Author Topic: INTRO  (Read 4831 times)

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Offline D2maine

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« Reply #101 on: September 04, 2016, 09:36:00 AM »
Quote from: dbh68stang
Quote from: rangy96

Feels really good. My last and greatest fear was conquered on days 198 and 199. Hunting season opened on Saturday and I was camping and hunting with two old college buddies that both dip. Grizzly Wintergreen for one and Copenhagen for the other. I watched them both eat snuff all weekend and had a couple of moments where I really really wanted to have "just one".  Because of KTC I know that isn't an option for me. I told them both quitting can be done...............they aren't interested.

I watched them both wander around each morning looking for their can of snuff from the night before. I could see the anxiety on their faces as they considered what they would have to do if they could'nt find it. I felt sorry for them. My goal between now and next year is to find a way to get them to see what they are doing to themselves and get them to quit for themselves...............not sure how to do that one.

To top off my wonderful weekend, got up this morning and my youngest daughter decorated my house with "Happy 200 day" signs. There's like 20 of them.

I don't think day 200 is going to work out bad at all.

Day 200 and I am quit. With all of KTC.
I am the Grizzly Wintergreen dumbass in the story above. It took 4 years to the day, but here I am...97 days into my quit. Thanks, buddy. I look forward to many years of tobacco free fun together.
it is awesome to hear a fellow provided you the inspiration to quit! Quit Hard!

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« Reply #100 on: September 04, 2016, 09:26:00 AM »
For whatever reason the like button's not working..... but I really LIKE the above post!

Offline dbh68stang

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« Reply #99 on: September 04, 2016, 12:46:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96

Feels really good. My last and greatest fear was conquered on days 198 and 199. Hunting season opened on Saturday and I was camping and hunting with two old college buddies that both dip. Grizzly Wintergreen for one and Copenhagen for the other. I watched them both eat snuff all weekend and had a couple of moments where I really really wanted to have "just one". Because of KTC I know that isn't an option for me. I told them both quitting can be done...............they aren't interested.

I watched them both wander around each morning looking for their can of snuff from the night before. I could see the anxiety on their faces as they considered what they would have to do if they could'nt find it. I felt sorry for them. My goal between now and next year is to find a way to get them to see what they are doing to themselves and get them to quit for themselves...............not sure how to do that one.

To top off my wonderful weekend, got up this morning and my youngest daughter decorated my house with "Happy 200 day" signs. There's like 20 of them.

I don't think day 200 is going to work out bad at all.

Day 200 and I am quit. With all of KTC.
I am the Grizzly Wintergreen dumbass in the story above. It took 4 years to the day, but here I am...97 days into my quit. Thanks, buddy. I look forward to many years of tobacco free fun together.

Offline Diesel2112

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« Reply #98 on: June 01, 2013, 01:10:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: rangy96
Stress has always been a big trigger for me.  Today is the day I tell 23 people they don't have jobs anymore.  Never had to do this before and not looking forward to it.  Craving like a MO FO.  If I still dipped I would have eaten 2 cans already this morning.

I posted today so can't do that.  I have to keep reminding myself that dipping makes nothing better.

Today is definintely a "one day at a time" day.  Just gotta make it till bedtime.
Stress is a bitch for me also. The killer is dipping just caused its own stress. I quit with you, you've always inspired me and been there for me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
That's some tough shit.

Get small, grind out the day, and start fresh tomorrow. Have a feeling you know this already, but still...

You're also right when you say dip makes nothing better. If you chin dipped two cans today, 23 people would still have lost their job and something tells me it still would have sucked telling them this and you would still be stressed. Only difference would be that you would be posioning your body, addicted to a known cancer causing weed, and lining the pockets of big tobacco. Not to mention, eventually you would come to terms with what you HAD to do as part of your job, and you would still be stuffing your cakehole full of cancer candy.

Dip fills NO voids, it creates them. You know this and will get through this. Its not always easy bit it is always worth it.

Hang in there, bro. You got the tools to deal with this, and will use them correctly.
Quit 06/04/12
HOF 9/11/12
2nd floor 12/20/12
3rd floor 03/30/13
4th floor 07/08/13
5th floor 10/16/13
6th floor 01/24/14
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Comma 02/28/15
11th floor 06/08/15
12th floor 09/16/15
13th floor 12/25/15
14th floor 04/03/16
15th floor 7/11/16
16th floor 10/20/16
17th floor 01/27/17
18th floor 05/08/17
19th floor 08/14/17
20th floor 11/27/17
21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Wt57

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« Reply #97 on: June 01, 2013, 12:41:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Stress has always been a big trigger for me. Today is the day I tell 23 people they don't have jobs anymore. Never had to do this before and not looking forward to it. Craving like a MO FO. If I still dipped I would have eaten 2 cans already this morning.

