Author Topic: Long time coming...  (Read 29950 times)

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Offline Mogul

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #306 on: November 21, 2013, 08:27:00 AM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you. 

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.

Thank you for the suggestion Dave. However, as a 44 year old man and a successful professional I believe I am qualified to determine what conversations to get into and stay out of. Appreciate the concern though.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #305 on: November 21, 2013, 05:28:00 AM »
Quote from: srans
Quote from: derk40
Dave... my recommendation would be stop  take a breath.  Listen to some of the folks here.

As far as your hatred for Diesel... for you I think it is misplaced  I frankly don't get it.  In this case, if Dabean had issue with Diesel then they need to work it out and I think it is not your battle to fight.  Diesel is opinionated but he is always that way -- what you get is sometimes raw but he is a heck of a quitter.  He is not the problem here.  In fact, far from it.  He is not the person that lied to all of us all for a ridiculous period of time. 

I remember the Saturday that you and Dabean had your monster blow up regarding you posting roll.  Diesel was one of the folks that took the time to reach out to you and worked hard to get you to stay here at KTC.  This effort in large part kept you here  now you have rekindled your friendship with Dabean, which is great.  You bumped his comments talking about how dabean was coming on strong -- he was actually trying to arbitrate between you 2. 

You are placing your rage in the wrong spot here.  While you should be focusing your rage towards those that don't uphold the standards of KTC... you are attacking Diesel  now everyone here on this site with the exception of the several persons you identified as the true quitters.  Again, I don't get that.  So many people have supported you throughout your quit  really care about you.

I appreciate your focus on the Brotherhood... but also critical to KTC success is the accountability.  Without accountability, then there is no success.  When we joined KTC, we all put behind our lies  promise every morning that we will be quit for the day.  Without that promise  dedication of the fine quitters on this site... the foundation of KTC would erode.  For me, the honor  integrity of my promise each day means something. 

If you leave, then I wish you the best of luck.  I recommend you stay.  Regardless, stay quit!
Times 100 ^^^. As a person that has helped you i strongly urge you to read this again. sM wrote an excellant post also. I also don't get you sometimes. You get angry at others if the coin drops and its not on heads, damn! Breath brother. Take a step back and take a good look around. Who is at fault here. You know the answer to this. Think about it.
Control what you can control, let the rest go.

I had a great leader as a manager many years ago tell me this. Easy to say, hard to practice. Every day at work it is my guiding principle. I could really get angry or agitated, like many do, about the new insurance costs. Or the new director of x that makes too much money for nothing. Or the new tile in the bathroom. But none of that is up to me, I can't control it. I slways offer up opinion if it is appropriate (and sometimes if it isn't) but in the end, my frustration will be just that... My frustration. It will serve me in no way other than to create negativity and weaken my ability to move forward. Over time I have watched people much, much brighter than me, throw away great careers because they got tied up in trying to change something that they couldn't control.

The situation at hand is now over - the decision done. It was a painful one, and not a decision the admins delighted in making I'm certain. But that team has built a system that has kept me quit now for 333 days. Dave, I couldn't go 4 hours last December without a fix. 4 hours. This site and it's principles have, and I'm not being dramatic here, saved my life. So, whether I agree or disagree with the decision - it is done... And I'm going to quit again today. The only way that I know to do that is the ktc way. So I'm posting roll again today. Please do the same. Your quit is too important to throw away - paddy would not want you to do that.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #304 on: November 21, 2013, 01:38:00 AM »
Quote from: mogul
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you.

mogul, as a newbie here I suggest you stay out of garbage like this. focus on your quit, that is why you are here. last thing you need is to get involved in something you have no idea about. These guys here will chew you up and spit you out before you have a chance to ask what is going on. Do yourself a solid and forget about this conversation, focus on your quit and read things more educational to what you are going through.


Offline DippinDave911

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #303 on: November 21, 2013, 01:14:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
You know Dave, it was kind of grinding me that you though so poorly of me. I actually started to feel guilty and bad about myself.

Then I went back and read your entire intro. Every single word.

I actually spent a lot of time supporting you, you even thanked me at one point. Also after I called you out for being selfish you admitted you had been and needed to help more.

Also those quotes you put up in Paddys intro were complete hatchet jobs. You only quoted parts of what I said in an attempt to make me look like an asshole.

