Author Topic: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll  (Read 3807 times)

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #70 on: April 15, 2017, 09:23:00 AM »
Quote from: CBird65
Quote from: txtaco1
Update: Day 911 - "Comma countdown, baby"

I don't know what to say really... It's been over two years since I broke the chains of nicotine slavery. Without this site, the help of the Jerks and all the other support here I don't believe for a minute that I'd be here still being sucessfully quit. I've come to a point that if I'm at 7/11 or any store and see someone buying dip... I tell them about KTC like a preacher thumping on his bible! It works people!

Some one told me a few days ago that I was on the "comma countdown" and it stuck with me... To be going on 1,000 days with out being a slave to that Nic-o-bitch. I took a few minutes today and read back thru this post since the begining. It's definitely different now and SO much better without the poison. I quit the fake at one point for over 70 days but I'm back on it. Still pretty often but hey, it's better than the alternative. If you are thinking of dipping or are in the first few days, weeks, months of your quit and find yourself reading my post, STAY THE COURSE! It's worth being free.

Lastly, I've made life long friends in our group "The Jerks" to the point we had our 2nd get together and feel like these guys as well as this site are a huge factor in my sucess in staying quit. That's all
Can I get an AMEN ??!!!
Rawls 880
I believe.....

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #69 on: April 13, 2017, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Update: Day 911 - "Comma countdown, baby"

I don't know what to say really... It's been over two years since I broke the chains of nicotine slavery. Without this site, the help of the Jerks and all the other support here I don't believe for a minute that I'd be here still being sucessfully quit. I've come to a point that if I'm at 7/11 or any store and see someone buying dip... I tell them about KTC like a preacher thumping on his bible! It works people!

Some one told me a few days ago that I was on the "comma countdown" and it stuck with me... To be going on 1,000 days with out being a slave to that Nic-o-bitch. I took a few minutes today and read back thru this post since the begining. It's definitely different now and SO much better without the poison. I quit the fake at one point for over 70 days but I'm back on it. Still pretty often but hey, it's better than the alternative. If you are thinking of dipping or are in the first few days, weeks, months of your quit and find yourself reading my post, STAY THE COURSE! It's worth being free.

Lastly, I've made life long friends in our group "The Jerks" to the point we had our 2nd get together and feel like these guys as well as this site are a huge factor in my sucess in staying quit. That's all
Can I get an AMEN ??!!!
Believe Me

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2017, 04:02:00 PM »
Update: Day 911 - "Comma countdown, baby"

I don't know what to say really... It's been over two years since I broke the chains of nicotine slavery. Without this site, the help of the Jerks and all the other support here I don't believe for a minute that I'd be here still being sucessfully quit. I've come to a point that if I'm at 7/11 or any store and see someone buying dip... I tell them about KTC like a preacher thumping on his bible! It works people!

Some one told me a few days ago that I was on the "comma countdown" and it stuck with me... To be going on 1,000 days with out being a slave to that Nic-o-bitch. I took a few minutes today and read back thru this post since the begining. It's definitely different now and SO much better without the poison. I quit the fake at one point for over 70 days but I'm back on it. Still pretty often but hey, it's better than the alternative. If you are thinking of dipping or are in the first few days, weeks, months of your quit and find yourself reading my post, STAY THE COURSE! It's worth being free.

Lastly, I've made life long friends in our group "The Jerks" to the point we had our 2nd get together and feel like these guys as well as this site are a huge factor in my sucess in staying quit. That's all

Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #67 on: June 19, 2015, 09:42:00 AM »
Quote from: pab1964
Way to man up before it was to late taco! It's a battle for us all, just gotta be the man. Damn proud to be quit with you!
Thanks Pab, glad to be here quit with you also.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2015, 09:32:00 AM »
Way to man up before it was to late taco! It's a battle for us all, just gotta be the man. Damn proud to be quit with you!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2015, 09:24:00 AM »
Update: Day 245 - "Keep your foot on the gas!"

As much as you (and me, mainly me actually) want to put that Nic-O-Bitch in the rear view mirror and make her eat your dust... You don't get away that fast! At least that has been my reality. The last ten days, it hit me... It sunk it... The fake dip doesn't work anymore... AND... I can feel my body, mind, something somewhere in me still craving that fucking nasty can of dip!

