Author Topic: Long time coming...  (Read 38263 times)

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Re: I am ready to accept help.
« Reply #321 on: May 06, 2019, 05:19:13 PM »
KTC Quitters,

Hello. My name is Dave and I have been here before. I entered the Hall of Fame on August 2, 2013 and I have the coin to prove it.

Like many, I've attempted quitting numerous times, on my own terms.
Like some, I've turned to support groups such as this forum.
Like all, I've had to fight this demon we all know as the Nic Bitch.

Back in 2013, for reasons I will not to go into, KTC and I had a falling out. Myself and two other members, freshly initiated into the HOF walked away.

However, by means of social media, we held one another accountable. For a time. You see, my friends, they remained strong. As of right now, they have been nicotine free for 6 years.

As for me? Well, here I am. Back in the Introductions section.

As easy as it would have been to come back here 6 years later and start over, doing so would undermine the principles of this community. Namely, accountability.

To the members who may still be around from August 2013,
I wish to formally apologize for everything that happened that caused my departure. I thought that I could fend off the Nic Bitch without being held accountable and I was very wrong. With your help, both here in the forums and those late night texts that kept me clean, you helped me achieve my 100 days.
I found my coin today, stuffed in a drawer, long forgotten. When I held it, all I could think was, "what is this worth to you now?" Nothing. This coin is worthless. Again. I was wrong. That coin is not worthless. Far from it. Holding that coin was a reminder of what I had once achieved. A reminder of what I am still capable of achieving.
All I ask from you, is please, forgive me and hold me accountable.

6 years ago, I was weak. My mind was weak, as was my will. Time has a way of changing things. The way we think. The way we act. The reason I am here today, back in the Introductions section is because I was not ready to quit. Sure, I did, for a time. But the reasons for being here were not my own.

I am here now because I am ready to quit. I am tired of this poison in my veins. I have learned to admit when I am wrong and to ask for help when I need it. I need it now.

My name is Dave, I have been dipping nearly nonstop since 2006. I am ready to quit.

Hi Dave.  My name is Michael, and I'm an addict too.  I've been free from nicotine since 12/24/2012 - or 2,325 days today.  April 2013 is my group, and I post most every day in August 2013.  Jungleland, KCGuy, ERussell, Jake Frawley (POS)... I know a lot of the players in August 2013.  I hope you start posting in that group again.  The remaining members are winners, and you can built off of each other.  The drama of the past is over.  Don't dwell on that - it is a pointless waste of your time.  This place works, and it works because we quit as a team.  Join us, rage with us and win with us.  I'm glad you are back.

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Re: I am ready to accept help.
« Reply #320 on: May 06, 2019, 07:37:34 AM »
Welcome back Dave,

Anything before now was just a stoppage.  You hopped in got on roll first thing which is one of the most important parts of staying quit, posting that promise first thing.  You have the opportunity to help be a leader in this group.  As part of the accountability process you can answer the 3 questions to both August 2019 and 2013.  They are:
1. What happened?

2. Why did it happen?

3. What are you going to do differently this time?

They are there to help you dig deep and share why you are quit.  It sounds like you are ready to do this.  My digits are in your inbox and I will quit alongside you each day if you want me to.  I am quit with you today Dave!


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I am ready to accept help.
« Reply #319 on: May 05, 2019, 11:08:25 PM »
KTC Quitters,

Hello. My name is Dave and I have been here before. I entered the Hall of Fame on August 2, 2013 and I have the coin to prove it.

Like many, I've attempted quitting numerous times, on my own terms.
Like some, I've turned to support groups such as this forum.
Like all, I've had to fight this demon we all know as the Nic Bitch.

Back in 2013, for reasons I will not to go into, KTC and I had a falling out. Myself and two other members, freshly initiated into the HOF walked away.

However, by means of social media, we held one another accountable. For a time. You see, my friends, they remained strong. As of right now, they have been nicotine free for 6 years.

As for me? Well, here I am. Back in the Introductions section.

As easy as it would have been to come back here 6 years later and start over, doing so would undermine the principles of this community. Namely, accountability.

To the members who may still be around from August 2013,
I wish to formally apologize for everything that happened that caused my departure. I thought that I could fend off the Nic Bitch without being held accountable and I was very wrong. With your help, both here in the forums and those late night texts that kept me clean, you helped me achieve my 100 days.
I found my coin today, stuffed in a drawer, long forgotten. When I held it, all I could think was, "what is this worth to you now?" Nothing. This coin is worthless. Again. I was wrong. That coin is not worthless. Far from it. Holding that coin was a reminder of what I had once achieved. A reminder of what I am still capable of achieving.
All I ask from you, is please, forgive me and hold me accountable.

6 years ago, I was weak. My mind was weak, as was my will. Time has a way of changing things. The way we think. The way we act. The reason I am here today, back in the Introductions section is because I was not ready to quit. Sure, I did, for a time. But the reasons for being here were not my own.