You don't like me...I can live with that, Ill add you to the list.

However I did support you and even encouraged you to stay here, when you said you were leaving.

I might have used some tough love on you, but I never bullied you nor tried to run you from the site. And I certainly wasn't supporting you for the attention, I cared about you.

I accept that you hate me, but in the end I don't wish nic addiction on my worst enemy and I want to see everyone quit. Including you.

I'm done feeling bad.

Quit on.
A pity everything you said in Pats intro is lost forever.

Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #302 on: November 21, 2013, 12:59:00 AM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
You know Dave, it was kind of grinding me that you though so poorly of me. I actually started to feel guilty and bad about myself.

Then I went back and read your entire intro. Every single word.

I actually spent a lot of time supporting you, you even thanked me at one point. Also after I called you out for being selfish you admitted you had been and needed to help more.

Also those quotes you put up in Paddys intro were complete hatchet jobs. You only quoted parts of what I said in an attempt to make me look like an asshole.

You don't like me...I can live with that, Ill add you to the list.

However I did support you and even encouraged you to stay here, when you said you were leaving.

I might have used some tough love on you, but I never bullied you nor tried to run you from the site. And I certainly wasn't supporting you for the attention, I cared about you.

I accept that you hate me, but in the end I don't wish nic addiction on my worst enemy and I want to see everyone quit. Including you.

I'm done feeling bad.

Quit on.
You're a quitter and a support. Sleep well tonight.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Diesel2112

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #301 on: November 21, 2013, 12:38:00 AM »
You know Dave, it was kind of grinding me that you though so poorly of me. I actually started to feel guilty and bad about myself.

Then I went back and read your entire intro. Every single word.

I actually spent a lot of time supporting you, you even thanked me at one point. Also after I called you out for being selfish you admitted you had been and needed to help more.

Also those quotes you put up in Paddys intro were complete hatchet jobs. You only quoted parts of what I said in an attempt to make me look like an asshole.

You don't like me...I can live with that, Ill add you to the list.

However I did support you and even encouraged you to stay here, when you said you were leaving.

I might have used some tough love on you, but I never bullied you nor tried to run you from the site. And I certainly wasn't supporting you for the attention, I cared about you.

I accept that you hate me, but in the end I don't wish nic addiction on my worst enemy and I want to see everyone quit. Including you.

I'm done feeling bad.

Quit on.
Quit 06/04/12
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21st floor 03/11/18

"Celebrate the moment as it turns into one more"..
"You can fight without ever winning, but never ever win, win without a fight".
"Onion rings...funyons. A connection? Yeah. I fucking think so."
"Honest Abe had a fake jaw".
"In a world that seems so small, I can't stop thinking big"
"Someone set a bad example. Made surrender seem all right
The act of a noble warrior. Who lost the will to fight."

Offline Wt57

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #300 on: November 20, 2013, 08:56:00 PM »
Quote from: Roamcountry
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Skoal

Take what you need and leave the rest.

Cavers are cancer.  If Paddy can cheat why can't I ? Or you?

Ktc doesn't drive away quitters, it drives away cavers . I didn't cheat this quit, not once in almost 1800 days. I have been accountable every day since day one.  I lied to everyone in my life about quitting at one point or another until I joined KTC.  A bunch of strangers that hurt with me every damn day gave me strength. If they could do it , so could I . And if I could do it so can you and Paddy.  But Paddy broke that chain.  Was his support false as well?  If his lie makes a single person question their own ability to stay quit he should be taken out behind the woodshed.

I hope Paddy is quit , I have no idea, he isn't standing side by side with the rest of us in the fire, and even if he was , I suspect when it gets too hot he's gonna jump out.

As for all your ranting about the admin? Please.  I can count bans over 5 years on one hand. And removing posts is even more rare .  The admin team keeps the lid on this boiling pot, and it is a hell of alot of effort that they put in for NO reward , other than helping people quit.

Hell, those seven yahoos have saved thousands of lives including mine .  I tip my hat to each and every one  and you should too .
I love this and it deserves a thank you! Monster, great post.
I ever tell you guys how much I :wub: skoal monster?
I support honest quitting. Quitting without honesty leaves room for doubt.
4/1/2012: Nicotine Quit Date
7/9/12: HOF The Missing Warning Label
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"Do, or do not, there is no try." Yoda

Offline Roamcountry

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #299 on: November 20, 2013, 08:33:00 PM »
Quote from: Mthomas3824
Quote from: Skoal

Take what you need and leave the rest.