It's almost weird, I don't have any trouble standing in line at corner stores, the grocery store, or even seeing someone else dip. I don't even usually consider a few of my buddies smoke. NEVER consider a cig. But, I can tell at times lately that I just feel tense and unsettled. Every once in awhile I get up really early in the morning (ok, this is happening more and more) and can't get back to sleep. It just sunk in the other day that my best guess are these are all craves or tied to nicotine in some way. That fucking whore can't take a hint - get on down the road bitch - we're done!

That said, it's been 245 of kicking quitting. I've been engaged in my chat group and we even have a get together (sorry Jerks, couldn't call it that other thing in public) in Austin later this month. I'm also going to start posting up with my 1st mentor so-to-speak on KTC. I'm going to get re-engaged to be sure I keep this bitch licked. I rode my bike 14 miles yesterday, exercise HAS to be one of the best tools, IMO. May even try and pick up a newb to post with to 100. I urge you all to do the same, it's for you as much as it is anyone else. It's more like you have to take that Nic-Bitch and hang her on the rearview mirror and let her dangle in the windshield like a ghetto tree air-freshener. A reminder or the bad decisions we've made. Don't get lazy and find yourself in bed with death.

Peace Out!

Offline brettlees

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #64 on: June 11, 2015, 02:14:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
DAY - 235 Update:

SO today is day 235 without any nicotine and while the decision is still cognizant on most days it's also beginning to sink in that I no longer use nicotine. Life is more normal and getting better all of the time. I feel like; just as I read that at somewhere around 180 days it really sunk in and became less of a daily choice and more of a new way of life. I don't plan to EVER use again.

I'm still on the fake, but I've noticed that I use it less and will get off of it when the time comes. Yesterday I woke up and didn't get a fake dip till noon which is something for me. It's generally one of the first things I do in the morning.

While I'm not nearly as active in other groups as I was - I still strive to post in my month 100% of the time and honestly I rely on my text support "the Circle Jerks" more than any other tool. I know at any second I have chat and the forum, but at this point feel the chat group is enough for me. Honestly, I feel like I could stop signing roll and be successful in my quit. HOWEVER, I've learned enough here and about myself over the years to know it could be the nic-bitch creeping back in to my now, newly settled brain. FUCK THAT, I'm not letting that door open even a little. I will continue to post with my brotha's and sista's on KTC. I'm thankful for you all and posting roll everyday to be quit is a small trade that I can make daily to be 1,000% sure that I'm still quit!

I love you all, you helped save my life!

Anyone reading this thinking you can't do it.... You fucking can! You make up your mind to quit and it's an amazing feeling to be free again.
This is how you do it-- one day at a time really stacks up. Great quit still going strong Tx!
This info helped me early on, and still does today:

Quitters I’ve met so far: Ihatecope, >Pinched<, T-Cell, grizzlyhasclaws, Canvasback, BaseballPlayer, Cbird65, ERDVM, BradleyGuy, Ted, Zeno, AppleJack, Bronc, Knockout, MookieBlaylock, Rdad, 2mch2lv4, MN_Ben, Natro, Lippizaner, Amquash, ChristopherJ, GDubya, SRohde  -- always eager to meet more!

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #63 on: June 11, 2015, 02:38:00 AM »
Quote from: txtaco1
DAY - 235 Update:

SO today is day 235 without any nicotine and while the decision is still cognizant on most days it's also beginning to sink in that I no longer use nicotine. Life is more normal and getting better all of the time. I feel like; just as I read that at somewhere around 180 days it really sunk in and became less of a daily choice and more of a new way of life. I don't plan to EVER use again.

I'm still on the fake, but I've noticed that I use it less and will get off of it when the time comes. Yesterday I woke up and didn't get a fake dip till noon which is something for me. It's generally one of the first things I do in the morning.

While I'm not nearly as active in other groups as I was - I still strive to post in my month 100% of the time and honestly I rely on my text support "the Circle Jerks" more than any other tool. I know at any second I have chat and the forum, but at this point feel the chat group is enough for me. Honestly, I feel like I could stop signing roll and be successful in my quit. HOWEVER, I've learned enough here and about myself over the years to know it could be the nic-bitch creeping back in to my now, newly settled brain. FUCK THAT, I'm not letting that door open even a little. I will continue to post with my brotha's and sista's on KTC. I'm thankful for you all and posting roll everyday to be quit is a small trade that I can make daily to be 1,000% sure that I'm still quit!

