meant that some addicts in their 20s or 30s would keep theirs. My kids are grown and many loved ones gone. These youngins have a lot more future than I have (Provided their QUIT remains)

And is this place such a fragile Jenga-like location that it can only survive with gentle nudging of well-intended moderators or coaches, or is it a place where rage and anger CAN rock the boat so that others can see that success can come for those who weather the storms?

And how about some common, human decency guys.

Loot? Why stoop so low to call me a troll? Why the smart ass remark about Word of the Day?

qmann: It sucks. I'm cold, wet, and have an accumulation of maybe 2 hours sleep in the last 48 hours. FYI, I have a wonderful wife, not a boyfriend. You joining in the "Kick the loquacious quitter" parade too?

Phil4: Nice to "meet you." Thanks for the warm welcome. They are few and far between.

DW3: Thank you for asking someone to step up to the plate and be peacemaker. Funny though, no takers.

Observation: Not every vet is mean as cat-piss, but those who are ARE VETS. Hmmm... a "hazing" mentality held by a few perhaps? Or am I the locus of THEIR personal DAY XXX rage?

Speaking of mean as cat-piss....Wastepanel unveiled the truth. Leahy would have wanted the vets to be mean... 'nuff said... secret revealed.

Gonna TRY and hang with my quit group. I'm not the only one with all this rage, probably just the most vocal... and that's a good thing for the soul and sanity. I think that gettin' out the rage is a symbiotic process which helps get out the poison. I suspect they;ll burn each other out. There MAY be a few lads and lasses who need to find their rage voice. Maybe I can lend a hand there!

Since NO ONE wants to be peacemaker... PLEASE LEAVE ME IN PEACE. If you don't have encouraging words for me, don't have words for me. The structure of this site HAS given me those who DO have words of support and who ARE providing those much needed words of encouragement. God bless them in their quit and God bless you all.


Support our Marines (and all our servicemen) REGARDLESS and IRRESPECTIVE... our B-hole politicians don't

I can roof my barn. I can integrate x/2. I can make non-dense 100% whole wheat honey bread. I can maneuver a 900 lb. 113 Cu. In. Cycle through twisties. I can make children laugh. I can also remain quit... ad infinitum!

We are the few, the proud, the knights who say NI to NI-co-tine!

I AM a non-tobacco chewer/user