Author Topic: Jbob's intro  (Read 2727 times)

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Offline Spartanron

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #47 on: November 24, 2013, 03:15:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: wmcatty
Jbob, considering you were 165 days quit with a 100% posting record, would you please consider telling us exactly what your mind told you prior to the dinner engagement, during dinner and when you committed to allow yourself to light the cigar.  I am not trying to be sarcastic or accusatory, however, I would think that a self analysis of the activites, desires and thoughts that brought on this cave are worth knowing about.  I feel saddened today as I know you probably did not want to be going through all this, but the lessons we could learn, especially for the new guys, is worth knowing. I will quit with you on this new, but familiar journey.
Jbob, the other day I posted the above captioned questions in your intro thread as I was really interested in what was going through your mind that convinced you to cave...then to do it again the very next day. Never mind, your subsequent actions have spoken volumes and I dont need anything further from you.
Jbob has left the building.

9 days out of 10 we texted each other. This week he posted day one. Then posted some reason about coffee and a dinner party. As expected, lots of questions. So for breakfast the next day he had 2 cigars and didn't post.

I texted him and he said something about being powerless to nicotine in all it's forms. I texted that it was bs and to get his name in the list. So he did.

Next morning I text again. He told me that he was getting a lot of negativity posted about him and his caves, and that he prayed with a friend and decided to leave ktc. And there we have it.
Powerless jbob... Really?!? After 160+ you haven't figured out that YOU control your actions. That is pretty pathetic. Just tell us you want to go back and dip/smoke etc.

You got negativity because you caved 2 times in three days. That is what a newbie that doesn't have his head screwed on right does. You knew better.

I asked the admins to take down your HOF speech yesterday. You had some good words in there and I know you know how to quit. You just don't want to quit. You hold all the power brother. You and you alone. It is a matter of will... You gave up. Good luck.
Negativity.... please. Should we kiss you in the ear and coddle your balls when you cave? Especially at 165 days, with no call or text to any one of your brothers. Go ahead and blame us, the guys who have been walking this path with you for you going back to the arms of the nic bitch.

We'll be here....quit!
I think its safe to say we can move on from this thread :deadhorse: I'm sure this guy will show up again someday....
No more What If's, I quit everyday going forward
Quit Chewing 11/13/12, Quit Nicorette 12/23/12

MY Hall of Fame Speech

Offline Jlud007

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #46 on: November 24, 2013, 02:44:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: wmcatty
Jbob, considering you were 165 days quit with a 100% posting record, would you please consider telling us exactly what your mind told you prior to the dinner engagement, during dinner and when you committed to allow yourself to light the cigar.  I am not trying to be sarcastic or accusatory, however, I would think that a self analysis of the activites, desires and thoughts that brought on this cave are worth knowing about.  I feel saddened today as I know you probably did not want to be going through all this, but the lessons we could learn, especially for the new guys, is worth knowing. I will quit with you on this new, but familiar journey.
Jbob, the other day I posted the above captioned questions in your intro thread as I was really interested in what was going through your mind that convinced you to cave...then to do it again the very next day. Never mind, your subsequent actions have spoken volumes and I dont need anything further from you.
Jbob has left the building.

9 days out of 10 we texted each other. This week he posted day one. Then posted some reason about coffee and a dinner party. As expected, lots of questions. So for breakfast the next day he had 2 cigars and didn't post.

I texted him and he said something about being powerless to nicotine in all it's forms. I texted that it was bs and to get his name in the list. So he did.

Next morning I text again. He told me that he was getting a lot of negativity posted about him and his caves, and that he prayed with a friend and decided to leave ktc. And there we have it.
Powerless jbob... Really?!? After 160+ you haven't figured out that YOU control your actions. That is pretty pathetic. Just tell us you want to go back and dip/smoke etc.

You got negativity because you caved 2 times in three days. That is what a newbie that doesn't have his head screwed on right does. You knew better.

I asked the admins to take down your HOF speech yesterday. You had some good words in there and I know you know how to quit. You just don't want to quit. You hold all the power brother. You and you alone. It is a matter of will... You gave up. Good luck.
Negativity.... please. Should we kiss you in the ear and coddle your balls when you cave? Especially at 165 days, with no call or text to any one of your brothers. Go ahead and blame us, the guys who have been walking this path with you for you going back to the arms of the nic bitch.

We'll be here....quit!