Cavers are cancer.  If Paddy can cheat why can't I ? Or you?

Ktc doesn't drive away quitters, it drives away cavers . I didn't cheat this quit, not once in almost 1800 days. I have been accountable every day since day one.  I lied to everyone in my life about quitting at one point or another until I joined KTC.  A bunch of strangers that hurt with me every damn day gave me strength. If they could do it , so could I . And if I could do it so can you and Paddy.  But Paddy broke that chain.  Was his support false as well?  If his lie makes a single person question their own ability to stay quit he should be taken out behind the woodshed.

I hope Paddy is quit , I have no idea, he isn't standing side by side with the rest of us in the fire, and even if he was , I suspect when it gets too hot he's gonna jump out.

As for all your ranting about the admin? Please.  I can count bans over 5 years on one hand. And removing posts is even more rare .  The admin team keeps the lid on this boiling pot, and it is a hell of alot of effort that they put in for NO reward , other than helping people quit.

Hell, those seven yahoos have saved thousands of lives including mine .  I tip my hat to each and every one  and you should too .
I love this and it deserves a thank you! Monster, great post.
I ever tell you guys how much I :wub: skoal monster?

Offline srans

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #298 on: November 20, 2013, 08:16:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Dave... my recommendation would be stop  take a breath. Listen to some of the folks here.

As far as your hatred for Diesel... for you I think it is misplaced  I frankly don't get it. In this case, if Dabean had issue with Diesel then they need to work it out and I think it is not your battle to fight. Diesel is opinionated but he is always that way -- what you get is sometimes raw but he is a heck of a quitter. He is not the problem here. In fact, far from it. He is not the person that lied to all of us all for a ridiculous period of time.

I remember the Saturday that you and Dabean had your monster blow up regarding you posting roll. Diesel was one of the folks that took the time to reach out to you and worked hard to get you to stay here at KTC. This effort in large part kept you here  now you have rekindled your friendship with Dabean, which is great. You bumped his comments talking about how dabean was coming on strong -- he was actually trying to arbitrate between you 2.

You are placing your rage in the wrong spot here. While you should be focusing your rage towards those that don't uphold the standards of KTC... you are attacking Diesel  now everyone here on this site with the exception of the several persons you identified as the true quitters. Again, I don't get that. So many people have supported you throughout your quit  really care about you.

I appreciate your focus on the Brotherhood... but also critical to KTC success is the accountability. Without accountability, then there is no success. When we joined KTC, we all put behind our lies  promise every morning that we will be quit for the day. Without that promise  dedication of the fine quitters on this site... the foundation of KTC would erode. For me, the honor  integrity of my promise each day means something.

If you leave, then I wish you the best of luck. I recommend you stay. Regardless, stay quit!
Times 100 ^^^. As a person that has helped you i strongly urge you to read this again. sM wrote an excellant post also. I also don't get you sometimes. You get angry at others if the coin drops and its not on heads, damn! Breath brother. Take a step back and take a good look around. Who is at fault here. You know the answer to this. Think about it.
Hof date may 25, 2013
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The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #297 on: November 20, 2013, 08:06:00 PM »
Dave... my recommendation would be stop  take a breath. Listen to some of the folks here.

As far as your hatred for Diesel... for you I think it is misplaced  I frankly don't get it. In this case, if Dabean had issue with Diesel then they need to work it out and I think it is not your battle to fight. Diesel is opinionated but he is always that way -- what you get is sometimes raw but he is a heck of a quitter. He is not the problem here. In fact, far from it. He is not the person that lied to all of us all for a ridiculous period of time.

I remember the Saturday that you and Dabean had your monster blow up regarding you posting roll. Diesel was one of the folks that took the time to reach out to you and worked hard to get you to stay here at KTC. This effort in large part kept you here  now you have rekindled your friendship with Dabean, which is great. You bumped his comments talking about how dabean was coming on strong -- he was actually trying to arbitrate between you 2.

You are placing your rage in the wrong spot here. While you should be focusing your rage towards those that don't uphold the standards of KTC... you are attacking Diesel  now everyone here on this site with the exception of the several persons you identified as the true quitters. Again, I don't get that. So many people have supported you throughout your quit  really care about you.

