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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2014, 12:10:00 PM »
Day 42 - Thanksgiving....

The Good:
This morning, I got up at about 630am and went for a jog/walk for just shy of 4 miles in a little over an hour. SO now I'm ready to get my feast on today. I'm thankful for too many things to list and of course my quit is right up there. Also, the fact I've dropped soda's down to an occasional treat drinking about 90% water. Along with walking and some very moderate exercise around the house I've managed to lose 14lbs so far, down from 204 to 190. On good days which are most often it's amazing how much better and better it's getting. How clearly I'm starting to see things in general. I've always prided myself in being observant and in-touch with what's going on around me and see it even more clearly now. I'm more active with the kids and around the house. It's an overall pleasure on most days and feel it getting better and better. I love not being a slave to nicotine any longer.

The Bad:
I get these funks that come over me and can set in within a minute... If not seconds. Sometimes, there is a clear trigger and I can identify what it was, others it is seemingly nothing at all. Sometimes, I can quickly identify my behavior and either head it off or change my attitude. Others, seems like no matter what I do I just want to kick-down door, rip shit off the walls, curse, scream, and just throw a down right fucking tantrum! I'm a really laid back type of personality so this isn't like me. I'm mean not to say I don't get pissed from time to time, but not like this. My wife is supportive and tries to either stay out of the way, put me in my place, or just let me rant depending on the situation.

I'm using Smokey Mountain Fake Dip so I really don't notice to many "craves" as I feel like I'm still dipping. Just no Nicotine. So I feel like these funks or rages are crave driven. Not sure if they they are 3 days worth rolled into one or if it's just part of the natural cycle. It does suck, but luckily it's a small part of the time on most days and never lasts more than about a day to two at the most. It's a small price to pay to be free of the shackles of tobacco and nicotine. Everyday is a small victory, and I plan to keep stacking day, on top of day, on top of day. I NEVER and I mean Eff'ing NEVER want to put nicotine in my body. I want to be a role model for my 2 young children and be here and be health for a long time to come.

Lastly, the "Circle Jerk" (it's really called Circle of Jerks) we call a text group has really helped me stay focused on a daily basis. They are generally one of the 1st things I see in the morning, again around lunch, and before bedtime. Like a couple of little ghey, bitches we checkin on each other and hold each other accountable. Guys, you have made this journey a lot of fun and very real. Thank you Everyone in the Circle of Jerks text group.

Now let's go eat some turkey and kick some Eagles ass... Go Cowboys! (sorry any Phily fans. I still quit with ya today though!) cowboy

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2014, 09:18:00 PM »
Day 32 - I believe I went thru my second "bout" where I just hated everything and wanted to kick down doors and tear shit up for completely no reason at all. I still swear the exercise and water have helped on other days. I'm still using the fake chew and loving the fact the nic-bitch isn't running shit over here anymore.

I do more with the kids. DO more around the house and mainly cause I'm not sitting around somewhere with a lip full of worm shit spitting out brown slime. I absolutely deplore the thought of ever putting that shit in my face again. Feeling pretty strong today.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2014, 09:43:00 AM »
Just an update - Day 17 - The saga moves onward

Believe it was day 13  14 that sucked the worst of all for me so far out of all of it. Somehow, with the fake dip my first 72hrs were a breeze and I don't know that I suffered any symptoms but a headache. I considered myself lucky until day 1314. I can't even really put my finger on it. I'm so determined to quit that it's hard to call them cravings. It's like I just have this level of pissed-offness that is off the charts. This is how I feel on the inside and it's been hard to hold it in and not act like a complete dick. I haven't been perfect, but the wifey is supportive and here we are at day 17.

Someone on the site in one of the many things I've read said something along the lines of "'I'm just now realizing that I've always been this short tempered, I've just always used nic to cope" and something along the lines of they had to change. I think that's where I'm at and mentioning that some of my pissed-offness were true feelings. Wife and I are working on some things around the home and it seems to be getting better for my overall family life. Day 15-17 have had their moments, but have pretty much been pleasurable days. I'm starting to feel better about it and my body is starting to heal.

Another thing that I can say without a doubt is that exercising as others have mentioned really helps. I've been doing some really long walks around the neighborhood and have gotten to be able to walk about 4mi in 1hr. Even if I only walk a little over a mile. sometimes if I'm lazy I'll only walk a mile but then do it again in the evening with my 3yr old son. It's helped alot and I've at least been able to maintain my weight and even shed a few extra pounds. The difference I feel has lead to about 12days off soda's (I've had a few here and there) and eating WAY more healthy. Don't get me wrong, I had some french fries and a burger yesterday but being off the nic is SO awesome it just keeps getting better for me.