Offline Derk40

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2013, 01:21:00 PM »
Quote from: worktowin
Quote from: wmcatty
Jbob, considering you were 165 days quit with a 100% posting record, would you please consider telling us exactly what your mind told you prior to the dinner engagement, during dinner and when you committed to allow yourself to light the cigar.  I am not trying to be sarcastic or accusatory, however, I would think that a self analysis of the activites, desires and thoughts that brought on this cave are worth knowing about.  I feel saddened today as I know you probably did not want to be going through all this, but the lessons we could learn, especially for the new guys, is worth knowing. I will quit with you on this new, but familiar journey.
Jbob, the other day I posted the above captioned questions in your intro thread as I was really interested in what was going through your mind that convinced you to cave...then to do it again the very next day. Never mind, your subsequent actions have spoken volumes and I dont need anything further from you.
Jbob has left the building.

9 days out of 10 we texted each other. This week he posted day one. Then posted some reason about coffee and a dinner party. As expected, lots of questions. So for breakfast the next day he had 2 cigars and didn't post.

I texted him and he said something about being powerless to nicotine in all it's forms. I texted that it was bs and to get his name in the list. So he did.

Next morning I text again. He told me that he was getting a lot of negativity posted about him and his caves, and that he prayed with a friend and decided to leave ktc. And there we have it.
Powerless jbob... Really?!? After 160+ you haven't figured out that YOU control your actions. That is pretty pathetic. Just tell us you want to go back and dip/smoke etc.

You got negativity because you caved 2 times in three days. That is what a newbie that doesn't have his head screwed on right does. You knew better.

I asked the admins to take down your HOF speech yesterday. You had some good words in there and I know you know how to quit. You just don't want to quit. You hold all the power brother. You and you alone. It is a matter of will... You gave up. Good luck.
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech

Offline worktowin

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2013, 01:12:00 PM »
Quote from: wmcatty
Jbob, considering you were 165 days quit with a 100% posting record, would you please consider telling us exactly what your mind told you prior to the dinner engagement, during dinner and when you committed to allow yourself to light the cigar.  I am not trying to be sarcastic or accusatory, however, I would think that a self analysis of the activites, desires and thoughts that brought on this cave are worth knowing about.  I feel saddened today as I know you probably did not want to be going through all this, but the lessons we could learn, especially for the new guys, is worth knowing. I will quit with you on this new, but familiar journey.
Jbob, the other day I posted the above captioned questions in your intro thread as I was really interested in what was going through your mind that convinced you to cave...then to do it again the very next day. Never mind, your subsequent actions have spoken volumes and I dont need anything further from you.
Jbob has left the building.

9 days out of 10 we texted each other. This week he posted day one. Then posted some reason about coffee and a dinner party. As expected, lots of questions. So for breakfast the next day he had 2 cigars and didn't post.

I texted him and he said something about being powerless to nicotine in all it's forms. I texted that it was bs and to get his name in the list. So he did.

Next morning I text again. He told me that he was getting a lot of negativity posted about him and his caves, and that he prayed with a friend and decided to leave ktc. And there we have it.

Offline wmcatty

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #43 on: November 24, 2013, 12:33:00 PM »
Jbob, considering you were 165 days quit with a 100% posting record, would you please consider telling us exactly what your mind told you prior to the dinner engagement, during dinner and when you committed to allow yourself to light the cigar.  I am not trying to be sarcastic or accusatory, however, I would think that a self analysis of the activites, desires and thoughts that brought on this cave are worth knowing about.  I feel saddened today as I know you probably did not want to be going through all this, but the lessons we could learn, especially for the new guys, is worth knowing. I will quit with you on this new, but familiar journey.
Jbob, the other day I posted the above captioned questions in your intro thread as I was really interested in what was going through your mind that convinced you to cave...then to do it again the very next day. Never mind, your subsequent actions have spoken volumes and I dont need anything further from you.
"Life's tough......It's even tougher if you're stupid."
-John Wayne

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #42 on: November 24, 2013, 10:03:00 AM »
WTF man!?! Jbob you have my #. We have txted b4, but you couldn't send me a shout out for a kick to the nuts?!! I am sick just thinking about it, and then you figure you caved already so you might as well put a couple more big brown poison dicks in your mouth b4 you get serious again??? You are smarter than this. You can't expect anyone to believe that your stogie crave was even close to the worst crave you ever had in your 6 month stoppage can you? You beat worse craves hundreds of times before this one, but wed. night you just said fuck it? You stopped working your quit. You stopped owning your quit. Now I feel like crap because I didn't send you more txts after you stopped txt me ever morning. My wife thought I was nutty getting and sending txts with my quit brother ever day, but it helped right? I'm fucking irate right now... So you break your word and cave, and then you break your word and cave again the next day? You are pissing all over your best tool in this fight: your accountability. Get your shit together. You're better than this.

