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Re: Introduction
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2014, 03:05:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 36 and feeling very good about my quit. Just got back from Vacation for 11 days, and still QLF each day. I never had the huge craving I was worried about. I was at the beach and had different friends coming and going throughout the week. I actually craved a cig more than a dip, which was surprising. I never really smoked cig's, unless the occasional one while drinking a beer. I think the nic bitch was just trying to get me to cave in another way. Back to the grind today. I still crave a dip the first thing every morning. I get the craving as soon as I sit down at my desk. I don't get the craving long, and I feel like it is getting a little easier. I just wanted to put this milestone down, so I can draw from this later on. I made it through a tough week, and just patting myself on the back a little. QLF one day at a time.
You have a damn fine quit toogood, wasn't vacation fun w/o having to look for a spit cup every couple of hours?
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2014, 02:33:00 PM »
Day 36 and feeling very good about my quit. Just got back from Vacation for 11 days, and still QLF each day. I never had the huge craving I was worried about. I was at the beach and had different friends coming and going throughout the week. I actually craved a cig more than a dip, which was surprising. I never really smoked cig's, unless the occasional one while drinking a beer. I think the nic bitch was just trying to get me to cave in another way. Back to the grind today. I still crave a dip the first thing every morning. I get the craving as soon as I sit down at my desk. I don't get the craving long, and I feel like it is getting a little easier. I just wanted to put this milestone down, so I can draw from this later on. I made it through a tough week, and just patting myself on the back a little. QLF one day at a time.

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2014, 03:34:00 PM »
Into day 23 and it has been a tough day. I am still fighting the fight and taking one day at a time. Has anybody else noticed their teeth hurting? My front teeth don't hurt, but my molars have been hurting the last few days. I don't know if I have been grinding my teeth, or what. I have just noticed that my teeth have been having this dull throbbing for 4-5 days. Anyways, it is getting easier. I still get that urge to reach for the can before I begin basically anything. I just don't have the can in my pocket anymore, and the urge does go away.

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2014, 08:00:00 AM »
Into Day 17 and struggling a bit. I have been sleeping well, but last night didn't go well. I kept waking up after dreaming about dip, or just waking up in sweats. This just reminds me that I have to take this one day at a time. i felt good all day yesterday, and was very happy to make it through a tough weekend. I guess this was just my old friend nic reminding me not to get too comfortable. I'm still QLF, and maybe the sleep will come today.

Offline UH60Chief107

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #30 on: June 24, 2014, 08:27:00 AM »
Quote from: rdhawk05em
Today is 6/24/14 and is day 3 of my quit campaign. I am 31 years old and have chewed since i was 16. I have tried to quit a few times in the past, made it a few weeks and then came crawling back. This is the first time I have ever found this site and find it really encouraging. One question i have for everyone is in regards to the non-tobacco alternatives. I've always thought that going to something like that would just make it quite easy to transition back into the actual stuff and not serve me any purpose. Do most find that this is a good alternative to start with? And if so, at what point do most kick the fake stuff entirely? Thanks for listening, and am looking forward to this accountability helping me!
Welcome rdhawk,

First and foremost, welcome to KTC. You will find this site a huge help to you on your quest for quit. You should start your own introduction thread so that others can chime in and help you along the way. If you are serious about quitting, head on over to the Welcome Center and read up forum/55560/

To answer your question. . . . It all varies by person. I personally didn't use the herbal chew for the first week or so of my quit. Once the demons really started kicking, I used it when I had a strong urge. In the beginning of your quit there will be a lot of urges and strange feelings going on in your body and brain. These are fueled by not only your addiction to the actual nicotine, but also to the oral fixation of having a dip in your lip. By using the herbal chew, you can help alleviate the stress that accomodates the oral fixation so that you can focus solely on the nicotine withdrawal and cravings. Some people are able to just go through both withdrawals and not miss a beat. It all depends on your level of resilience. Once you get over the actual nicotine withdrawal, you can then focus on ditching the oral fixation. I personally only use the herbal chew when I feel a VERY strong craving, or when I am around other people that are dipping.

