Author Topic: New to the quit  (Read 3701 times)

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Offline john101477

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #57 on: July 28, 2010, 01:10:00 PM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: labmanlance
holy crap, I'm laughing so hard if i did have a dip in the shit would be plastered all over the screen.  where in the hell do you come up with this shit?

i never could swall chew spit.  it made me want to blow chunks. worse, it gave me the hiccups.  for real. it was terrible.  if i was stuck where i had to swallow half a cup of spit, i knew i was fucked.  because about 30 seconds later i'd have these raging hiccups.  as you well know, a mouth full of dip juice and the hiccups are not good company.

damn nicorette gum had the same effect.  i actually had to spit when i chewed that fairy tale gum because when i swallowed the spit and the nic hit my gut it was all over.  bad ones from the painful hiccups that would last for 20 minutes sometimes.
Lol thats the craziest thing ive ever heard.
What's this spit shit. I was always a swallower lol I always made fun of the guys that had a pool of spit where they were standing. Pussies :D now I have to worry about more types of cancer cause I swallowed that shit. Now the only one that swallows in my house is my wife lol
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
During this hard quit I am 100% sure that a blowjob is the best cure for a craving.

Offline Sloppytaters

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #56 on: July 28, 2010, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: labmanlance
holy crap, I'm laughing so hard if i did have a dip in the shit would be plastered all over the screen. where in the hell do you come up with this shit?

i never could swall chew spit. it made me want to blow chunks. worse, it gave me the hiccups. for real. it was terrible. if i was stuck where i had to swallow half a cup of spit, i knew i was fucked. because about 30 seconds later i'd have these raging hiccups. as you well know, a mouth full of dip juice and the hiccups are not good company.

damn nicorette gum had the same effect. i actually had to spit when i chewed that fairy tale gum because when i swallowed the spit and the nic hit my gut it was all over. bad ones from the painful hiccups that would last for 20 minutes sometimes.
Lol thats the craziest thing ive ever heard.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #55 on: July 28, 2010, 12:13:00 AM »
holy crap, I'm laughing so hard if i did have a dip in the shit would be plastered all over the screen. where in the hell do you come up with this shit?

i never could swall chew spit. it made me want to blow chunks. worse, it gave me the hiccups. for real. it was terrible. if i was stuck where i had to swallow half a cup of spit, i knew i was fucked. because about 30 seconds later i'd have these raging hiccups. as you well know, a mouth full of dip juice and the hiccups are not good company.

damn nicorette gum had the same effect. i actually had to spit when i chewed that fairy tale gum because when i swallowed the spit and the nic hit my gut it was all over. bad ones from the painful hiccups that would last for 20 minutes sometimes.

Offline Sloppytaters

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #54 on: July 27, 2010, 07:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: cmay1
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

This post blew my mind. lol

I've chewed for 10 years Skoal Monster. One thing i try to remember is what i hated most about it while i did it. It wasnt the fear of cancer or anything, but the sore gums/lip after chewing for 12 hours or so. At night I couldnt keep a dip in long enough to get my fix from it cause it hurt so bad, so i'd end up taking a dip out, putting one in, taking on out, and putting one in. Got expsensive, and only made it hurt worse.

Whats the 1 thing you all hated the most about dipping? The spitting, the stains on clothing, chew in your teeth?
The impotence, man...the impotence.


'bang head'
The hiding.

Second, putting a dip in before I realized I didn't have a spitter in my car and either a) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth until I arrived at my destination or a stoplight that didn't have anybody next to me so I could spew like the Trevi Fountain or b ) swallowing the spit or c) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth and realizing that I'm never going to get to spit it out and then swallowing. BUT NEVER making the decision to take the fucking lipper out and throw it out the window. Retard.

I hated feeling like a retard the most.
'crackup' 'crackup' fuck, I forgot about that. how bout the head tilt so you could try to talk with a yap full of spit? maybe a little drool out the corner of your mouth.
But no never occured to me to throw it out 'bang head'
Haha, I remember those days. Had to tilt your head back to level the spit in your mouth, and pray it wouldnt go down your throat. For the last 5 years I wasnt spitting anymore, one day the spit just stopped. It was like i had dry mouth

Offline Skoal Monster

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #53 on: July 27, 2010, 07:34:00 PM »
Quote from: cmay1
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

This post blew my mind. lol

I've chewed for 10 years Skoal Monster. One thing i try to remember is what i hated most about it while i did it. It wasnt the fear of cancer or anything, but the sore gums/lip after chewing for 12 hours or so. At night I couldnt keep a dip in long enough to get my fix from it cause it hurt so bad, so i'd end up taking a dip out, putting one in, taking on out, and putting one in. Got expsensive, and only made it hurt worse.

Whats the 1 thing you all hated the most about dipping? The spitting, the stains on clothing, chew in your teeth?
The impotence, man...the impotence.


'bang head'
The hiding.