I am here now because I am ready to quit. I am tired of this poison in my veins. I have learned to admit when I am wrong and to ask for help when I need it. I need it now.

My name is Dave, I have been dipping nearly nonstop since 2006. I am ready to quit.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 04:44:29 PM by Palpatine »

Offline Wt57

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #318 on: November 21, 2013, 03:07:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: Willy_MN
Quote from: srans
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".
To funny. 'crackup'
'crackup' OIB for President! 'crackup'
TIFFS 9.875
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' Relevant indeed!
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
TODAY is the day that counts
"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #317 on: November 21, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: Bigwhitebeast
Quote from: Willy_MN
Quote from: srans
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".
To funny. 'crackup'
'crackup' OIB for President! 'crackup'
TIFFS 9.875
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' Relevant indeed!

Offline bigwhitebeast

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #316 on: November 21, 2013, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: Willy_MN
Quote from: srans
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".
To funny. 'crackup'
'crackup' OIB for President! 'crackup'
TIFFS 9.875

Offline Willy_MN

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #315 on: November 21, 2013, 02:13:00 PM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".
To funny. 'crackup'
'crackup' OIB for President! 'crackup'

Offline ParadigmDawg

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #314 on: November 21, 2013, 02:02:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
We will tell you which conversations you can get in or stay out

Just for the record, I don't like Diesel or Dipping Dave but I'm sure glad they quit dipping and it's likely that both have helped me along the way.

How about we close this thread and go help some newbies.?????????????
Oh little are so scary...F' OFF...!!!

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #313 on: November 21, 2013, 01:47:00 PM »
DippinDave’s intro is not “garbage” as he says, but if you start at the beginning you will see the transformation of a scared addict that knew he should quit, but didn’t want to. Needing to quit, and wanting to quit are two completely different animals. He had moments of weakness as we all do, and reached out for help, but when a hand of support was offered he recoiled.

He failed.

On 8/1/13 he came into chat, dropped a link to the “Contract to Give Up” that he signed and posted in this very thread, then left the room. He came back into chat a few moments later under a different name (BassAckwards) to see if he was getting bashed. He saw that he wasn’t. There was a lot of disappointment. Lots of sadness for his failure, but no laughing or rejoicing in his failure. I remember quite clearly that there were a number of us that felt that WE had failed; that we didn’t do enough to save him.

He did come back, half-assed and posting roll when he felt like it saying things like “this is the best you’ll get from me”. He told us all to Fuck Off repeatedly and picked fights everywhere he could.

Then, the winds of DD911 changed again, this time for the better. He said that he saw his faults and errors of his past. He started posting regularly and contributing, helping, those that came after him. Then he hit the HOF.

Even though Dave was a complete tool for nearly 90 days, he never did the unforgiveable. He didnÂ’t post with a fatty in. He disappointed, but he didnÂ’t lie. He didnÂ’t post roll on the day he caved. It was planned. He left, then caved, then returned. Because he didnÂ’t do the unforgiveable I stood by him, and still do. I canÂ’t say the same of others that lied for 100+ days on multiple occasions.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #312 on: November 21, 2013, 01:46:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".
To funny. 'crackup'
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #311 on: November 21, 2013, 01:37:00 PM »
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Holy shit OIB, I almost pissed myself. That link should be posted in every thread where someone is "taking their ball and going home".

Offline mattyf118

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #310 on: November 21, 2013, 01:18:00 PM »
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
Quit Date: 09/06/13
HOF Date: 12/14/13

Caving is not an option

Offline OneImpressiveBall

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #309 on: November 21, 2013, 01:11:00 PM »
Quote from: mattyf118
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
Proud January 2013 Jackwagin: [color=330066]kicking nicotine's ass since October 3, 2012.[/color]
My 265-Day Late HOF Speech

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #308 on: November 21, 2013, 01:01:00 PM »
Quote from: OneImpressiveBall
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Just re-read the intro, this is the 3rd or 4th time he is "leaving the site." I think it's time we all just move along. Glad you're quit, hope you stay quit. If not, we'll be here.
Quit Date: 09/06/13
HOF Date: 12/14/13

Caving is not an option

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #307 on: November 21, 2013, 12:18:00 PM »
Quote from: mogul
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.
Mogul - you should listen to him. He's 23 and he has it all figured out. He's knows so much about how this place should work that he posted two separate day 1s. He learned that we "chew people up" as he devoured hundreds of hours of people's time helping him with his own quit. (Go ahead, flip through this intro. Look at what these mean jerks have invested in this guy).


Mogul - If you ever need a hand, please don't hesitate one second to PM me.

Dave - I recommend that you take your own advice and focus on your quit. When you're ready, read back through this intro page and look at the time people poured into helping you. Why did they do that?
Proud January 2013 Jackwagin: [color=330066]kicking nicotine's ass since October 3, 2012.[/color]
My 265-Day Late HOF Speech