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Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #49 on: November 14, 2014, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Just a quick update.... It sure seems like a lot longer than 158 days since my last dip. I still get that craving occasionally. I normally get it when I am doing something that used to require a dip (hunting, fishing, cutting grass, breathing). We got some good news this week regarding our newborn. The MRI results showed no calcification of the brain, so that was huge. The newborn has decided to celebrate by not sleeping at all the past few nights. I will take the lack of sleep from crying over the lack of sleep from worrying any day. We still have some heart and hearing issues to deal with, but the brain and eyes are going to be fine. Through all of this my quit has gotten stronger. My faith has also gotten stronger, but i will leave that for another time. I wanted to thank all of the people who have PM'd, texted, and reached out to me. I appreciate the support. I quit with the entire KTC nation today. Thanks
Continued prayers for your family brother.....know that He'll not lead you to something that He won't lead you through. Proud to be associated with you, proud to call you a Sultan brother!
Thank you sir

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2014, 11:02:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Just a quick update.... It sure seems like a lot longer than 158 days since my last dip. I still get that craving occasionally. I normally get it when I am doing something that used to require a dip (hunting, fishing, cutting grass, breathing). We got some good news this week regarding our newborn. The MRI results showed no calcification of the brain, so that was huge. The newborn has decided to celebrate by not sleeping at all the past few nights. I will take the lack of sleep from crying over the lack of sleep from worrying any day. We still have some heart and hearing issues to deal with, but the brain and eyes are going to be fine. Through all of this my quit has gotten stronger. My faith has also gotten stronger, but i will leave that for another time. I wanted to thank all of the people who have PM'd, texted, and reached out to me. I appreciate the support. I quit with the entire KTC nation today. Thanks
Continued prayers for your family brother.....know that He'll not lead you to something that He won't lead you through. Proud to be associated with you, proud to call you a Sultan brother!

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2014, 08:57:00 AM »
Just a quick update.... It sure seems like a lot longer than 158 days since my last dip. I still get that craving occasionally. I normally get it when I am doing something that used to require a dip (hunting, fishing, cutting grass, breathing). We got some good news this week regarding our newborn. The MRI results showed no calcification of the brain, so that was huge. The newborn has decided to celebrate by not sleeping at all the past few nights. I will take the lack of sleep from crying over the lack of sleep from worrying any day. We still have some heart and hearing issues to deal with, but the brain and eyes are going to be fine. Through all of this my quit has gotten stronger. My faith has also gotten stronger, but i will leave that for another time. I wanted to thank all of the people who have PM'd, texted, and reached out to me. I appreciate the support. I quit with the entire KTC nation today. Thanks

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #46 on: October 02, 2014, 09:50:00 AM »
Quote from: Jenahen
Toogoodootgr you are one hell of a quitter. All of these life changes you have endured make you stronger. So sorry about your mom. I'm glad she is safe.
I quit with you EDD!
Thanks Jen......Have a good one

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
Toogoodootgr you are one hell of a quitter. All of these life changes you have endured make you stronger. So sorry about your mom. I'm glad she is safe.
I quit with you EDD!

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2014, 07:45:00 AM »
Day 115 and still QLF. It has been a hell of a ride the past few weeks. I welcomed a new addition to the family, and we are all still trying to adjust to having another baby in the house. Thank god I have a male dog, because my wife and two daughters have definitely taken over the inside of the house. It is amazing how little sleep we actually need to survive. My new daughter has had some health issues, and she still hasn't been sleeping at night (or during the day for that matter). It is a struggle, but we are getting through it. All that being said, I am just very happy to be 115 days free of the nic bitch. The cravings still come and go, but they aren't as strong as they used to be. I am very thankful for the support i have gotten on this site. I appreciate the assholes that have harassed me when i have been late for roll. I am proud to be a Sultan and I quit with all my brothers today.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #43 on: August 20, 2014, 11:40:00 AM »
Glad your Mom's okay. Sorry you had to deal with that, and especially proud of the mindset you carried through it all. Quit on, man....quit on.

Offline toogoodootgr

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #42 on: August 19, 2014, 08:28:00 AM »
Day 72 and still QLF. Yesterday was one of the toughest days I have ever experienced. My mother has dementia and early onset Alzheimer's. She walked off Sunday afternoon and didn't come back. I didn't find out until about 5:00 am yesterday morning. I made the two hour trip home in less than an hour and a half. Police had mobile command and helicopters in the air when I arrived. She was found about 6 miles away from the house at an abandoned home off of a dirt road. It was amazing the man power and support that was around the area. I saw people I hadn't seen since high school that had been up all night looking. She was ok, just pissed at my father for making her stay in the woods all night. He catches the brunt of the disease because he is the one that has to live with her. Through all of this, the nic bitch did pop into my mind. She popped into my mind on the ride down. Honestly if there would have been a can in the truck, I can't say i wouldn't have taken a dip. I kept reminding myself that one problem doesn't solve another problem. Anyway, just wanted to show that if i can get through that stressful event without folding then i feel like i can get through anything. I saw several people dipping throughout the day, but I just kept the QLF mindset. It is so easy to fold. Temptation is everywhere, but I just didn't want to let myself and the sultans down. I didn't reach out for help, but I knew it was there if I really needed it. That was enough for me. Have a happy fricking Tuesday and QLF EDD

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2014, 09:31:00 AM »
Quote from: CavMan83
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 67 and fricking dip dreams. I have had dreams all week. I'm still QLF, but this week seems like starting all over again. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I have had cravings throughout the day....I know it will pass, but dang that nic bitch is working me hard. I do have some good news. I had always heard that your gums would never grow back because of all of the dipping. Mine look as good as I can ever remember. I have always taken care of my teeth, but I was ashamed of my gum-line. I wouldn't even let my wife see it because it looked so bad. I'm happy to say the gums are looking a hell of a lot better. Now if I could just get rid of the dreams.........QLF EDD

They'll pass....I haven't had but a few, and everytime I woke up in a cold sweat thinking I had f'd up. For whatever reason, I am using WAY more of the fake stuff (Bacc-Off) than I did earlier in the quit...I'm going through a can a day....and I still can't think with the clarity and precision that I used to. I talked with a quitter during my vacation (he hits 500 days today!!) and he told me that it'll come....there will be a moment when the funk/fog/haze/whatever lifts and the mental acuity returns....he said it was after the six month mark for him....we're a long way from the six month mark!