I posted today so can't do that. I have to keep reminding myself that dipping makes nothing better.

Today is definintely a "one day at a time" day. Just gotta make it till bedtime.
Stress is a bitch for me also. The killer is dipping just caused its own stress. I quit with you, you've always inspired me and been there for me and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline rangy96

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« Reply #96 on: May 30, 2013, 08:46:00 AM »
Stress has always been a big trigger for me. Today is the day I tell 23 people they don't have jobs anymore. Never had to do this before and not looking forward to it. Craving like a MO FO. If I still dipped I would have eaten 2 cans already this morning.

I posted today so can't do that. I have to keep reminding myself that dipping makes nothing better.

Today is definintely a "one day at a time" day. Just gotta make it till bedtime.

Offline kkljinc

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« Reply #95 on: May 25, 2013, 10:01:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Had to dig around to find this old post but it was a vivid memory so I wanted to bump it back up and add some stuff. It's been over a year since I found out I was losing my biggest customer and I have not been successful in finding replacements. My partners and I made the final decision on Friday to shut down. Within 8 weeks I will be out of work.

The contrast between how I feel know and how I felt a year ago is striking. Snuff was still very much a part of life then, but now it isn't even a factor. Added stress doesn't make me want to dip again. I see snuff as a lie and something that only makes a bad thing worse. It helps nothing.

I owe that to KTC.

Thanks quitters. Proud to be quit with all of you.
First, sorry that you are going to be out of work. As a business owner I can understand exactly, that terror.

Second, I can't wait, until I can have your frame of mind. Glad you brought that back.

Offline rangy96

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« Reply #94 on: May 25, 2013, 09:57:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Just random sharing. Just got out of a meeting with a big 90% of our business big. They informed us we are entering a new phase where they make it where we don't do business any more. but that won't happen for a year or so. not totally unexpected, but none the less about 2/3 of the way through the meeting i had a "It's gonna be ok cuz when this meeting is over I am gonna cram 1/2 a can of copenhagen in my face" moment. Then I remembered I can't do that anymore and it was 5 seconds of sheer terror. But it went away in the following 10 seconds.

That, my quit brothers, is progress. So, for the small percentage of you that have fewer days quit than me............Stay strong. The bit of news I just got is easily the most profound piece of shit news I have had in 4 years and it only caused 5 seconds of pain. I didn't die or even come close.

KTC is the shit.
Had to dig around to find this old post but it was a vivid memory so I wanted to bump it back up and add some stuff. It's been over a year since I found out I was losing my biggest customer and I have not been successful in finding replacements. My partners and I made the final decision on Friday to shut down. Within 8 weeks I will be out of work.

The contrast between how I feel know and how I felt a year ago is striking. Snuff was still very much a part of life then, but now it isn't even a factor. Added stress doesn't make me want to dip again. I see snuff as a lie and something that only makes a bad thing worse. It helps nothing.

I owe that to KTC.

Thanks quitters. Proud to be quit with all of you.

Offline kana

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« Reply #93 on: May 21, 2013, 10:40:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
I spent the weekend with a friend on our deer lease. He is an "ex-smoker". I was was around him drinking beer etc about 6 months ago and noticed he was smoking. I said "didn't know you started smoking again". He said (with cig hanging from lips) "I didn't. Only at the deer lease". I said "oh I see."

Fast forward 6 months till this past weekend when I see him again. He has lost about 40 lbs and I said "Wow man you have dropped some weight. How'd you do it?" He says "Just watching what I eat" as he lights up a cigarette. I call bullshit and say "you are smoking again full time aren't you?" He says "Yes, but don't tell my wife. She thinks I have one in the morning and one in the evening"

You can't have just one folks. There is no such thing. You can't dip "only on special occasions". It all sounded so familiar, special occasions, weekends only, just on monday because it's gonna be a tough week. Well, there are only 4 days left to the weekend so might as well wait and quit next week. I was the world's best at this self deception.

Again, my choices are:

1. Quit
2. Not Quit.

There ain't nothing else to choose from.
been awhile rangy, good to see you. still strong I see, and I'm proud to chose #1 with you everyday..
we choose our battles.. the battles we do fight, be aware that they have to be, but passion rules? James Hetfield

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« Reply #92 on: May 21, 2013, 09:00:00 AM »
I spent the weekend with a friend on our deer lease. He is an "ex-smoker". I was was around him drinking beer etc about 6 months ago and noticed he was smoking. I said "didn't know you started smoking again". He said (with cig hanging from lips) "I didn't. Only at the deer lease". I said "oh I see."