Fake Dip - I tried Hooch and still like the Smokey Mountain Wintergreen from Walmart. It's easy to get, tastes pretty close to the Skoal and RedSeal Fine Cut WG that I used to use. I can't say enough good stuff about this product. Between this and KTC members taking me under their wing, this has been a awesome choice.

Sparkling Water - I know it's ghey! LOL and I'm not sure if it's an age, taste, or what but 2weeks ago I HATED sparkling water. Now it's my new "go to" drink of choice.

Lastly, because I've seen others discuss it... My climax after sex is off! It seems to take longer to come to climax and it's harder to reach (kinda good and bad). Then when it's not as rewarding as it was two weeks ago. I've read alot of guys posting that it's better and I don't like that I'm having the opposite results. Will it start getting better?

Also, remembered that I've been constipated a little, which is not usual for me. Have read that it is common, but still sucked no-less. On that, I'm going to go watch some football and hope my Cowboys don't take another crap on me this week!

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2014, 08:18:00 AM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Thanks guys and trust me... Not even for a second does me consider even thinking about it. I "took a break" years ago and ended up back on the worm-shit. Never-again! I read someone else say something along the lines of "I'm not looking my wife and kids in the eye and telling them dip is more important than they are".

Quit for today and forever, thanks for the support fellas!
Good stuff - get as many layers of support and accountability as you can.
Never loose sight of the fact the promise to quit is made for you.
The ability to look yourself in the mirror and know 100% you are staying true to your word is priceless!
Taking ownership of our addictions impacts anyone we come into contact with.
Remember, you are here for a reason!
Believe Me

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #36 on: October 31, 2014, 11:30:00 PM »
Thanks guys and trust me... Not even for a second does me consider even thinking about it. I "took a break" years ago and ended up back on the worm-shit. Never-again! I read someone else say something along the lines of "I'm not looking my wife and kids in the eye and telling them dip is more important than they are".

Quit for today and forever, thanks for the support fellas!

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #35 on: October 31, 2014, 07:09:00 PM »
Quote from: Idaho
Quote from: txtaco1
Went to the surgeon and all seems to be good... I could tell by his body language and the fact he said "you don't have cancer" that it wasn't too bad. Funny, I've always thought I dipped ALOT, mainly because I ALWAYS had a dip in unless I was eating or asleep. But, honestly, 1 dip might seriously last me for 10 hrs under the right circumstances. Other times, I spit one out to put a fresh one in! Anyway, after hearing some of the stories here and speaking to the Doc apparently I wasn't as "all out" as I thought I was. Good news!

Anyway, they want me to spend $1800 on a biopsy to to tell me for sure and I may go that route. But, for now I'm just stoked that there was nothing that caused him concern and I'm still QUIT!!!

On a funny side - I told him right off the bat "I've quit for 15days"... Then as he's doing his examination he pulls out one of those long cotton swabs and it has fake dip on it. He's all like "So how long ago did you quit" in a suspicious tone! It was funny to me anyway and then I showed him the fake stuff.
Glad to hear txtaco1!
Stay quit and strong, don't let the clean bill of health allow you to return to chewing.
Proud to quit with you,
Awesome! What Spuds said x 1000. NAFAR and ODAAT
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2014, 03:48:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Went to the surgeon and all seems to be good... I could tell by his body language and the fact he said "you don't have cancer" that it wasn't too bad. Funny, I've always thought I dipped ALOT, mainly because I ALWAYS had a dip in unless I was eating or asleep. But, honestly, 1 dip might seriously last me for 10 hrs under the right circumstances. Other times, I spit one out to put a fresh one in! Anyway, after hearing some of the stories here and speaking to the Doc apparently I wasn't as "all out" as I thought I was. Good news!

Anyway, they want me to spend $1800 on a biopsy to to tell me for sure and I may go that route. But, for now I'm just stoked that there was nothing that caused him concern and I'm still QUIT!!!