Second, putting a dip in before I realized I didn't have a spitter in my car and either a) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth until I arrived at my destination or a stoplight that didn't have anybody next to me so I could spew like the Trevi Fountain or b ) swallowing the spit or c) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth and realizing that I'm never going to get to spit it out and then swallowing. BUT NEVER making the decision to take the fucking lipper out and throw it out the window. Retard.

I hated feeling like a retard the most.
'crackup' 'crackup' fuck, I forgot about that. how bout the head tilt so you could try to talk with a yap full of spit? maybe a little drool out the corner of your mouth.
But no never occured to me to throw it out 'bang head'
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

Offline cmay1

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #52 on: July 27, 2010, 06:32:00 PM »
Quote from: Instigator
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

This post blew my mind. lol

I've chewed for 10 years Skoal Monster. One thing i try to remember is what i hated most about it while i did it. It wasnt the fear of cancer or anything, but the sore gums/lip after chewing for 12 hours or so. At night I couldnt keep a dip in long enough to get my fix from it cause it hurt so bad, so i'd end up taking a dip out, putting one in, taking on out, and putting one in. Got expsensive, and only made it hurt worse.

Whats the 1 thing you all hated the most about dipping? The spitting, the stains on clothing, chew in your teeth?
The impotence, man...the impotence.


'bang head'
The hiding.

Second, putting a dip in before I realized I didn't have a spitter in my car and either a) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth until I arrived at my destination or a stoplight that didn't have anybody next to me so I could spew like the Trevi Fountain or b ) swallowing the spit or c) holding a pothole's worth of spit in my mouth and realizing that I'm never going to get to spit it out and then swallowing. BUT NEVER making the decision to take the fucking lipper out and throw it out the window. Retard.

I hated feeling like a retard the most.
"So if EVERYTHING was a trigger then nothing is really a 'trigger'" - MikeA

"panting like a fatopotomus" - Greg5280

"...and then at last my addict friend, you'll see what you've forsaken, when 100 speak the truth, and yet you disagree, then maybe you're mistaken." - SkoalMonster

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #51 on: July 27, 2010, 06:13:00 PM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

This post blew my mind. lol

I've chewed for 10 years Skoal Monster. One thing i try to remember is what i hated most about it while i did it. It wasnt the fear of cancer or anything, but the sore gums/lip after chewing for 12 hours or so. At night I couldnt keep a dip in long enough to get my fix from it cause it hurt so bad, so i'd end up taking a dip out, putting one in, taking on out, and putting one in. Got expsensive, and only made it hurt worse.

Whats the 1 thing you all hated the most about dipping? The spitting, the stains on clothing, chew in your teeth?
The impotence, man...the impotence.


'bang head'
The Rozzers--Catching crims and locking them your community

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #50 on: July 27, 2010, 05:24:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

This post blew my mind. lol

I've chewed for 10 years Skoal Monster. One thing i try to remember is what i hated most about it while i did it. It wasnt the fear of cancer or anything, but the sore gums/lip after chewing for 12 hours or so. At night I couldnt keep a dip in long enough to get my fix from it cause it hurt so bad, so i'd end up taking a dip out, putting one in, taking on out, and putting one in. Got expsensive, and only made it hurt worse.

Whats the 1 thing you all hated the most about dipping? The spitting, the stains on clothing, chew in your teeth?

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #49 on: July 26, 2010, 11:09:00 PM »
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Listen Mr tater head,

Just by looking at your Avatar I can tell you that having a dip will not infact make you better looking. A crack team of prancing, lisping, L.A. scissor queens and the entire staff from xtreme home makeover edition couldn't get you any sharper than a half eaten crayola. Just kidding. ......Kind of.
7 days is awesome, but how long did you chew for? I dipped for over 8,000 days, at 7 days I was a cross between an axe murdering circus clown and a hermit crab on uppers. The damage to your body is still immense, you feel like shit because your recovering from constantly ingesting a poison that ounce for ounce is more lethal than cobra venom. As your brain is reeling from the effects of getting more oxygen and not being forced to unnaturally produce endorphins you may feel a bit.... foggy. It's been described as trying to think thru velvet. I needed a lighthouse fog horn, a seeing eye dog and a room full of mirrors just to find my ass , putting on pants was a whole nuther story. I will tell you in all honesty that this does get better quickly. But be realistic. You don't get to fuck the prom queen just cause you want to, and you don't get to just wish yourself all better from years of addiction at 7 days. Your paying the price to earn your freedom, pay it gladly, its worth it.

Embrace the suck tater, remember forever how shitty this feels, the 7 days you have are hard fought victorys. too damn hard to throw away. No job is worth those 7 days. No grade, no chick, no dude, no nothing. Those 7 days are gold, better than gold, no one can buy those days of quit and there is no pill that will get them. You earned em. Your nicotine soaked head will still tell you otherwise and quite often for awhile, but you listen to us. Any brain that lets a guy walk around with a haircut straight out of Hippies with beavers on their heads Quarterly Magazine shouldn't be trusted .

