Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 2424 times)

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #64 on: March 08, 2017, 02:52:00 PM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Man, you talk about musty old threads....had to dig a bit to find this!! But I digress....


Any way you slice it, one seriously bad-assed accomplishment. Through all the ups and downs over the past 2.75 years, you've manned up on a daily basis, honored your promise, and stayed true to the Sultans. There should be a golf-clap emoji.....Nice work, Ed!
Thank you for the kind words. I honestly couldn't have done it without you. Proud to be quit with you all

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #63 on: March 05, 2017, 08:37:00 AM »
Man, you talk about musty old threads....had to dig a bit to find this!! But I digress....


Any way you slice it, one seriously bad-assed accomplishment. Through all the ups and downs over the past 2.75 years, you've manned up on a daily basis, honored your promise, and stayed true to the Sultans. There should be a golf-clap emoji.....Nice work, Ed!

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2015, 11:28:00 AM »
It's been a while since I put anything on here. I am sitting on 472 days quit. I just wanted to pass a little story from yesterday. I had a stressful day yesterday. Nothing out of the ordinary, but just one of those days that piss you off. I was on the way home from work, and just got a huge craving for a dip. My mind was telling me that one dip wouldn't bother me. I have this habit kicked...Hell it's been nearly 500 days...what would one dip hurt? I managed to laugh it off, but I can honestly admit that I considered pulling into the gas station for "just one". Then, to top it off, I had a dip dream last night. I woke up about 4:00 a.m. covered in sweat. I just wanted to pass this along to anyone cruising the intro section. We are never really clear of the NIC bitch...she is hiding around every corner. I can't remember the last time I thought about dip, but something must have triggered it yesterday. All that being said, I am proud to quit with all of you today. Stay strong and QLF EDD.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #61 on: June 09, 2015, 02:43:00 PM »
Quote from: Old
Very proud to quit with you and congrats on the 1 year. Equally important, I want to send some good vibes to you, your family and your daughter's health. Insurance should be easier to obtain after this year since you should now be considered disaster-proof. :) Congrats dude. ODNT - 13 Sept Samurai
Thanks bud, keep up the good work

Offline Old Dog New Tricks

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #60 on: June 09, 2015, 11:43:00 AM »
Very proud to quit with you and congrats on the 1 year. Equally important, I want to send some good vibes to you, your family and your daughter's health. Insurance should be easier to obtain after this year since you should now be considered disaster-proof. :) Congrats dude. ODNT - 13 Sept Samurai

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #59 on: June 09, 2015, 08:28:00 AM »
One year....I just went back and read my introduction, and all the stuff that has followed. It has definitely been the most stressful year of my life. Dip has really been the least of my worries. I have used this site to help me in many many ways over the year. I am sure that I would have caved had it not been for this site, and the sultans that I quit with every day. I just want to thank everyone for the support. I look forward to quitting with you all each and every day. If I can ever be of any help to anyone please just let me know.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #58 on: April 08, 2015, 12:24:00 PM »
A few days past 300 and life is good. The family hasn't been sick in almost two weeks. That is a minor miracle in itself. I haven't had a craving for dip in ages. I went fishing with a friend the other day, and he dipped almost the entire time. I really didn't even think about the need for a dip. It is also turkey season in SC....This is when I used to pop one in a few minutes before daylight and keep a dip rolling until 10 or 11. Now, I just look at it as an afterthought. My baby girl is doing well and gaining weight after the heart surgery. The doctors have said everything is going perfectly. Next on the agenda will be cochlear implants, but that will be after she is a year old. It has been a hell of a year, but my quit is still strong. My motto is and will remain...Dip doesn't help the problem, but it just adds to it. Proud to quit with you all, and thank you for all the prayers and kind words.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #57 on: March 03, 2015, 02:07:00 PM »
Just a quick update on things. I copied and pasted this from a PM I replied to. I have had a few ask how my daughter is doing.

