Author Topic: New to the quit  (Read 3697 times)

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Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #72 on: July 29, 2010, 10:56:00 PM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: Cancrusher
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: davenc
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
You had to talk her into it lol? Ashamed? Lol
Man I toolk my first dip when I was 8
Over the years I have probably had sex with a dip in 30-40 times. Usually spur of the moment quickie style.
Wow 30-40 times? LOL! I guess they never looked at you while you were doing it? I pretty much had to beg my wife cause she hates the sight and smell of dip. Afterwards my wife told me that she hoped I enjoyed it cause I won't be doing that with a dip in anymore.
Should have been you sayin'

"Honey, I hope you didn't enjoy that too much because I Quit."
Haha yeah my wife used to surprise me and want a little lovin at times when I had a chew in. She only caugt me a few times though. Never got mad about it just gave me a dirty look and I never got kissed during
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Offline davenc

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #71 on: July 29, 2010, 05:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Cancrusher
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: davenc
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
You had to talk her into it lol? Ashamed? Lol
Man I toolk my first dip when I was 8
Over the years I have probably had sex with a dip in 30-40 times. Usually spur of the moment quickie style.
Wow 30-40 times? LOL! I guess they never looked at you while you were doing it? I pretty much had to beg my wife cause she hates the sight and smell of dip. Afterwards my wife told me that she hoped I enjoyed it cause I won't be doing that with a dip in anymore.
Should have been you sayin'

"Honey, I hope you didn't enjoy that too much because I Quit."
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

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Offline Cancrusher

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #70 on: July 29, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: davenc
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: davenc
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
You had to talk her into it lol? Ashamed? Lol
Man I toolk my first dip when I was 8
Over the years I have probably had sex with a dip in 30-40 times. Usually spur of the moment quickie style.
Wow 30-40 times? LOL! I guess they never looked at you while you were doing it? I pretty much had to beg my wife cause she hates the sight and smell of dip. Afterwards my wife told me that she hoped I enjoyed it cause I won't be doing that with a dip in anymore.
Should have been you sayin'

"Honey, I hope you didn't enjoy that too much because I Quit."
My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Offline davenc

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #69 on: July 29, 2010, 12:43:00 PM »
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: davenc
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
You had to talk her into it lol? Ashamed? Lol
Man I toolk my first dip when I was 8
Over the years I have probably had sex with a dip in 30-40 times. Usually spur of the moment quickie style.
Wow 30-40 times? LOL! I guess they never looked at you while you were doing it? I pretty much had to beg my wife cause she hates the sight and smell of dip. Afterwards my wife told me that she hoped I enjoyed it cause I won't be doing that with a dip in anymore.
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
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Offline Cancrusher

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #68 on: July 29, 2010, 12:32:00 PM »
SloppyTaters....You're the man.
My Day 1 | 5/19/2010


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #67 on: July 29, 2010, 12:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 10

Last night I had to take an emergency 4 hour road trip to get my wife some medicine, I managed to only need 2 dips of mint snuff the entire way, for 3 hours of the trip I had nothing in my mouth. Im still in shock over it. I feel like some of the things that I use to do while dipping are slowly going back to normal. I still have a a few triggers that are pretty intense. When i first wake up in the morning and come to my computer, I check all my websites for updates, that was the best dip of the day for me, and ofcourse, eating. I am getting kind of sick of the mint snuff so i ordered a can of hooch to try.

As far as weight, i've managed to lose 3 pounds since my decision to quiit. the first 3-4 days were the craziest for wanting to eat constantly, but that has passed. I know on days that i workout, the decision to quit and eat healthy is so much easier. So ive been kicking ass in the weight room and on the cardio. I found that animal crackers have been a life saver lol, They are a low calorie snack, 100 calories for 15-17 crackers or something. I've pounded through atleast 3 pounds of them in the last 2 weeks, low sugar also. Well, thats my update.

Thanks Fellas
Thataboy :)
I have such an oral fixation right now, a person would think I was queer. Been downing the sunflower seeds constantly. Really need to slow down on those.
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
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Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #66 on: July 29, 2010, 12:08:00 PM »
Quote from: davenc
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
You had to talk her into it lol? Ashamed? Lol
Man I toolk my first dip when I was 8
Over the years I have probably had sex with a dip in 30-40 times. Usually spur of the moment quickie style.
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
During this hard quit I am 100% sure that a blowjob is the best cure for a craving.

Offline Sloppytaters

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #65 on: July 29, 2010, 11:43:00 AM »
Day 10

Last night I had to take an emergency 4 hour road trip to get my wife some medicine, I managed to only need 2 dips of mint snuff the entire way, for 3 hours of the trip I had nothing in my mouth. Im still in shock over it. I feel like some of the things that I use to do while dipping are slowly going back to normal. I still have a a few triggers that are pretty intense. When i first wake up in the morning and come to my computer, I check all my websites for updates, that was the best dip of the day for me, and ofcourse, eating. I am getting kind of sick of the mint snuff so i ordered a can of hooch to try.