I love you all, you helped save my life!

Anyone reading this thinking you can't do it.... You fucking can! You make up your mind to quit and it's an amazing feeling to be free again.
One day... yep, one day I'm going to be just like this guy. Something to look forward to. Very cool.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #62 on: June 10, 2015, 05:23:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
DAY - 235 Update:

SO today is day 235 without any nicotine and while the decision is still cognizant on most days it's also beginning to sink in that I no longer use nicotine. Life is more normal and getting better all of the time. I feel like; just as I read that at somewhere around 180 days it really sunk in and became less of a daily choice and more of a new way of life. I don't plan to EVER use again.

I'm still on the fake, but I've noticed that I use it less and will get off of it when the time comes. Yesterday I woke up and didn't get a fake dip till noon which is something for me. It's generally one of the first things I do in the morning.

While I'm not nearly as active in other groups as I was - I still strive to post in my month 100% of the time and honestly I rely on my text support "the Circle Jerks" more than any other tool. I know at any second I have chat and the forum, but at this point feel the chat group is enough for me. Honestly, I feel like I could stop signing roll and be successful in my quit. HOWEVER, I've learned enough here and about myself over the years to know it could be the nic-bitch creeping back in to my now, newly settled brain. FUCK THAT, I'm not letting that door open even a little. I will continue to post with my brotha's and sista's on KTC. I'm thankful for you all and posting roll everyday to be quit is a small trade that I can make daily to be 1,000% sure that I'm still quit!

I love you all, you helped save my life!

Anyone reading this thinking you can't do it.... You fucking can! You make up your mind to quit and it's an amazing feeling to be free again.
Good stuff. I love it.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #61 on: June 10, 2015, 07:21:00 AM »
DAY - 235 Update:

SO today is day 235 without any nicotine and while the decision is still cognizant on most days it's also beginning to sink in that I no longer use nicotine. Life is more normal and getting better all of the time. I feel like; just as I read that at somewhere around 180 days it really sunk in and became less of a daily choice and more of a new way of life. I don't plan to EVER use again.

I'm still on the fake, but I've noticed that I use it less and will get off of it when the time comes. Yesterday I woke up and didn't get a fake dip till noon which is something for me. It's generally one of the first things I do in the morning.

While I'm not nearly as active in other groups as I was - I still strive to post in my month 100% of the time and honestly I rely on my text support "the Circle Jerks" more than any other tool. I know at any second I have chat and the forum, but at this point feel the chat group is enough for me. Honestly, I feel like I could stop signing roll and be successful in my quit. HOWEVER, I've learned enough here and about myself over the years to know it could be the nic-bitch creeping back in to my now, newly settled brain. FUCK THAT, I'm not letting that door open even a little. I will continue to post with my brotha's and sista's on KTC. I'm thankful for you all and posting roll everyday to be quit is a small trade that I can make daily to be 1,000% sure that I'm still quit!

I love you all, you helped save my life!

Anyone reading this thinking you can't do it.... You fucking can! You make up your mind to quit and it's an amazing feeling to be free again.

Offline pab1964

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #60 on: April 06, 2015, 09:49:00 PM »
Quote from: Natro
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: txtaco1
Day 173 - Update - ***News Flash!!! They don't tell you that 100-200 sucks worse than the 1st 100 days!!!***

First thing I would want to say is that being quit is still a big focus and one of the most amazing feelings EVER! I'm trying to stay active in my text group and with posting in multiple months. I must admit, that I feel the forum has lost something. I don't mean the drama, I don't mean anyone that's left, or anything tangible like that... It's just become a chore, a routine. I go in and post and rarely bother even reading our own month. My chat group on the other hand is still tight and we continue to keep each other on-point.

Biggest change - I think the fake dip is wearing off... It was a huge, huge, huge... Ginormous crutch for me. It still is, however I can see it doesn't really work anymore. In the beginning, I don't know if it's placebo effect, mental, or what but it helped me big time. I'm slowly becoming aware that I still crave nicotine and the fake really does little to deter them any longer. After dinner if I put in a big fatty of fake... my brain says, "yea, so what it's not real dip".

It seems it passes fast, but always leaves me feeling like a low life addict, even if just for a few minutes. It also leaves me thinking fuck this, it sucks, I'm gonna crave that shit forever.