She is doing pretty good. She is gaining weight and eating a lot more. She has better color, and seems to be happier. The doctors warned us that it would be like having a newborn all over again, and they were right. She eats every two hours, and she has been up before 5:00 every morning. It has been brutal with no sleep for the past six months, but it will be a distant memory one day. The doctors have said everything looks fine, and we do not go back for another month. We just have to keep an eye on her, and make sure my 2 year old daughter doesn't try to pick her up (easier said than done). It takes around 6 weeks for the chest to fully heal where they split her open. So....short story long, things are going well. Now we tackle the next obstacle which will be her hearing. We have an appointment Friday to see if it has deteriorated any more. She is deaf in her right ear, and has moderate to severe loss in the left. We know she will eventually lose it, but there are cochlear implants that we will be looking into. Thanks to all for checking. The trip to the hospital really made me appreciate how good we have it. There were so many children in bad shape. There were so many families dealing with way more than I could imagine. It has completely change my outlook on life. I believe I am definitely better and stronger because of it. I am proud to be a part of this site. I was definitely humbled by all of your support and kind words. I do not really know how to thank you all, but I hope you all know that I appreciate it. This is a great group of people to be involved with.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2015, 08:28:00 AM »
Thank you all for the kind words and support. I am proud to quit with you all today.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #55 on: February 05, 2015, 04:25:00 PM »
Quote from: lighty7
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Well now officially one week away from my 5 month old's scheduled open heart surgery. She has a hole in her heart and they are going to open her up on the 13th. To say that it has been stressful would be an understatement. This is a fairly common heart defect, so that is the good news. They still have to open her up and stop her heart, and that is the bad news. She hasn't been able to gain any weight because her heart beats faster than normal, and that raises her metabolism. High metabolism means she needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, so that means no sleep for the past 5 months. Those with children know that tensions get a little high when you are running on fumes. Through this all, my wife has been a rock. She prays and really tries to keep a positive outlook. Our two year old girl really doesn't give us much of a break to think about anything else. It has been tough. I have thought about the nic biatch often. Most of the time I laugh it off, but sometimes she tries to bring me back in. I do not know if I will ever be completely free of her grasp. I do not think about dip like i used to. I only think about it when i am really stressed, and i feel like i am about to break. I still remind myself that it doesn't solve a problem, but just adds to it. I know that this group has really helped me in my times of need. I am glad that I joined KTC because I believe I would have caved without it. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I write because it just helps me think about things. Sometimes i need to put things into perspective. I am not looking for sympathy or attention. I am just using this as a little bit of therapy. Still going strong and still QLF. If I can do it, then anyone can.
Will say a prayer for you and your family. I hope the surgery is sucessful and will pray for a quick recovery.
On it Bro.

We all have our "everyday" problems as life/work/family stacks up and then you read something like this and shit gets very REAL.

Many prayers coming your way for successful surgery and quick recovery for your daughter. As a father of two kids under 5 I can't even imagine what you are going through.

Just know that your incredible strength has strengthened my quit and I'm proud to quit with you.

I hope there are Newbies reading this. It shows what a real quitter does in the face of extreme stress. He just keeps quitting and using his tools learned here.
Prayers up for your daughter brother! Please keep us posted.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #54 on: February 05, 2015, 02:35:00 PM »
Quote from: Rawls
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Well now officially one week away from my 5 month old's scheduled open heart surgery. She has a hole in her heart and they are going to open her up on the 13th. To say that it has been stressful would be an understatement. This is a fairly common heart defect, so that is the good news. They still have to open her up and stop her heart, and that is the bad news. She hasn't been able to gain any weight because her heart beats faster than normal, and that raises her metabolism. High metabolism means she needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, so that means no sleep for the past 5 months. Those with children know that tensions get a little high when you are running on fumes. Through this all, my wife has been a rock. She prays and really tries to keep a positive outlook. Our two year old girl really doesn't give us much of a break to think about anything else. It has been tough. I have thought about the nic biatch often. Most of the time I laugh it off, but sometimes she tries to bring me back in. I do not know if I will ever be completely free of her grasp. I do not think about dip like i used to. I only think about it when i am really stressed, and i feel like i am about to break. I still remind myself that it doesn't solve a problem, but just adds to it. I know that this group has really helped me in my times of need. I am glad that I joined KTC because I believe I would have caved without it. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I write because it just helps me think about things. Sometimes i need to put things into perspective. I am not looking for sympathy or attention. I am just using this as a little bit of therapy. Still going strong and still QLF. If I can do it, then anyone can.
Will say a prayer for you and your family. I hope the surgery is sucessful and will pray for a quick recovery.
On it Bro.

We all have our "everyday" problems as life/work/family stacks up and then you read something like this and shit gets very REAL.

Many prayers coming your way for successful surgery and quick recovery for your daughter. As a father of two kids under 5 I can't even imagine what you are going through.

Just know that your incredible strength has strengthened my quit and I'm proud to quit with you.