Fast forward 6 months till this past weekend when I see him again. He has lost about 40 lbs and I said "Wow man you have dropped some weight. How'd you do it?" He says "Just watching what I eat" as he lights up a cigarette. I call bullshit and say "you are smoking again full time aren't you?" He says "Yes, but don't tell my wife. She thinks I have one in the morning and one in the evening"

You can't have just one folks. There is no such thing. You can't dip "only on special occasions". It all sounded so familiar, special occasions, weekends only, just on monday because it's gonna be a tough week. Well, there are only 4 days left to the weekend so might as well wait and quit next week. I was the world's best at this self deception.

Again, my choices are:

1. Quit
2. Not Quit.

There ain't nothing else to choose from.

Offline kkljinc

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« Reply #91 on: May 08, 2013, 09:26:00 AM »
Quote from: rgross298
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: rangy96
Haven't posted here in a long time.  probably should more often but never feel like i have anything profound to say.  But today I will say it anyway.

Couple of weeks ago, watching the show "Elementary" which is only sorta good but the wife likes it.  At any rate, the main character is drug addict.  I am watching with my wife and daughter.  Near the end of the show he is explaining why he can't accept his 1 year clean chip from narcotics anonymous or whatever it is called.  He has previously given excuses like "those chips are stupid, don't need that etc."  Near the end he fesses up and says that "The day after I went into rehab, I snuck out and got another fix so my 1 year date is actually 1 day later than everyone thinks."  He then gets quiet for a second and restates this fact with considerable disgust, "Less than 24 hours after promising myself and everyone that I was going to quit I did it again."

For some reason, this hit me really hard.  Got a lump in my throat and thought about the 1000s of times I lied to my wife, kids, and self about "quitting".  Almost teared up a bit (Ok I did). 

I LIED to myself.  I said I am in control.  I said I can quit tomorrow, no problem.  I can quit Friday, no problem.  I can quit next monday, no problem.  I can quit after I finish this project.  I can quit at the end of the year.  I am quit right now.

The truth?  I am helpless against nicotine without help.  Always will be.  That shit owns my ass.  The day I forget that is the day it controls me again and I start lying to me and everyone around me again.
Very well said. I've been a bit complacent around the site lately, still posting roll every day and support in other rolls most days but not much besides that. I'm fine with that but I know full well that I can never be complacent with my quit. One taste of nicotine and I'll be back to slowly killing myself with a mouth full of shame and lieing to myself and my loved ones. Not today though I posted roll.
Damn proud to quit with you today rangy, thanks for posting in here you made my quit stronger today.
Both of you strengthen my quit also. Rangy I saw that episode also and was also reminded of my addiction and this path we are on.
Anything that comes from the master of mullets is profound. Good to be quit with you , bro.
I cant wait until I am there with you! Quit wood, I quit with you today.

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« Reply #90 on: May 08, 2013, 09:20:00 AM »
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: rangy96
Haven't posted here in a long time.  probably should more often but never feel like i have anything profound to say.  But today I will say it anyway.

Couple of weeks ago, watching the show "Elementary" which is only sorta good but the wife likes it.  At any rate, the main character is drug addict.  I am watching with my wife and daughter.  Near the end of the show he is explaining why he can't accept his 1 year clean chip from narcotics anonymous or whatever it is called.  He has previously given excuses like "those chips are stupid, don't need that etc."  Near the end he fesses up and says that "The day after I went into rehab, I snuck out and got another fix so my 1 year date is actually 1 day later than everyone thinks."  He then gets quiet for a second and restates this fact with considerable disgust, "Less than 24 hours after promising myself and everyone that I was going to quit I did it again."

For some reason, this hit me really hard.  Got a lump in my throat and thought about the 1000s of times I lied to my wife, kids, and self about "quitting".  Almost teared up a bit (Ok I did). 

I LIED to myself.  I said I am in control.  I said I can quit tomorrow, no problem.  I can quit Friday, no problem.  I can quit next monday, no problem.  I can quit after I finish this project.  I can quit at the end of the year.  I am quit right now.

The truth?  I am helpless against nicotine without help.  Always will be.  That shit owns my ass.  The day I forget that is the day it controls me again and I start lying to me and everyone around me again.
Very well said. I've been a bit complacent around the site lately, still posting roll every day and support in other rolls most days but not much besides that. I'm fine with that but I know full well that I can never be complacent with my quit. One taste of nicotine and I'll be back to slowly killing myself with a mouth full of shame and lieing to myself and my loved ones. Not today though I posted roll.
Damn proud to quit with you today rangy, thanks for posting in here you made my quit stronger today.
Both of you strengthen my quit also. Rangy I saw that episode also and was also reminded of my addiction and this path we are on.
Anything that comes from the master of mullets is profound. Good to be quit with you , bro.

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« Reply #89 on: May 05, 2013, 04:00:00 PM »
Quote from: Luby
Quote from: rangy96
Haven't posted here in a long time.  probably should more often but never feel like i have anything profound to say.  But today I will say it anyway.