As far as weight, i've managed to lose 3 pounds since my decision to quiit. the first 3-4 days were the craziest for wanting to eat constantly, but that has passed. I know on days that i workout, the decision to quit and eat healthy is so much easier. So ive been kicking ass in the weight room and on the cardio. I found that animal crackers have been a life saver lol, They are a low calorie snack, 100 calories for 15-17 crackers or something. I've pounded through atleast 3 pounds of them in the last 2 weeks, low sugar also. Well, thats my update.

Thanks Fellas

Offline davenc

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #64 on: July 29, 2010, 08:26:00 AM »
I'm a shame to even say this but one time I talked my wife into have sex while I had a dip in. She agreed so I would shut up about it.
Quit with extreme prejudice...
My orders say I'm not supposed to know where I'm taking this quit, so I don't! But one look at you and I know its gonna be hot!

QD: 07/28/2010
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Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #63 on: July 29, 2010, 01:24:00 AM »
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
she fucking swallows too. You can never ever say anything bad about this beautiful woman you have for a wife cuz we are now all on her side. Quit being a dick to her.
Yeah yeah yeah. Just cause a woman 3 best qualities are to lick suck and swallow does not make her perfect by any means. While she is pretty, she is not the brightest so some compromises are in order. We fight once in a while but I have had to learn to pick my battles with her. She fucks up a lot of stuff so being selective on which things to hammer on can be difficult, specially during this quit. I would bet money she wishes I was still chewing lol
My wife wishes I was too. She even yelled at me for using the fake shit. Said if im gonna use it I should just buy the real shit. Shes not much help in this. lol
Sloppy that's horrible. I can not understand how a wife could possibly want us to chew. My wife pulled this "I can't wait till your done with quitting" tonight. She tried blaming my being mad at her all day on my quit which is funny cause I was nice to everyone else and my daughter had no clue idaddy was mad while I played with her through the day. I finally laid it all out there for why I was mad at her and explained that I would have been mad even before the quit started
my wife actually told me to start again at one point. This is one reason why you HAVE TO DO IT FOR YOURSELF. If your quitting for her the first time she pisses you off you'll dip just out of spite. Unless your hooked on that shit you can't understand so I guess you gotta cut them some slack, after all, they weren't the ones that made the decision to put that shit in your mouth.

Hang tough

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #62 on: July 29, 2010, 12:17:00 AM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
she fucking swallows too. You can never ever say anything bad about this beautiful woman you have for a wife cuz we are now all on her side. Quit being a dick to her.
Yeah yeah yeah. Just cause a woman 3 best qualities are to lick suck and swallow does not make her perfect by any means. While she is pretty, she is not the brightest so some compromises are in order. We fight once in a while but I have had to learn to pick my battles with her. She fucks up a lot of stuff so being selective on which things to hammer on can be difficult, specially during this quit. I would bet money she wishes I was still chewing lol
My wife wishes I was too. She even yelled at me for using the fake shit. Said if im gonna use it I should just buy the real shit. Shes not much help in this. lol
Sloppy that's horrible. I can not understand how a wife could possibly want us to chew. My wife pulled this "I can't wait till your done with quitting" tonight. She tried blaming my being mad at her all day on my quit which is funny cause I was nice to everyone else and my daughter had no clue idaddy was mad while I played with her through the day. I finally laid it all out there for why I was mad at her and explained that I would have been mad even before the quit started
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
During this hard quit I am 100% sure that a blowjob is the best cure for a craving.

Offline Sloppytaters

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #61 on: July 28, 2010, 10:52:00 PM »
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
she fucking swallows too. You can never ever say anything bad about this beautiful woman you have for a wife cuz we are now all on her side. Quit being a dick to her.
Yeah yeah yeah. Just cause a woman 3 best qualities are to lick suck and swallow does not make her perfect by any means. While she is pretty, she is not the brightest so some compromises are in order. We fight once in a while but I have had to learn to pick my battles with her. She fucks up a lot of stuff so being selective on which things to hammer on can be difficult, specially during this quit. I would bet money she wishes I was still chewing lol
My wife wishes I was too. She even yelled at me for using the fake shit. Said if im gonna use it I should just buy the real shit. Shes not much help in this. lol

Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #60 on: July 28, 2010, 05:23:00 PM »
Quote from: MikeA
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
she fucking swallows too. You can never ever say anything bad about this beautiful woman you have for a wife cuz we are now all on her side. Quit being a dick to her.
Yeah yeah yeah. Just cause a woman 3 best qualities are to lick suck and swallow does not make her perfect by any means. While she is pretty, she is not the brightest so some compromises are in order. We fight once in a while but I have had to learn to pick my battles with her. She fucks up a lot of stuff so being selective on which things to hammer on can be difficult, specially during this quit. I would bet money she wishes I was still chewing lol
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
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Offline MikeA

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #59 on: July 28, 2010, 04:28:00 PM »
Quote from: kb81
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
she fucking swallows too. You can never ever say anything bad about this beautiful woman you have for a wife cuz we are now all on her side. Quit being a dick to her.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #58 on: July 28, 2010, 04:10:00 PM »
Quote from: john101477
Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
This by far the most awesome thing I've heard all day...all week...hell...all year! :wub: :wub: :D
( . )( . )