I appreciate your focus on the Brotherhood... but also critical to KTC success is the accountability. Without accountability, then there is no success. When we joined KTC, we all put behind our lies  promise every morning that we will be quit for the day. Without that promise  dedication of the fine quitters on this site... the foundation of KTC would erode. For me, the honor  integrity of my promise each day means something.

If you leave, then I wish you the best of luck. I recommend you stay. Regardless, stay quit!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
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Offline Mthomas3824

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #296 on: November 20, 2013, 06:48:00 PM »
Quote from: Skoal

Take what you need and leave the rest.

Cavers are cancer. If Paddy can cheat why can't I ? Or you?

Ktc doesn't drive away quitters, it drives away cavers . I didn't cheat this quit, not once in almost 1800 days. I have been accountable every day since day one. I lied to everyone in my life about quitting at one point or another until I joined KTC. A bunch of strangers that hurt with me every damn day gave me strength. If they could do it , so could I . And if I could do it so can you and Paddy. But Paddy broke that chain. Was his support false as well? If his lie makes a single person question their own ability to stay quit he should be taken out behind the woodshed.

I hope Paddy is quit , I have no idea, he isn't standing side by side with the rest of us in the fire, and even if he was , I suspect when it gets too hot he's gonna jump out.

As for all your ranting about the admin? Please. I can count bans over 5 years on one hand. And removing posts is even more rare . The admin team keeps the lid on this boiling pot, and it is a hell of alot of effort that they put in for NO reward , other than helping people quit.

Hell, those seven yahoos have saved thousands of lives including mine . I tip my hat to each and every one and you should too .
I love this and it deserves a thank you! Monster, great post.
Quit And Be Free

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Offline Mogul

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #295 on: November 20, 2013, 05:59:00 PM »
skoal monster, as a newbie here to KTC, I applaud your post and agree with you.


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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #294 on: November 20, 2013, 04:49:00 PM »

Take what you need and leave the rest.

Cavers are cancer. If Paddy can cheat why can't I ? Or you?

Ktc doesn't drive away quitters, it drives away cavers . I didn't cheat this quit, not once in almost 1800 days. I have been accountable every day since day one. I lied to everyone in my life about quitting at one point or another until I joined KTC. A bunch of strangers that hurt with me every damn day gave me strength. If they could do it , so could I . And if I could do it so can you and Paddy. But Paddy broke that chain. Was his support false as well? If his lie makes a single person question their own ability to stay quit he should be taken out behind the woodshed.

I hope Paddy is quit , I have no idea, he isn't standing side by side with the rest of us in the fire, and even if he was , I suspect when it gets too hot he's gonna jump out.

As for all your ranting about the admin? Please. I can count bans over 5 years on one hand. And removing posts is even more rare . The admin team keeps the lid on this boiling pot, and it is a hell of alot of effort that they put in for NO reward , other than helping people quit.

Hell, those seven yahoos have saved thousands of lives including mine . I tip my hat to each and every one and you should too .
"CLOSE THE DOOR. In my opinion, it?s the single most important step in your final quit. There is one moment, THE moment, when you finally let go and surrender to the quit. After that moment, no temptation will be great enough, no lie persuasive enough to make you commit suicide by using tobacco."

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #293 on: November 20, 2013, 03:30:00 PM »
Quote from: Diesel2112
Quote from: DippinDave911
I realize I havent given it much time, but in light of recent postings I can see that nothing is going change. I have also been thinking alot on the whole Paddy situation. Now you're thinking, "Oh, shit wont they just let this go?" No, I wont. Paddy is a brother. Im not saying it is easy or possible to forget his previous indiscretions, but he is still a brother. This site wouldnt have a brotherhood without brothers. So, what? Are we just going to pick each other off one by one until we're back to the founding fathers?

I am not saying what Paddy did was right. Yes, I support him. Yes, I have his back. Thats what brothers are for. Everyone else is so quick to ban him, or just take sides with whoever is winning. Pat is an addict. By nature, addicts lie. Addicts are weak, manipulative and not fully in control of themselves. I thought KTC was about helping addicts to overcome these shortcomings, not shoo them away like some diseased animal.