Glad to hear your gumline's looking good. Quit on, brother, quit on!!
Yeah, I haven't used any of the fake stiff. i looked into it, and then never went and bought any. I had seeds for a while, but I was just making a mess of my office and truck. Thanks for the encouragement. I know we've got this. If it was easy, then everyone would do it. QLF

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 67 and fricking dip dreams. I have had dreams all week. I'm still QLF, but this week seems like starting all over again. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I have had cravings throughout the day....I know it will pass, but dang that nic bitch is working me hard. I do have some good news. I had always heard that your gums would never grow back because of all of the dipping. Mine look as good as I can ever remember. I have always taken care of my teeth, but I was ashamed of my gum-line. I wouldn't even let my wife see it because it looked so bad. I'm happy to say the gums are looking a hell of a lot better. Now if I could just get rid of the dreams.........QLF EDD

They'll pass....I haven't had but a few, and everytime I woke up in a cold sweat thinking I had f'd up. For whatever reason, I am using WAY more of the fake stuff (Bacc-Off) than I did earlier in the quit...I'm going through a can a day....and I still can't think with the clarity and precision that I used to. I talked with a quitter during my vacation (he hits 500 days today!!) and he told me that it'll come....there will be a moment when the funk/fog/haze/whatever lifts and the mental acuity returns....he said it was after the six month mark for him....we're a long way from the six month mark!

Glad to hear your gumline's looking good. Quit on, brother, quit on!!

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2014, 08:29:00 AM »
Day 67 and fricking dip dreams. I have had dreams all week. I'm still QLF, but this week seems like starting all over again. I'm not sure what triggered it, but I have had cravings throughout the day....I know it will pass, but dang that nic bitch is working me hard. I do have some good news. I had always heard that your gums would never grow back because of all of the dipping. Mine look as good as I can ever remember. I have always taken care of my teeth, but I was ashamed of my gum-line. I wouldn't even let my wife see it because it looked so bad. I'm happy to say the gums are looking a hell of a lot better. Now if I could just get rid of the dreams.........QLF EDD

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 57 today, and feeling good. I just feel great, and have not had the desire for dip in a few weeks. I have gained a few pounds, but i am trying to change that as well. I have more money in the pocket, so I have joined the gym. I know the stress will be coming in the next month. I have a new girl due September 8th. I remember how stressful the first one was, and I hope this one is a little easier. Honestly, I can't believe it has been 57 days. The time has gone by quickly since the first few weeks. QLF EDD
57 is bad ass brother, enjoy the freedom from nicotine with the new little one, she will never have to see her dad with a dip in!
great job coming up on 2 months, and yes keep on the path here so that the little girl will never see daddy with poison in his mouth.

and yes, the benefits of quitting will start to reveal themselves as you go. I mean you saved the money to join the gym, a completely healthy alternative that has helped tons of us here. And yes the weight coming off will be the easier part.

keep up the great work

I will quit right beside you

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2014, 08:34:00 AM »
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 57 today, and feeling good. I just feel great, and have not had the desire for dip in a few weeks. I have gained a few pounds, but i am trying to change that as well. I have more money in the pocket, so I have joined the gym. I know the stress will be coming in the next month. I have a new girl due September 8th. I remember how stressful the first one was, and I hope this one is a little easier. Honestly, I can't believe it has been 57 days. The time has gone by quickly since the first few weeks. QLF EDD
57 is bad ass brother, enjoy the freedom from nicotine with the new little one, she will never have to see her dad with a dip in!
Some of my fondest and clearest memories are peeing in places that aren't bathrooms.

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #36 on: August 04, 2014, 08:30:00 AM »
Day 57 today, and feeling good. I just feel great, and have not had the desire for dip in a few weeks. I have gained a few pounds, but i am trying to change that as well. I have more money in the pocket, so I have joined the gym. I know the stress will be coming in the next month. I have a new girl due September 8th. I remember how stressful the first one was, and I hope this one is a little easier. Honestly, I can't believe it has been 57 days. The time has gone by quickly since the first few weeks. QLF EDD

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Re: Introduction
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
Quote from: Thumblewort
Quote from: toogoodootgr
Day 36 and feeling very good about my quit. Just got back from Vacation for 11 days, and still QLF each day. I never had the huge craving I was worried about. I was at the beach and had different friends coming and going throughout the week. I actually craved a cig more than a dip, which was surprising. I never really smoked cig's, unless the occasional one while drinking a beer. I think the nic bitch was just trying to get me to cave in another way. Back to the grind today. I still crave a dip the first thing every morning. I get the craving as soon as I sit down at my desk. I don't get the craving long, and I feel like it is getting a little easier. I just wanted to put this milestone down, so I can draw from this later on. I made it through a tough week, and just patting myself on the back a little. QLF one day at a time.
You have a damn fine quit toogood, wasn't vacation fun w/o having to look for a spit cup every couple of hours?
It sure was