Sultans-- 'stick' --Nic

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2014, 08:23:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
After a long weekend with some old college buddies I am still quit. It was a struggle at first, but I got support from some old friends. I feel like if i made it though this past weekend, then I can make it through anything. I know it is one day at a time, and i am feeling better each day. Today is day 16 of my quit and it definitely seems to be getting easier for me.

Looks like you're getting small victory at a time. Proud to quit with you today.

Offline rdhawk05em

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2014, 08:10:00 AM »
Today is 6/24/14 and is day 3 of my quit campaign. I am 31 years old and have chewed since i was 16. I have tried to quit a few times in the past, made it a few weeks and then came crawling back. This is the first time I have ever found this site and find it really encouraging. One question i have for everyone is in regards to the non-tobacco alternatives. I've always thought that going to something like that would just make it quite easy to transition back into the actual stuff and not serve me any purpose. Do most find that this is a good alternative to start with? And if so, at what point do most kick the fake stuff entirely? Thanks for listening, and am looking forward to this accountability helping me!

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2014, 07:57:00 AM »
After a long weekend with some old college buddies I am still quit. It was a struggle at first, but I got support from some old friends. I feel like if i made it though this past weekend, then I can make it through anything. I know it is one day at a time, and i am feeling better each day. Today is day 16 of my quit and it definitely seems to be getting easier for me.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #26 on: June 18, 2014, 07:36:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 10 of my quit. Yesterday was by far the hardest day so far. I had the sweats, a headache, anxiety, and massive cravings. I have been having crazy dreams for the past few nights as well. i fought through it and feel a lot better this morning. Still QLF and going strong. This weekend is going to be tough as i will be around a group of smokers and dippers. I still got this, and just wanted to note this day to remember. i will look back on this day and recall how I MADE IT MY BITCH.
Stay focused on today. This weekend is still a ways off, so let's worry about that when it comes. You must own this day first and foremost! That is the ODAAT we all speak about.

The only thing you control is your actions right now. All the other things such as the past, the future only create stress. Push it aside and just worry about today. Live in the moment!

You can do this. Quit with you today.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

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Offline UH60Chief107

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #25 on: June 18, 2014, 08:11:00 AM »
Way to go man. You are doing great. Bring some herbal fake chew with you when you are around other dippers. That is what I have been doing at work and it seems to help a LOT. Keep it up and stay QLF!
Sultans-- 'stick' --Nic

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2014, 08:08:00 AM »
Day 10 of my quit. Yesterday was by far the hardest day so far. I had the sweats, a headache, anxiety, and massive cravings. I have been having crazy dreams for the past few nights as well. i fought through it and feel a lot better this morning. Still QLF and going strong. This weekend is going to be tough as i will be around a group of smokers and dippers. I still got this, and just wanted to note this day to remember. i will look back on this day and recall how I MADE IT MY BITCH.

