Author Topic: Verses for the coming week!  (Read 3399 times)

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2010, 10:43:00 PM »
Quote from: niwot
I will not consume nicotine today.
I think that one is from Leviticus
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All good things in all good time.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2010, 10:37:00 PM »
I will not consume nicotine today.
There are 2 types of pain: the pain of DISCIPLINE and the pain of REGRET.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #67 on: August 16, 2010, 07:12:00 PM »
Quote from: FHY16
Technically, I think a billion people would pretty much fill the grand canyon if they jumped in before you, so you'd probably be ok to just walk across.  Just saying.
Whoa...according to this guy, it'd take 44 trillion people to fill it up! ... and-canyon

And...among other interesting facts...
It would take 1 million cows almost 200,000 years to fill the canyon with methane

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #66 on: August 11, 2010, 10:10:00 PM »
Quote from: FHY16
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
1. There's about a billion Catholics who would disagree with you on that one, Michael. ;)
Just because there are a billion people believing something, doesn't make it right.
There are a multitude of Catholics who believe molesting young boys is perfectly ok...are they right?

I would still not jump off the Grand Canyon if there were a billion people doing it before me. It would soften the landing, but still be a bitch of a bad time.
Technically, I think a billion people would pretty much fill the grand canyon if they jumped in before you, so you'd probably be ok to just walk across. Just saying.
'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup' 'crackup'
A promise not kept is the road to exile.

If quitting is cool, consider me Myles Davis.

Unless you bring value onto my 1/2 acre, I don't want to hear it.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #65 on: August 11, 2010, 09:24:00 PM »
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
1. There's about a billion Catholics who would disagree with you on that one, Michael. ;)
Just because there are a billion people believing something, doesn't make it right.
There are a multitude of Catholics who believe molesting young boys is perfectly ok...are they right?

I would still not jump off the Grand Canyon if there were a billion people doing it before me. It would soften the landing, but still be a bitch of a bad time.
Technically, I think a billion people would pretty much fill the grand canyon if they jumped in before you, so you'd probably be ok to just walk across. Just saying.
?Upon the plains of hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions, who when on the dawn of victory paused to rest, and there resting died.?
Your quit must be defended against complacency and a false sense of control over your addiction. There is no such thing as "just one." Stay quit.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #64 on: August 11, 2010, 02:48:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
1. There's about a billion Catholics who would disagree with you on that one, Michael. ;)
Just because there are a billion people believing something, doesn't make it right.
There are a multitude of Catholics who believe molesting young boys is perfectly ok...are they right?

I would still not jump off the Grand Canyon if there were a billion people doing it before me. It would soften the landing, but still be a bitch of a bad time.
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2010, 06:58:00 AM »
Quote from: neveragain10
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: DoneDippingDenny
Quote from: loot
Abuse of the introduction thread.  You are a bad, bad boy DDD.  You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!
'bang head' I think quitting was easier alone come to think of it
I doubt it.
So do I. Just stumbled on this from November '10. Read it DDD.

Ok I have to say and it may not be my place since I am only day 5 quitter, but I have been sitting here reading all this shit, and here is the low down from my point of view.

I am on day 5 of my quit and I can tell you that if I offered the support and time that everybody on this board gave somebody when they are going threw the shit bad and reach the point of caving and that person takes and asks for help, and everybody drops what there doing to help get them threw it, and that person eventually caved, I would be pissed, I would give them hell, I would expect to have answers to the question of what happend, what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again, and in the end when they have taken there lumps I would still support them though there quit journey again.

Now that being said I can tell you why I said that, because I almost learned it the hard way on day 3 of my quit, Sunday I was so close to caving that I am ashamed to say that went out wasted money and bought a can, but I can proudly say thanks to this board, these people and espcially to D45MURF, RWM, and SHOW I can proudly say that can was never opened till I dumped it smile.gif. I know that if I was to cave I would expect these people to give me hell for it, they invested time on Sunday to save from hell again.

I am not the kind of person that is to ask for help, but on Sunday I found out where the true help is, I txted friends and faimly told them I was in it bad and needed help no responce from any of them. I told this board and txted those 3 guys on the way to the store to buy my I give up can and they responded, (and to be honest I was surprised by it that perfect stangers who dont know me gave there digits and responded when I asked for help saying I can't make it on my own, I wasn't expecting a responce at all, thanks your all my heros) we txted the board posted and got me threw it. I have found out that the only ones that can and will offer you any meaniful support is right here the people that are addicts right there with you.