I also want to make it very clear that even feeling a little down, or like I'm hitting some type of funk my resolve has only been strengthened. I've seen weaker and stronger men fail, I'm determined as hell that I will not... I can't... I won't! FUCK YOU NIC!

Quit on ladies and gents!

One more thing - On a positive, Saturday night went out to eat with the fam. I was only like half ninja dipper so I always carried a can in my front pocket and hated it. I've been trying to leave it in the car or in my bag at work to not have it on me. Saturday night after we ate, (and drank a few), we walked out to the car, loaded up the kidos and I rode while the wifey drove us home about 20 minutes. Watched a little TV and went to bed all WITHOUT a dip of fake. I'm sure the beers helped, but a win is a win!
You got this brother! Just think, you have the tools now to combat the bitch. Days 1-100 you were in a vast ocean without a rudder, now at least you are going in the right direction and before you know it you'll see land and everything will get better and that's a guarantee!
Keep it strong Snoop. I have been going through times where it does feel more like a chore. I make the choice to continue to post. Keep that in your mind. It is a conscious decision I make to keep posting end. You know the jerks will keep you honest. Find someone or something to get behind and keep them on task. Invest in a new quitter, it helps keep things relevant. Just keep involved. If you need anything you know where to find me.

Also I'll need a ride to Austin, when we fly into Dallas.
Taco my friend we will always crave but you will always be man enough to say no! You could never let yourself or your brothers down! Always remember there's a damn good chance as long as you're posting intros and other groups you probably helping someone quit and in the long run help save there life! Stay strong my friend and I will be honest with you I crave every damn day and I will always be an addict, not by choice but stupidity!
Tobacco is so addictive it took me a year after a massive heart attack, in which doctor confirmed caused from dipping to finally put a lid on the bitch! ODAAT EDD

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #59 on: April 06, 2015, 10:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Sand_Fleas_Gotta_Eat
Quote from: txtaco1
Day 173 - Update - ***News Flash!!! They don't tell you that 100-200 sucks worse than the 1st 100 days!!!***

First thing I would want to say is that being quit is still a big focus and one of the most amazing feelings EVER! I'm trying to stay active in my text group and with posting in multiple months. I must admit, that I feel the forum has lost something. I don't mean the drama, I don't mean anyone that's left, or anything tangible like that... It's just become a chore, a routine. I go in and post and rarely bother even reading our own month. My chat group on the other hand is still tight and we continue to keep each other on-point.

Biggest change - I think the fake dip is wearing off... It was a huge, huge, huge... Ginormous crutch for me. It still is, however I can see it doesn't really work anymore. In the beginning, I don't know if it's placebo effect, mental, or what but it helped me big time. I'm slowly becoming aware that I still crave nicotine and the fake really does little to deter them any longer. After dinner if I put in a big fatty of fake... my brain says, "yea, so what it's not real dip".

It seems it passes fast, but always leaves me feeling like a low life addict, even if just for a few minutes. It also leaves me thinking fuck this, it sucks, I'm gonna crave that shit forever.

I also want to make it very clear that even feeling a little down, or like I'm hitting some type of funk my resolve has only been strengthened. I've seen weaker and stronger men fail, I'm determined as hell that I will not... I can't... I won't! FUCK YOU NIC!

Quit on ladies and gents!

One more thing - On a positive, Saturday night went out to eat with the fam. I was only like half ninja dipper so I always carried a can in my front pocket and hated it. I've been trying to leave it in the car or in my bag at work to not have it on me. Saturday night after we ate, (and drank a few), we walked out to the car, loaded up the kidos and I rode while the wifey drove us home about 20 minutes. Watched a little TV and went to bed all WITHOUT a dip of fake. I'm sure the beers helped, but a win is a win!
You got this brother! Just think, you have the tools now to combat the bitch. Days 1-100 you were in a vast ocean without a rudder, now at least you are going in the right direction and before you know it you'll see land and everything will get better and that's a guarantee!
Keep it strong Snoop. I have been going through times where it does feel more like a chore. I make the choice to continue to post. Keep that in your mind. It is a conscious decision I make to keep posting end. You know the jerks will keep you honest. Find someone or something to get behind and keep them on task. Invest in a new quitter, it helps keep things relevant. Just keep involved. If you need anything you know where to find me.