Couple of weeks ago, watching the show "Elementary" which is only sorta good but the wife likes it.  At any rate, the main character is drug addict.  I am watching with my wife and daughter.  Near the end of the show he is explaining why he can't accept his 1 year clean chip from narcotics anonymous or whatever it is called.  He has previously given excuses like "those chips are stupid, don't need that etc."  Near the end he fesses up and says that "The day after I went into rehab, I snuck out and got another fix so my 1 year date is actually 1 day later than everyone thinks."  He then gets quiet for a second and restates this fact with considerable disgust, "Less than 24 hours after promising myself and everyone that I was going to quit I did it again."

For some reason, this hit me really hard.  Got a lump in my throat and thought about the 1000s of times I lied to my wife, kids, and self about "quitting".  Almost teared up a bit (Ok I did). 

I LIED to myself.  I said I am in control.  I said I can quit tomorrow, no problem.  I can quit Friday, no problem.  I can quit next monday, no problem.  I can quit after I finish this project.  I can quit at the end of the year.  I am quit right now.

The truth?  I am helpless against nicotine without help.  Always will be.  That shit owns my ass.  The day I forget that is the day it controls me again and I start lying to me and everyone around me again.
Very well said. I've been a bit complacent around the site lately, still posting roll every day and support in other rolls most days but not much besides that. I'm fine with that but I know full well that I can never be complacent with my quit. One taste of nicotine and I'll be back to slowly killing myself with a mouth full of shame and lieing to myself and my loved ones. Not today though I posted roll.
Damn proud to quit with you today rangy, thanks for posting in here you made my quit stronger today.
Both of you strengthen my quit also. Rangy I saw that episode also and was also reminded of my addiction and this path we are on.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

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« Reply #88 on: May 05, 2013, 11:45:00 AM »
Quote from: rangy96
Haven't posted here in a long time. probably should more often but never feel like i have anything profound to say. But today I will say it anyway.

Couple of weeks ago, watching the show "Elementary" which is only sorta good but the wife likes it. At any rate, the main character is drug addict. I am watching with my wife and daughter. Near the end of the show he is explaining why he can't accept his 1 year clean chip from narcotics anonymous or whatever it is called. He has previously given excuses like "those chips are stupid, don't need that etc." Near the end he fesses up and says that "The day after I went into rehab, I snuck out and got another fix so my 1 year date is actually 1 day later than everyone thinks." He then gets quiet for a second and restates this fact with considerable disgust, "Less than 24 hours after promising myself and everyone that I was going to quit I did it again."

For some reason, this hit me really hard. Got a lump in my throat and thought about the 1000s of times I lied to my wife, kids, and self about "quitting". Almost teared up a bit (Ok I did).

I LIED to myself. I said I am in control. I said I can quit tomorrow, no problem. I can quit Friday, no problem. I can quit next monday, no problem. I can quit after I finish this project. I can quit at the end of the year. I am quit right now.

The truth? I am helpless against nicotine without help. Always will be. That shit owns my ass. The day I forget that is the day it controls me again and I start lying to me and everyone around me again.
Very well said. I've been a bit complacent around the site lately, still posting roll every day and support in other rolls most days but not much besides that. I'm fine with that but I know full well that I can never be complacent with my quit. One taste of nicotine and I'll be back to slowly killing myself with a mouth full of shame and lieing to myself and my loved ones. Not today though I posted roll.
Damn proud to quit with you today rangy, thanks for posting in here you made my quit stronger today.

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« Reply #87 on: May 05, 2013, 09:23:00 AM »
Haven't posted here in a long time. probably should more often but never feel like i have anything profound to say. But today I will say it anyway.

Couple of weeks ago, watching the show "Elementary" which is only sorta good but the wife likes it. At any rate, the main character is drug addict. I am watching with my wife and daughter. Near the end of the show he is explaining why he can't accept his 1 year clean chip from narcotics anonymous or whatever it is called. He has previously given excuses like "those chips are stupid, don't need that etc." Near the end he fesses up and says that "The day after I went into rehab, I snuck out and got another fix so my 1 year date is actually 1 day later than everyone thinks." He then gets quiet for a second and restates this fact with considerable disgust, "Less than 24 hours after promising myself and everyone that I was going to quit I did it again."

For some reason, this hit me really hard. Got a lump in my throat and thought about the 1000s of times I lied to my wife, kids, and self about "quitting". Almost teared up a bit (Ok I did).

I LIED to myself. I said I am in control. I said I can quit tomorrow, no problem. I can quit Friday, no problem. I can quit next monday, no problem. I can quit after I finish this project. I can quit at the end of the year. I am quit right now.

The truth? I am helpless against nicotine without help. Always will be. That shit owns my ass. The day I forget that is the day it controls me again and I start lying to me and everyone around me again.