Now you are thinking, "Who the hell this guy think he is? He's just some newbie that has only been 100 something days. No, you dont understand this site, you dont understand our principles." And why is that? Do I not get an opinion? Ive stuck around and paid my dues to this site. You got my fifty bucks so what now? Chew me up and spit me out with the rest? The utter disrespect the veterans have for anyone who is not them on this site is appalling. I sincerely apologize to any new quitter who had the disfortune of happening upon Pats intro before it was taken down, hidden forever. That is not what this site is supposed to be about, but sadly that IS all that I ever see lately. The "Vets" are so quick to get all "butt hurt," and then their special butterflies resurface and they can do no wrong. Perfect angels in a sea of addicts.

I wasnt going to use names but what the hell? Diesel is a perfect example. If someone effs up, you can be sure this douche will be there. This guy will make you feel like such an insignificant piece of shit. Heres the kicker though. Anyone who tries to speak against him is also going to taste his fury. Diesel is a follower, certainly not any leader I would follow. Be it the supporters or the haters, you will find him on whichever side has the most support. He doesnt give a shit as long as he is getting the attention he so relishes. This guy is the fucking epiphany of drama. If this is what brotherhood means, then I am not in the right place. Lucky for you Diesel, your reign of terror is now forever lost in the bowels of Pats intro, never to be seen again. Remember when you were bragging about how many posts you had compared to me? or KC Guy? When did this become a competition? I didnt realize that posts = status. You want to tell everyone that THEY are wrong and THEY dont have the experience to know what they are talking about? Why dont YOU take a step back? This isnt high school. This isnt a popularity contest. You want to protect the integrity of this site? How? This site has lost alot of its integrity thanks to people like  YOU. Get a clue man, you're a festering sore on the body of KTC.

Obviously I wont be able to change anything. I mean, who really cares what the community thinks. No, no. Seven admins get to play judge, jury and executioner. Seven. Thats one hell of a brotherhood right there. So how do you do it? Everyone silently writes yes or no on a piece of paper to be pulled out of a hat? Majority wins? Do you actually weigh out the pros and cons? If this is a brotherhood then why isnt said brotherhood used to its fullest extent? Would it hurt to throw a poll out? Yes, No or Neutral. Should so  so be banned for his actions? Give me a chance to fight for what I believe in and there is no reason for me to have to come on here all upset with everything.

Hey vets, you want an example of brotherhood? Head over to Nov '13 and see how pissed off we are. All of us are feeling the impact of this and we are standing together, united as one. No, your right, thats not brotherhood. Brotherhood is elevating one above the others. Shitting on the lower class. Hmmm.... sounds like America. Good to know KTC is no different from the rest of the world. So new quitters, if you are here to find support, tread lightly because you never know when your time is up. When it is, well, dont bother trying to fight it. You fate is sealed.

For what it is worth, I would extend an apology to the few "good guys" on here. The ones who have genuinely helped me with my quit. Its pretty fucked up that it has come to this and I am sorry to have wasted your time. But I refuse to be a part of something that has no meaning. My quit has meaning. My life has meaning. Why waste another second of it getting shit on.

On that note, though whether you will see it or not I do not know, Paddy. Pat, you fucked up. You fucked up in Nov '12, you came back strong and then you fucked up again. Words cannot express the sadness I feel for you right now. You were such an inspiration to my quit, as well as many others in our group. You, perhaps above anyone else here had become one of my most trusted friends. I loved coming on here at night and sitting in Live Chat for hours talking about anything and everything. It felt good to have a brother I could lean on. Now I feel like I barely know you. I commend you for coming clean, even though you have condemned yourself. That takes some brass. I can say with certainty that I would have just lived with a story like that. No one would be any better for it, but I would still be here. I want you to understand how much support you have right now, and the serious implications of that. Every last Sky Diver has your back and in light of recent happenings alot of us are packing up our things and taking off. I just hope it is worth it. You had better be quit right now or all of this is for nothing. But, this is what a brotherhood is. We stick together, through good and bad. Everything I have said is 100% how I feel, but I will always have you back on this.

Dean, I dont even know where to begin. We've had our shortcomings but we plowed on through and now I count you as one of my dearest friends and brothers. I admire your strength and power within our group. You are an inspiration to me, and you have touched us all in ways no one outside of our brotherhood would ever be able to comprehend. You are a natural born leader, regardless of what others might think. I know you will not follow us, but hey, someone has to stay and keep the Sky Divers in line. I will never forget you Dean, for all you have done for us. I apologize for the ration of shit you are going to get from the other "brothers" outside of our group. But I cannot stay. I refuse to be a part of this madness. This last heinous act was the last straw. This site is losing everything I once believed it stood for. If Pat did not deserve to stay then who is to say Im not next? Or anyone else for that matter. No, this place is no longer the sanctuary I once saw it as. And clearly, I am not the only one that sees that. Take care Dean, and stay quit.