Offline Derk40

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2014, 04:47:00 PM »
Quote from: Evil_Won
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: DaveKnight
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I understand the rules of the community quite well, but having been on Active Duty in the Marine Corps I can attest that there are some times and scenarios that a person would be unable to post roll. TooGoodToPostRoll may be a commercial fisherman, outside of tower range and only have an emergency use phone available (from what I gathered from his posts). However, he should let the community or a quit brother know of any extended absences so we can keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he fights the battle alone. I know posting roll is a big deal, but not everyone works a 9-5 and has consistent access to communication devices. It looks like 60 Chief understands as well. Unavailability is another struggle some of our brothers have to deal with, we need to be able to support them in that respect as well.
Apparently having a job and making a living isn't important. I think it should be pretty obvious that I do not spend a hell of a lot of time on message boards. I have posted in the wrong place a few times, and screwed up a few other things. I joined this group because I wanted to interact with people like me. i wanted to read and learn from people struggling to fight off an addiction that is very hard to control. I didn't join to have someone cuss or talk down to me. It is very easy to throw stones when you are not in my shoes. I work an office job 40-50 hours a week and fill in the gaps with commercial fishing. If you have never been offshore, then you wouldn't understand that you are cutoff from the outside world. You work in shifts and sleep. That is all. I didn't think about a quit brother because I have only been involved for a week. I have had one person offer me his number, and honestly I am still trying to figure this thing out. I am disappointed that I got on here this morning and have people dropping F bombs on me and trying to call me out. i guess it is pretty easy to do these things behind the comfort of a computer screen. I do appreciate the support that I have gotten from a few people. I am going out on another trip in the morning. I will be gone anywhere from 4-7 days. It depends on the fishing. I will not be able to do roll call. If this is going to be a problem, then fuck it. I am committed to quitting, and I would like your support. If the group doesn't agree with the way i am doing it, then I will accept whatever you have to say. I won't take some little bitch telling me that I am toogootoopostroll. I work my ass of, and if that isn't acceptable then you can kiss my ass.
Shoot a PM to Cmark. He's in San Diego and spends more time fishing on boats then he does on land. Maybe he can provide some insight on how he has managed to get his name on July 2012 Roll for 804 days.
We all are in your shoes... so don't act like you are special. You are not. I walked 25 years in your shoes and I tossed them 359 days ago on June 23, 2013. That is the day I quit and took my life back.

Also, this is NOT Facebook, Instagram or one of those other BS sites where you go to "interact" with people like you. It is a lot more than that. Everyone that posted roll today has pledged that they are quit today. This is not a social hr... it is a quitter's website and forum.

I do understand that some jobs prohibit your ability to post roll from time to time, especially when in the military. Figure out if you can make this work and if you can... post roll and quit.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline Evil_Won

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2014, 04:29:00 PM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: DaveKnight
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I understand the rules of the community quite well, but having been on Active Duty in the Marine Corps I can attest that there are some times and scenarios that a person would be unable to post roll. TooGoodToPostRoll may be a commercial fisherman, outside of tower range and only have an emergency use phone available (from what I gathered from his posts). However, he should let the community or a quit brother know of any extended absences so we can keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he fights the battle alone. I know posting roll is a big deal, but not everyone works a 9-5 and has consistent access to communication devices. It looks like 60 Chief understands as well. Unavailability is another struggle some of our brothers have to deal with, we need to be able to support them in that respect as well.
Apparently having a job and making a living isn't important. I think it should be pretty obvious that I do not spend a hell of a lot of time on message boards. I have posted in the wrong place a few times, and screwed up a few other things. I joined this group because I wanted to interact with people like me. i wanted to read and learn from people struggling to fight off an addiction that is very hard to control. I didn't join to have someone cuss or talk down to me. It is very easy to throw stones when you are not in my shoes. I work an office job 40-50 hours a week and fill in the gaps with commercial fishing. If you have never been offshore, then you wouldn't understand that you are cutoff from the outside world. You work in shifts and sleep. That is all. I didn't think about a quit brother because I have only been involved for a week. I have had one person offer me his number, and honestly I am still trying to figure this thing out. I am disappointed that I got on here this morning and have people dropping F bombs on me and trying to call me out. i guess it is pretty easy to do these things behind the comfort of a computer screen. I do appreciate the support that I have gotten from a few people. I am going out on another trip in the morning. I will be gone anywhere from 4-7 days. It depends on the fishing. I will not be able to do roll call. If this is going to be a problem, then fuck it. I am committed to quitting, and I would like your support. If the group doesn't agree with the way i am doing it, then I will accept whatever you have to say. I won't take some little bitch telling me that I am toogootoopostroll. I work my ass of, and if that isn't acceptable then you can kiss my ass.
Shoot a PM to Cmark. He's in San Diego and spends more time fishing on boats then he does on land. Maybe he can provide some insight on how he has managed to get his name on July 2012 Roll for 804 days.
"Dunno about you HP, but LOOT doesn't like getting assfucked, by anyone....and certainly won't chalk it up to 'shit happens'."