I owe my life my jaw and my face to these people and if, you want or need my support and if you want somebody that will be there when your going threw the shit bad, PM me and I will give you my digits, but I will tell you this that if you cave and I have given you my support that you will get hell and have to prove yourself to me all over again, but after all that I will still be there to hold you up when you cant stand on your own though it all.

well I have rambled on about this and how important you all and this site is to me and how this has turned out to be my best support network I have ever had. Hopefully this all makes some sort of sence, because I am in my fog in a bad way and in my head it sound like it did. Thanks everybody for the help
For the love of all that is Holy, can some idiot please post some scripture? Thanks.
Try Here - New Verse of the Week Thread
"We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire...Give us the tools and we will finish the job." - Sir Winston Churchill

"Not using gets much easier as time goes by, but the consequences of "just one" never lessen." - Me

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #62 on: August 10, 2010, 09:44:00 PM »
Quote from: GlennFtheKodiak
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: DoneDippingDenny
Quote from: loot
Abuse of the introduction thread.  You are a bad, bad boy DDD.  You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!
'bang head' I think quitting was easier alone come to think of it
I doubt it.
So do I. Just stumbled on this from November '10. Read it DDD.

Ok I have to say and it may not be my place since I am only day 5 quitter, but I have been sitting here reading all this shit, and here is the low down from my point of view.

I am on day 5 of my quit and I can tell you that if I offered the support and time that everybody on this board gave somebody when they are going threw the shit bad and reach the point of caving and that person takes and asks for help, and everybody drops what there doing to help get them threw it, and that person eventually caved, I would be pissed, I would give them hell, I would expect to have answers to the question of what happend, what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again, and in the end when they have taken there lumps I would still support them though there quit journey again.

Now that being said I can tell you why I said that, because I almost learned it the hard way on day 3 of my quit, Sunday I was so close to caving that I am ashamed to say that went out wasted money and bought a can, but I can proudly say thanks to this board, these people and espcially to D45MURF, RWM, and SHOW I can proudly say that can was never opened till I dumped it smile.gif. I know that if I was to cave I would expect these people to give me hell for it, they invested time on Sunday to save from hell again.

I am not the kind of person that is to ask for help, but on Sunday I found out where the true help is, I txted friends and faimly told them I was in it bad and needed help no responce from any of them. I told this board and txted those 3 guys on the way to the store to buy my I give up can and they responded, (and to be honest I was surprised by it that perfect stangers who dont know me gave there digits and responded when I asked for help saying I can't make it on my own, I wasn't expecting a responce at all, thanks your all my heros) we txted the board posted and got me threw it. I have found out that the only ones that can and will offer you any meaniful support is right here the people that are addicts right there with you.

I owe my life my jaw and my face to these people and if, you want or need my support and if you want somebody that will be there when your going threw the shit bad, PM me and I will give you my digits, but I will tell you this that if you cave and I have given you my support that you will get hell and have to prove yourself to me all over again, but after all that I will still be there to hold you up when you cant stand on your own though it all.

well I have rambled on about this and how important you all and this site is to me and how this has turned out to be my best support network I have ever had. Hopefully this all makes some sort of sence, because I am in my fog in a bad way and in my head it sound like it did. Thanks everybody for the help
For the love of all that is Holy, can some idiot please post some scripture? Thanks.
000,001,500+ days quit

"Many apologies, master. But I feel Ed Gruberman is not wholly wrong. I too want to boot some head" -The Frantics

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #61 on: August 10, 2010, 04:15:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: DoneDippingDenny
Quote from: loot
Abuse of the introduction thread.  You are a bad, bad boy DDD.  You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!
'bang head' I think quitting was easier alone come to think of it
I doubt it.
So do I. Just stumbled on this from November '10. Read it DDD.

Ok I have to say and it may not be my place since I am only day 5 quitter, but I have been sitting here reading all this shit, and here is the low down from my point of view.

I am on day 5 of my quit and I can tell you that if I offered the support and time that everybody on this board gave somebody when they are going threw the shit bad and reach the point of caving and that person takes and asks for help, and everybody drops what there doing to help get them threw it, and that person eventually caved, I would be pissed, I would give them hell, I would expect to have answers to the question of what happend, what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again, and in the end when they have taken there lumps I would still support them though there quit journey again.

Now that being said I can tell you why I said that, because I almost learned it the hard way on day 3 of my quit, Sunday I was so close to caving that I am ashamed to say that went out wasted money and bought a can, but I can proudly say thanks to this board, these people and espcially to D45MURF, RWM, and SHOW I can proudly say that can was never opened till I dumped it smile.gif. I know that if I was to cave I would expect these people to give me hell for it, they invested time on Sunday to save from hell again.