Also I'll need a ride to Austin, when we fly into Dallas.
Proud January 2015 "Shell"er
He who controls the spice controls the universe.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #58 on: April 06, 2015, 10:04:00 AM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Day 173 - Update - ***News Flash!!! They don't tell you that 100-200 sucks worse than the 1st 100 days!!!***

First thing I would want to say is that being quit is still a big focus and one of the most amazing feelings EVER! I'm trying to stay active in my text group and with posting in multiple months. I must admit, that I feel the forum has lost something. I don't mean the drama, I don't mean anyone that's left, or anything tangible like that... It's just become a chore, a routine. I go in and post and rarely bother even reading our own month. My chat group on the other hand is still tight and we continue to keep each other on-point.

Biggest change - I think the fake dip is wearing off... It was a huge, huge, huge... Ginormous crutch for me. It still is, however I can see it doesn't really work anymore. In the beginning, I don't know if it's placebo effect, mental, or what but it helped me big time. I'm slowly becoming aware that I still crave nicotine and the fake really does little to deter them any longer. After dinner if I put in a big fatty of fake... my brain says, "yea, so what it's not real dip".

It seems it passes fast, but always leaves me feeling like a low life addict, even if just for a few minutes. It also leaves me thinking fuck this, it sucks, I'm gonna crave that shit forever.

I also want to make it very clear that even feeling a little down, or like I'm hitting some type of funk my resolve has only been strengthened. I've seen weaker and stronger men fail, I'm determined as hell that I will not... I can't... I won't! FUCK YOU NIC!

Quit on ladies and gents!

One more thing - On a positive, Saturday night went out to eat with the fam. I was only like half ninja dipper so I always carried a can in my front pocket and hated it. I've been trying to leave it in the car or in my bag at work to not have it on me. Saturday night after we ate, (and drank a few), we walked out to the car, loaded up the kidos and I rode while the wifey drove us home about 20 minutes. Watched a little TV and went to bed all WITHOUT a dip of fake. I'm sure the beers helped, but a win is a win!
You got this brother! Just think, you have the tools now to combat the bitch. Days 1-100 you were in a vast ocean without a rudder, now at least you are going in the right direction and before you know it you'll see land and everything will get better and that's a guarantee!

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #57 on: April 06, 2015, 08:46:00 AM »
Day 173 - Update - ***News Flash!!! They don't tell you that 100-200 sucks worse than the 1st 100 days!!!***

First thing I would want to say is that being quit is still a big focus and one of the most amazing feelings EVER! I'm trying to stay active in my text group and with posting in multiple months. I must admit, that I feel the forum has lost something. I don't mean the drama, I don't mean anyone that's left, or anything tangible like that... It's just become a chore, a routine. I go in and post and rarely bother even reading our own month. My chat group on the other hand is still tight and we continue to keep each other on-point.

Biggest change - I think the fake dip is wearing off... It was a huge, huge, huge... Ginormous crutch for me. It still is, however I can see it doesn't really work anymore. In the beginning, I don't know if it's placebo effect, mental, or what but it helped me big time. I'm slowly becoming aware that I still crave nicotine and the fake really does little to deter them any longer. After dinner if I put in a big fatty of fake... my brain says, "yea, so what it's not real dip".

It seems it passes fast, but always leaves me feeling like a low life addict, even if just for a few minutes. It also leaves me thinking fuck this, it sucks, I'm gonna crave that shit forever.

I also want to make it very clear that even feeling a little down, or like I'm hitting some type of funk my resolve has only been strengthened. I've seen weaker and stronger men fail, I'm determined as hell that I will not... I can't... I won't! FUCK YOU NIC!

Quit on ladies and gents!

One more thing - On a positive, Saturday night went out to eat with the fam. I was only like half ninja dipper so I always carried a can in my front pocket and hated it. I've been trying to leave it in the car or in my bag at work to not have it on me. Saturday night after we ate, (and drank a few), we walked out to the car, loaded up the kidos and I rode while the wifey drove us home about 20 minutes. Watched a little TV and went to bed all WITHOUT a dip of fake. I'm sure the beers helped, but a win is a win!