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2014, 03:51:00 PM »
Perhaps you haven't taken a look around the site, but the catalyst of this program is posting roll...Every.Damn.Day.

If you won't have internet access, then text someone before you leave and ask them to post for you for "x" days, promising them that you will stay quit.

"I have had one person offer me his number". And how many people have you PM'd your number to? There are 40 active posters in September, reach out to them. They are new here too.

It's simple, you get your name on that roll every day, somehow, no matter what. If that's "not how you roll", and you want to bypass the methods which are the catalyst of this site, then you can piss off. Sorry, but you are not special. We are all addicts and this is the foundation of quit here.
Obsessed with the ghey

QD 01/10/14

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2014, 03:32:00 PM »
Quote from: DaveKnight
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Quote from: Wt57
Quote from: toogoodootgr
I am sorry. i have been out a few days. I have stints where I have no access to internet for 3-4 days. It appears this may be an issue. I am still holding strong. If it is going to be a problem with me missing roll call every once in a while, then that is what it is. I am not sure about the animosity. I am still taking it one day at a time. I just returned from a 4 day trip about 150 KM off the SC coast. Two of the 4 on board dipped and 3 of the 4 smoked. I fought through it and managed to make it back without doing either. I feel like if I can make it through that, then i have made a big step. The bottom line is that I will not be able to post roll every day. It is just not going to happen. no matter how much i would like to, there really isn't a possibility of that happening.
Do you have a phone? No reason you can't phone a promise into a fellow quitter. Beware and listen to the advise you are given, we as addicts recognize the dangers that lead to caving because we've been there and seen it over and over. I remember one dude that while camping hiked 2 miles to get to the top of a Mountian in order to get a cell signal so he could send a text to a fellow quitter his promise. Over 2 years I've seen very few good excuses not to get your name on roll.
The only phone that we have is a satellite phone. No texting on a SAT phone. I am doing what I can, but not going to argue about it.
I understand the rules of the community quite well, but having been on Active Duty in the Marine Corps I can attest that there are some times and scenarios that a person would be unable to post roll. TooGoodToPostRoll may be a commercial fisherman, outside of tower range and only have an emergency use phone available (from what I gathered from his posts). However, he should let the community or a quit brother know of any extended absences so we can keep him in our thoughts and prayers as he fights the battle alone. I know posting roll is a big deal, but not everyone works a 9-5 and has consistent access to communication devices. It looks like 60 Chief understands as well. Unavailability is another struggle some of our brothers have to deal with, we need to be able to support them in that respect as well.
Apparently having a job and making a living isn't important. I think it should be pretty obvious that I do not spend a hell of a lot of time on message boards. I have posted in the wrong place a few times, and screwed up a few other things. I joined this group because I wanted to interact with people like me. i wanted to read and learn from people struggling to fight off an addiction that is very hard to control. I didn't join to have someone cuss or talk down to me. It is very easy to throw stones when you are not in my shoes. I work an office job 40-50 hours a week and fill in the gaps with commercial fishing. If you have never been offshore, then you wouldn't understand that you are cutoff from the outside world. You work in shifts and sleep. That is all. I didn't think about a quit brother because I have only been involved for a week. I have had one person offer me his number, and honestly I am still trying to figure this thing out. I am disappointed that I got on here this morning and have people dropping F bombs on me and trying to call me out. i guess it is pretty easy to do these things behind the comfort of a computer screen. I do appreciate the support that I have gotten from a few people. I am going out on another trip in the morning. I will be gone anywhere from 4-7 days. It depends on the fishing. I will not be able to do roll call. If this is going to be a problem, then fuck it. I am committed to quitting, and I would like your support. If the group doesn't agree with the way i am doing it, then I will accept whatever you have to say. I won't take some little bitch telling me that I am toogootoopostroll. I work my ass of, and if that isn't acceptable then you can kiss my ass.