Diesel, there is nothing more I can say to you that hasnt already been said. Would it matter anyway? You inner tough guy would just use my own words against me, tell me I know nothing and I am wrong, you are better in every way, you get the point. Your reply to this, (And I know you will, to stir the pot) will prove my point.

The way anyone replies will prove my point. This site has gotten a bad reputation for pushing quitters away. I think  administration needs to take a serious look into this. Brother + Accountability = Success. Looks great on paper but I dont see it being utilized. Take a good hard look at some of your members. See how many are abusing their power. See how many are not holding up the integrity. See how many are bullies. Root out the weeds so the rest may flourish.

These are my opinions, I am entitled to them. This is my last post and today is my last day posting roll. What happens after this will further strengthen what I have said. Your replies, no doubt angry and misplaced will prove that this "brotherhood" is built on lies. If this post is removed, it will prove this site has no integrity, no backbone. Or maybe you just want to ban me too, since I spoke "out of turn." This will prove all of the above. Silence the nay sayers and make an example of them.

Either way, I am quit. If you think for even one second that I am going at this alone, you are wrong. You see, this site has taught me one thing. Brotherhood. If I cant get that here, then I will get it with my real brothers. Paddy, Steve, Zak, anyone else who opens their eyes to this lie and moves on. I have your number and I will quit with you, one day at a time. We addicts have to be able to believe in something. When that something fails you, you have to move on to the next best thing. I hope you all feel the power of brotherhood with so many leaving it.

I am QLF with Paddy, Dean, Steve, Zak. Fuck the rest.
Like I could NOT respond to getting smeared. Nice writting a post where you try to cover your ass for every response. Tells me you really don't believe in what you are saying, or else you don't build in your rebuttals to rebuttals.

Yawn. Ok dude. Whatever you say. I never "bragged" about how many posts I had, I was simply responding to your allegation that I don't do anything here or help anybody.

I might not be your cup of tea, but I will always fight for the integrity of a site that saved my life.

The truth is you are judging me off this Paddy Mac deal and not have seen my full body of work.

The next time someone reveals they posted 100+ days with a dip in, I will be on my soap box again. Don't care if anyone follows me or not. I say what I feel, and that's it.

Paddy Mac was a festering sore on the body of Ktc. That's why the admins picked him off.

If I'm one too, I hope they would do the same to me.
Ok all, I have been quiet a lot too. I said this in the chat room with a few guys and think it applies greatly.

1 - We are human, and yes when we have quit we want those who are wishing the same to do so. So whoever and where ever they are I will support someone who want to quit tobacco.

2 - We are also a site that is built on the Brotherhood and Accountability from those who join. With this comes a great set of rules that need to be followed. And I believe to protect the integrity of the site and these rules, that the proper course of action has been taken.

So when you look at it, it has been a take and use what you can and leave the rest. if in this case you still talk to, text, and support someone who is no longer a part of KTC, then I say great. As that is part of building brotherhood and family. But when a case comes along to endanger a system, the system has to be protected.

So if you ask me, do I support Paddy. the answer is yes

Do I support him as a part of the site here, that answer is no

I think this is something we can all at least see ...

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Long time coming...
« Reply #292 on: November 20, 2013, 03:29:00 PM »
Quote from: DippinDave911
Hey vets, you want an example of brotherhood? Head over to Nov '13 and see how pissed off we are. All of us are feeling the impact of this and we are standing together, united as one.
Your little band Dave, they are not the whole of November '13. What about November '12?..... I won't recant what he did there, it's been covered to death. What about the site as a whole?

What if I told my Duck brothers like Pinched that I was dipping the whole time I've been posting quit? Do you think he would rally behind me or that he would feel like he'd been violated. I know what I would feel...... If my Oct brothers came to me after a cave, with honesty... no problem, but that was not the situation here.... was it?

I hope you guys that are keeping stuff stirred up do leave honestly, then we can get back to quitting and helping new quitters.