I am not the kind of person that is to ask for help, but on Sunday I found out where the true help is, I txted friends and faimly told them I was in it bad and needed help no responce from any of them. I told this board and txted those 3 guys on the way to the store to buy my I give up can and they responded, (and to be honest I was surprised by it that perfect stangers who dont know me gave there digits and responded when I asked for help saying I can't make it on my own, I wasn't expecting a responce at all, thanks your all my heros) we txted the board posted and got me threw it. I have found out that the only ones that can and will offer you any meaniful support is right here the people that are addicts right there with you.

I owe my life my jaw and my face to these people and if, you want or need my support and if you want somebody that will be there when your going threw the shit bad, PM me and I will give you my digits, but I will tell you this that if you cave and I have given you my support that you will get hell and have to prove yourself to me all over again, but after all that I will still be there to hold you up when you cant stand on your own though it all.

well I have rambled on about this and how important you all and this site is to me and how this has turned out to be my best support network I have ever had. Hopefully this all makes some sort of sence, because I am in my fog in a bad way and in my head it sound like it did. Thanks everybody for the help
football rules, soccer drools

HOF: July 7th, 2009

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #60 on: August 10, 2010, 02:03:00 PM »
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I don't doubt that Glenn has some contempt for organized religion, but I also believe he's just being cheeky because Denny has created a buttload of threads in this section. A person can introduce himself only once, after all. One-thread-per-quitter rule. ;)

As for me, I'll take inspiration from any medium. And Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it, one by one. Any person who truly seeks to live the life of a good Christian is a good person, in my book. Those who corrupt it and themselves, though, are common trash.

Denny: WWJD? He'd be full of balls and stay quit. Just keep that in mind. ;)
Although what you say (i.e., "Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it...") is true in practice (because we are human sinners), true Christianity is solely defined by the Bible.

Anyway - just today I had three meetings where I introduced myself three times. I guess a person can introduce themselves more than once.
1. There's about a billion Catholics who would disagree with you on that one, Michael. ;)

2. Of coooooooourse you can introduce yourself more than once, collectively. But to introduce yourself to the same person (read: "Introductions" reader) more than once is madness/maddening.

3. Denny: Spew the verse, brother, and please let me know if I can help your quit in any way.

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #59 on: August 09, 2010, 04:46:00 PM »
Quote from: DoneDippingDenny
Quote from: loot
Abuse of the introduction thread.  You are a bad, bad boy DDD.  You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!
'bang head' I think quitting was easier alone come to think of it
I doubt it.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline DoneDippingDenny

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2010, 04:16:00 PM »
Quote from: loot
Abuse of the introduction thread. You are a bad, bad boy DDD. You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!
'bang head' I think quitting was easier alone come to think of it
Stay Alive! Stay Quit!!!

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #57 on: August 09, 2010, 04:09:00 PM »
Abuse of the introduction thread. You are a bad, bad boy DDD. You sir, have committed an affront upon this website not yet seen!

Offline RAZD611

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2010, 04:07:00 PM »
Quote from: MichaelsNewLife
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I don't doubt that Glenn has some contempt for organized religion, but I also believe he's just being cheeky because Denny has created a buttload of threads in this section. A person can introduce himself only once, after all. One-thread-per-quitter rule. ;)

As for me, I'll take inspiration from any medium. And Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it, one by one. Any person who truly seeks to live the life of a good Christian is a good person, in my book. Those who corrupt it and themselves, though, are common trash.

Denny: WWJD? He'd be full of balls and stay quit. Just keep that in mind. ;)
Although what you say (i.e., "Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it...") is true in practice (because we are human sinners), true Christianity is solely defined by the Bible.

Anyway - just today I had three meetings where I introduced myself three times. I guess a person can introduce themselves more than once.
"Ba domp bump bump"

Special Ed - Crank Yankers.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline MichaelsNewLife

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Re: Verses for the coming week!
« Reply #55 on: August 09, 2010, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: DeanTheCoot
I don't doubt that Glenn has some contempt for organized religion, but I also believe he's just being cheeky because Denny has created a buttload of threads in this section. A person can introduce himself only once, after all. One-thread-per-quitter rule. ;)

As for me, I'll take inspiration from any medium. And Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it, one by one. Any person who truly seeks to live the life of a good Christian is a good person, in my book. Those who corrupt it and themselves, though, are common trash.

Denny: WWJD? He'd be full of balls and stay quit. Just keep that in mind. ;)
Although what you say (i.e., "Christianity is defined not solely by belief or the Bible, but by those who practice it...") is true in practice (because we are human sinners), true Christianity is solely defined by the Bible.

Anyway - just today I had three meetings where I introduced myself three times. I guess a person can introduce themselves more than once.
HOF: 17-JUL-2010

I am saved by God's grace and I am quit through His strength, courage, and power.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.