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #56 on: February 22, 2015, 02:02:00 PM »
Day 130 Update - Monster Jam // gout // How I'm holding up

So I've been thinking back over the last few weeks and trying to take an inventory of the good and bad things in my quit and life in general around me. Things are starting to have new angles and fresh perspectives with a mind clear of the bitch and constant fog. But, what they forget to tell you (or you neglect to "hear" or read) is that the struggle to remain free of the bitch is far from over at the 100 day point.

If anything, I would describe it as the first 100 days are training and learning time to get ready for the fight that's coming from that day 101- when ever it stops for me point. I go for days at a time for dipping my fake dip and not even really even thinking about actual nicotine or cravings. But, then, it will hit like I don't know what. All of the sudden I'll either just go from zero - pissed off in a second and for what I don't even know what triggered. Are they craves? Am I really that much of a dick? Will these last forever?

I will say with 100% certainty and proudly... It is a small percentage of the time, most days, like I said I don't even think about dip. I've have some off the most positive things happen in the days since I've quit. I look forward to quitting the fake dip at some point but until then I'm just fine with the fact that it's no longer Nicotine.

Since I've quit Nicotine, I've dropped about 28lbs and managed to keep about 20-22 lbs of that for the entire time so far. I did lay off of the walking and running and wonder if that has lead to some of the craves and so called 'funks' I've fallen into. I've been walking one day since not and it felt good, I was able to jog for longer than I usually can. I can tell it's harder to push my motorcycle around without the weight. I also found an old mountain bike and am currently replacing the gripes and seat and plan on starting to ride the bike as a form of exercise. The wife and I have implemented "no meat Mondays" which I'm a total "meat and potatoes" kind of guy it's hard for even me to believe but, I love eating veggies and trying to stay away from most "crap" food. Still love some sweets, ice cream, and a few others. Just not as often and wife some movement it becomes a reward and treat not a crutch and staple. I hope to continue to get more healthy as a family.

With my fake dip I'm generally not too worried about the "crave" per sea as I have the fake. But, I've noticed in a few situations, that if it wasn't for not having KTC and at least a half assed plan I would have caved. Yesterday at the Monster Jam was a perfect example... In high-n-sight I should have realized it was going to be a bunch of good ole boys like myself and thus alot of dip in Texas! It was an simple 2+2=4 type of deal! LOL However, I'm an ADHD grown up and didn't really put much thought into it. Luckily "my plan" is a loose one in that I'm here daily posting roll, I'm in a chat group that chats daily, I'm friends with some guys on Facebook, I have some guys personal numbers, and know a few local quitter here in town that we do lunch and meet ups. I also, have told mi boss, co-workers, family, friend, and anyone I think will help hold me accountable. I think knowing I can't fail them and also I think a huge part is this time I WANTED TO QUIT AND IT HAS BEEN ALMOST EASY. I think that alone was one of the biggest things.

But, anyway, back to yesterday. There was dip everywhere and I said to someone today... I could see myself pre-KTC buddying up to some random stranger to not seem like a weird-O hitting him up for a dip in a few minutes. Yesterday, I was content to stuff my lip with a little fake and be proud that I've accomplished what I have. I also, enjoyed spending time with my #1 buddy (my 4yr old son Josh). All that being said, I still want to be quit more than anything and will continue to work at it as well as being a better father to my 2 kid-o's, but also to being a better husband.

I know I'm starting to ramble here, but want to mention one more thing/lesson learned that will probably apply to others. I had the unfortunate pleasure of inheriting "the gout" (as we call it around here) from my mothers father most likely. We know he had it. It's a little like arthritis in that it affest mostly the joints in the lower body. They get inflamed and it's just on overall bitch to get around and can hurt like hell just to have say a sheet on you. It's miserable and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Luckily, in my 30's I've slowed down on drinking, over the last year cleaned up my diet... Some, still working on it! And overall have not had attacks as often. Having said that I had a pretty bad one just about a week ago that resulted in a trip to the doc for a cortisone shot, a dose pack of steroids, anti-inflammatory meds, and pain killers. Luckily that cortisone shot got me feeling back to normal and not taking pain killers any longer. My whole point being that we may all have something in our health or just "shit" in our personal life that is inevitability going to pop-up on us out of nowhere. Be ready, be prepared, IT STILL SUCKS sometimes.... But, remember 1 problem + Nicotine just = 2 problems!

Stay quit my friends! to day 130 and beyond, here I come. You better not slow down Nic Bitch - Run, Bitch, Run... I'm on your ass!