On a funny side - I told him right off the bat "I've quit for 15days"... Then as he's doing his examination he pulls out one of those long cotton swabs and it has fake dip on it. He's all like "So how long ago did you quit" in a suspicious tone! It was funny to me anyway and then I showed him the fake stuff.
Glad to hear txtaco1!
Stay quit and strong, don't let the clean bill of health allow you to return to chewing.
Proud to quit with you,

Offline txtaco1

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #33 on: October 31, 2014, 03:41:00 PM »
Went to the surgeon and all seems to be good... I could tell by his body language and the fact he said "you don't have cancer" that it wasn't too bad. Funny, I've always thought I dipped ALOT, mainly because I ALWAYS had a dip in unless I was eating or asleep. But, honestly, 1 dip might seriously last me for 10 hrs under the right circumstances. Other times, I spit one out to put a fresh one in! Anyway, after hearing some of the stories here and speaking to the Doc apparently I wasn't as "all out" as I thought I was. Good news!

Anyway, they want me to spend $1800 on a biopsy to to tell me for sure and I may go that route. But, for now I'm just stoked that there was nothing that caused him concern and I'm still QUIT!!!

On a funny side - I told him right off the bat "I've quit for 15days"... Then as he's doing his examination he pulls out one of those long cotton swabs and it has fake dip on it. He's all like "So how long ago did you quit" in a suspicious tone! It was funny to me anyway and then I showed him the fake stuff.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2014, 10:03:00 AM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Going to the oral surg today... My dentist had been advising me to go see him awhile. Said he wasn't too worried, but wants the oral surgeon to "stain" the inside of my cheeks and will be able to tell if anything needs a closer look. I tell you, it's had me scared shitless for about 2yrs!!!

I figured now that I'm 15days into my quit I'd go ahead and try to get it knocked out so I can stop worrying about it. Wish me luck, I'm a little nervous about it.
Keep calm. You got this. Prayers up for You today.
Keeping my jaw and tongue...I like them.
It's poison I tell ya, You wouldn't drink Liquid Drano, would ya?

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2014, 09:37:00 AM »
Going to the oral surg today... My dentist had been advising me to go see him awhile. Said he wasn't too worried, but wants the oral surgeon to "stain" the inside of my cheeks and will be able to tell if anything needs a closer look. I tell you, it's had me scared shitless for about 2yrs!!!

I figured now that I'm 15days into my quit I'd go ahead and try to get it knocked out so I can stop worrying about it. Wish me luck, I'm a little nervous about it.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2014, 11:24:00 PM »
Quote from: txtaco1
Quote from: gooch44
I started noticing little sores after about 4 days but I think it was from using a lot of the fake stuff. I've backed off of using that and now the sores are gone. How are you doing otherwise?
I can also tell I've been a grouch with the wife and kids. It's like I see myself being a dick and just can't stop... Then I apologize for being a dick, my wife is supportive and get's it, but I'm ready to be in a better mood. The kids don't understand.
Hang in there. Sounds normal. Do everything you can to be positive with the kids. Keep doing what you're doing here.
Nicotine Quit Date:10/31/2013
Exercise Start Date: 6/29/2018

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2014, 11:00:00 PM »
Quote from: gooch44
I started noticing little sores after about 4 days but I think it was from using a lot of the fake stuff. I've backed off of using that and now the sores are gone. How are you doing otherwise?
I can also tell I've been a grouch with the wife and kids. It's like I see myself being a dick and just can't stop... Then I apologize for being a dick, my wife is supportive and get's it, but I'm ready to be in a better mood. The kids don't understand.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2014, 10:55:00 PM »
Quote from: gooch44
I started noticing little sores after about 4 days but I think it was from using a lot of the fake stuff. I've backed off of using that and now the sores are gone. How are you doing otherwise?
Otherwise, I'm really still just determined to stay quit. I'm pissed about my inability to take control for so long. I feel like it's been too easy so I'm a little on edge about being too confident.

I've had a few cravings, but I pop in a fake dip and it seems to help. I think I've had some of these sleepy spells that I've heard some speak of. I also without a doubt know that walking every morning has been a huge help. Just to sweat and feel my heart pumping 1st thing in the morning for 3 weeks straight (started that before the quit) has helped. I can tell my sleeping is off, but not too bad.

For 10 days in I think I feel pretty good! lol

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2014, 10:06:00 PM »
I started noticing little sores after about 4 days but I think it was from using a lot of the fake stuff. I've backed off of using that and now the sores are gone. How are you doing otherwise?
Caving = Failure. Failure is NOT an option.

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Re: Off the nic-bitch! - Think I need help posting roll
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2014, 08:45:00 PM »
Sore mouth?

I've read alot of people talk about getting sores or their mouth healing after being quit. Can I ask about how long into the quit that is? Would folks using a fake dip still get them?

My mouth has been feeling a little sore and tingly at times. Not sure if it's the fake dip or if it's just hurting for some nic.