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Re: Introduction
« Reply #53 on: February 05, 2015, 02:31:00 PM »
Quote from: razd611
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Well now officially one week away from my 5 month old's scheduled open heart surgery. She has a hole in her heart and they are going to open her up on the 13th. To say that it has been stressful would be an understatement. This is a fairly common heart defect, so that is the good news. They still have to open her up and stop her heart, and that is the bad news. She hasn't been able to gain any weight because her heart beats faster than normal, and that raises her metabolism. High metabolism means she needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, so that means no sleep for the past 5 months. Those with children know that tensions get a little high when you are running on fumes. Through this all, my wife has been a rock. She prays and really tries to keep a positive outlook. Our two year old girl really doesn't give us much of a break to think about anything else. It has been tough. I have thought about the nic biatch often. Most of the time I laugh it off, but sometimes she tries to bring me back in. I do not know if I will ever be completely free of her grasp. I do not think about dip like i used to. I only think about it when i am really stressed, and i feel like i am about to break. I still remind myself that it doesn't solve a problem, but just adds to it. I know that this group has really helped me in my times of need. I am glad that I joined KTC because I believe I would have caved without it. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I write because it just helps me think about things. Sometimes i need to put things into perspective. I am not looking for sympathy or attention. I am just using this as a little bit of therapy. Still going strong and still QLF. If I can do it, then anyone can.
Will say a prayer for you and your family. I hope the surgery is sucessful and will pray for a quick recovery.
On it Bro.
I believe.....

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #52 on: February 05, 2015, 02:12:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Well now officially one week away from my 5 month old's scheduled open heart surgery. She has a hole in her heart and they are going to open her up on the 13th. To say that it has been stressful would be an understatement. This is a fairly common heart defect, so that is the good news. They still have to open her up and stop her heart, and that is the bad news. She hasn't been able to gain any weight because her heart beats faster than normal, and that raises her metabolism. High metabolism means she needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, so that means no sleep for the past 5 months. Those with children know that tensions get a little high when you are running on fumes. Through this all, my wife has been a rock. She prays and really tries to keep a positive outlook. Our two year old girl really doesn't give us much of a break to think about anything else. It has been tough. I have thought about the nic biatch often. Most of the time I laugh it off, but sometimes she tries to bring me back in. I do not know if I will ever be completely free of her grasp. I do not think about dip like i used to. I only think about it when i am really stressed, and i feel like i am about to break. I still remind myself that it doesn't solve a problem, but just adds to it. I know that this group has really helped me in my times of need. I am glad that I joined KTC because I believe I would have caved without it. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I write because it just helps me think about things. Sometimes i need to put things into perspective. I am not looking for sympathy or attention. I am just using this as a little bit of therapy. Still going strong and still QLF. If I can do it, then anyone can.
Will say a prayer for you and your family. I hope the surgery is sucessful and will pray for a quick recovery.
Never Again For Any Reason

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Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #51 on: February 05, 2015, 02:09:00 PM »
Well now officially one week away from my 5 month old's scheduled open heart surgery. She has a hole in her heart and they are going to open her up on the 13th. To say that it has been stressful would be an understatement. This is a fairly common heart defect, so that is the good news. They still have to open her up and stop her heart, and that is the bad news. She hasn't been able to gain any weight because her heart beats faster than normal, and that raises her metabolism. High metabolism means she needs to be fed every 2-3 hours, so that means no sleep for the past 5 months. Those with children know that tensions get a little high when you are running on fumes. Through this all, my wife has been a rock. She prays and really tries to keep a positive outlook. Our two year old girl really doesn't give us much of a break to think about anything else. It has been tough. I have thought about the nic biatch often. Most of the time I laugh it off, but sometimes she tries to bring me back in. I do not know if I will ever be completely free of her grasp. I do not think about dip like i used to. I only think about it when i am really stressed, and i feel like i am about to break. I still remind myself that it doesn't solve a problem, but just adds to it. I know that this group has really helped me in my times of need. I am glad that I joined KTC because I believe I would have caved without it. I thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I write because it just helps me think about things. Sometimes i need to put things into perspective. I am not looking for sympathy or attention. I am just using this as a little bit of therapy. Still going strong and still QLF. If I can do it, then anyone can.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #50 on: December 31, 2014, 12:47:00 PM »
Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a happy new year. Most of the Sultans have made it through 200 days and we are looking forward to 300. This has been the most difficult year of my life, and the nic bitch wasn't even close to the issues that have been dealt with. Through this all, my quit and faith have gotten stronger. I wanted to thank everyone for keeping us in their thoughts and prayers.The family is doing better. We do have some major obstacles to tackle in the next few months, but I know we will get through it. Thank you again to everyone with KTC that has shown their support, and I am especially thankful for my Sultan group. Here's to a great 2015. Take care