If you and I were in the same room, after you tried to beat my ass because of your current dip rage and my blatently unfair and rude comments about beavers. I think it would go like this

Tater heads head " I can get those days back, I can quit again, I did it this time so it proves I'm not addicted, just one for the interview"

Skoal monster " shut the fuck up tater head's head, dip isnt good for ANYTHING but keeping you addicted to dip"

Tater heads head " but I need one just to chill out"

Skoal Monster " slam your dick in a drawer, it'll take the edge off"

Taterheads head " I'll quit again right after I get this job"

Skoal Monster "yeah right, how long did it take you to earn those 7 days of quit? years, is my guess. How many tries do you think you'll get until you quit trying or it kills you? can you afford to find out?"

taterhead's head " but its safer than smoking, I'm really stressed, I have sand in my labia, it's too hard, I'm different, I'm a bigger addict, my uncles adopted cousins niece ran over her best friends sisters ceramic wiener dog collection and I just can't take it"

Skoal monster " suck it up Taterhead, bigger pussies than you have quit this shit and if I can do it, any window licking, helmet headed , cross dressing midgit can" and you can too.

Don't fixate on a dip, accept the fact your craving, let yourself feel it. Take a deep slow breath, and move on. If that doesn't work, go back to the dick in the drawer trick.

You got this Sloppytaters, one day at a time, one crave, one minute, one secon if need be, but you got this. See you on day 8

"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #48 on: July 26, 2010, 10:21:00 PM »
Quote from: john101477
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Stay strong man. I am right there with ya on the mind games and triggers. Don't cave.
As far as the job hunt chew some gum before and spit it out when your called in. Worst case give someone a call to keep your mind at bay.
I have a pre-workout drink called Super pump 250. When i drink it im totally focused and energized. I think im going to take a scoop or 2 of that before the interview. Today was hell though, I think the shit of its finally over. After i made some chicken and ate till i wanted to puke i popped a peice of gum and relaxed. Things are going much better.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #47 on: July 26, 2010, 10:13:00 PM »
Quote from: RWM
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Stay strong man. I am right there with ya on the mind games and triggers. Don't cave.
As far as the job hunt chew some gum before and spit it out when your called in. Worst case give someone a call to keep your mind at bay.
Proud to be a future Oct HOF - COCKS RULE
During this hard quit I am 100% sure that a blowjob is the best cure for a craving.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #46 on: July 26, 2010, 08:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.
and when you don't give in, you will be stronger for the next trigger. Fight it hard and find something else to do.

Stay strong brother - you will get thru it.
Quit Date: 6/14/10 Hof Date: 9/21/10

My HOF Speech

Philippians 4:6 - Don?t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #45 on: July 26, 2010, 08:45:00 PM »
Day 7 today, It has been the worst day of my quit. I have literally been fighting cravings all damn day. I ran out of fake shit a few hours ago. So im grilling some boneless skinless chicken right now to stuff my face with. I also have an interview wednesday, the mind games are fucking with me big time.

"If i wanna be sharp and on my game during the interview maybe i should have a chew before i go, just to relax me."

Thats the kind of thoughts i've been having all day. Im staying quit today. But its taking everything i have.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #44 on: July 24, 2010, 10:48:00 PM »
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Whats everyone doing tonight? Im searching local newspapers for employment adds, my college career is winding down shortly. Im getting nervous. don't have the beard anymore AND you don't have a job? Better get the beard back so you can be a fuckin hippie....

Me, I'm sitting at work in the ER.....pretty much always sure to have a job...

and you know what? Every time I see your screen name, I cant help but think to Waffle House hash browns with everything....
I use to have a job, I was a die setter for a manufacturing company, but michigan sucks and i got laid off 2 years ago. So I went back to college full time, I'll be walkin out with a degree in december, so hopefully it pays off.
I've got my fingers crossed for you...I know we don't use luck in our quitting, but we can sure use all of it in this freaking economy. What's your degree in?
New media, kind of a new field really similar to graphic design but its more web based. Its fun and i enjoy it, a little nervous about finding a career using it at the moment though. Untill then i'll use it for own evil plans and take what i can get.

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Re: New to the quit
« Reply #43 on: July 24, 2010, 10:41:00 PM »
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Quote from: CoachDoc
Quote from: Sloppytaters
Whats everyone doing tonight? Im searching local newspapers for employment adds, my college career is winding down shortly. Im getting nervous. don't have the beard anymore AND you don't have a job? Better get the beard back so you can be a fuckin hippie....

Me, I'm sitting at work in the ER.....pretty much always sure to have a job...

and you know what? Every time I see your screen name, I cant help but think to Waffle House hash browns with everything....
I use to have a job, I was a die setter for a manufacturing company, but michigan sucks and i got laid off 2 years ago. So I went back to college full time, I'll be walkin out with a degree in december, so hopefully it pays off.
I've got my fingers crossed for you...I know we don't use luck in our quitting, but we can sure use all of it in this freaking economy. What's your degree in?
Blah...Blah...Blah...You keep TALKIN....I'll keep QUITTIN

I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to support YOUR quit.

Quit Date: 2/25/10 and every day since
HoF: June 4, 2010
HOF Speech
10th Floor: November 20, 2012