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #41 on: November 24, 2013, 01:44:00 AM »
This thread...

Hey, Jbob... 'Finger'
Cave: 11/28/13
New Quit Date: 11/29/13

Don't ever get complacent.

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #40 on: November 23, 2013, 10:22:00 AM »
Only one SEPT Slut has on opinion?....hmmm
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Kubiak

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #39 on: November 22, 2013, 04:39:00 PM »
It all comes down to a decision of wanting to quit. If you don't want to quit, get the fuck out of here. There are plenty of other places you can go on the internet to make friends. This is a quit site. You have a lot of proving to do before anyone believes you.

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #38 on: November 22, 2013, 04:13:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Two more today,, wtf is wrong with you?.?. 100 plus days,, just like that?.?. I went back and read your intro, I suggest you do the same.

I also recommend you take a good look in the mirror. Take one of them stinky no good for nothing brown death sticks and put it right in the mirror with you. Wrap a leash around the brown cancer stick and put it around your neck. Is this the way you want to live the rest of your life?!?! Take a good look!!!!

You need to do some soul searching jarrod. I know you've posted a new day 1, but I don't know if you were ready. This quote looks like others have made the decision for you.
encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
You have to want this jarod. ^^^^ will not get you very far, especially now!!
Hof date may 25, 2013
HoF Speech

The poison sucks. I hate it. I hated it this morning, I hated it at noon, I hated it at supper and I hate it tonight. I enjoy hating it so much I'm going to wake up tomorrow and start over hating it. I quit with anyone that wants to hate it with me.

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #37 on: November 22, 2013, 04:11:00 PM »
Quote from: Bean
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Dude this is awful behavior, I don't know what you are thinking a cave is one thing but to post back to back day 1's is unacceptable. I was in contact with you daily so to see one day 1 was a shock. Then to get a text saying you are on day 1 again today is a slap in the face. I am with Derk don't post another day til you get your head out of your ass. You need to really figure out if you are quit or stopped and why you are doing this. Is it attention you lack or what is there a psychological reason. I hate saying shit like this to who I consider close but like I have said earlier I don't buy the family thing they can do what they want. I hold you to a higher standard. Also to cave when you are in contact with bad asses ugh. W2W is/was working with you Derk was, Jlud sent his number I was, wtf man you got a shit ton of explaining and a mile of fucking fence to mend.

For fuck sake do you believe what you write. I carry one of your quotes in my signature block.
This sucks, Jbob. Are you quit, or just fucking around?
I'd suggest you need to do far more than " I'll do what worked early ". How did that work out for you the first time? Why do you think it will be different the second time? Get a serious quit plan together, get serious about your quit.
Fish, eat, sleep. Repeat.
quit date 2/10/12
HOF date 5/19/12
1 Year 2/10/13
2 Years 2/10/14
8th Floor 4/19/14

Offline Bean

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #36 on: November 22, 2013, 04:04:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Dude this is awful behavior, I don't know what you are thinking a cave is one thing but to post back to back day 1's is unacceptable. I was in contact with you daily so to see one day 1 was a shock. Then to get a text saying you are on day 1 again today is a slap in the face. I am with Derk don't post another day til you get your head out of your ass. You need to really figure out if you are quit or stopped and why you are doing this. Is it attention you lack or what is there a psychological reason. I hate saying shit like this to who I consider close but like I have said earlier I don't buy the family thing they can do what they want. I hold you to a higher standard. Also to cave when you are in contact with bad asses ugh. W2W is/was working with you Derk was, Jlud sent his number I was, wtf man you got a shit ton of explaining and a mile of fucking fence to mend.

For fuck sake do you believe what you write. I carry one of your quotes in my signature block.
This sucks, Jbob. Are you quit, or just fucking around?

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #35 on: November 22, 2013, 03:58:00 PM »
Quote from: traumagnet
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Dude this is awful behavior, I don't know what you are thinking a cave is one thing but to post back to back day 1's is unacceptable. I was in contact with you daily so to see one day 1 was a shock. Then to get a text saying you are on day 1 again today is a slap in the face. I am with Derk don't post another day til you get your head out of your ass. You need to really figure out if you are quit or stopped and why you are doing this. Is it attention you lack or what is there a psychological reason. I hate saying shit like this to who I consider close but like I have said earlier I don't buy the family thing they can do what they want. I hold you to a higher standard. Also to cave when you are in contact with bad asses ugh. W2W is/was working with you Derk was, Jlud sent his number I was, wtf man you got a shit ton of explaining and a mile of fucking fence to mend.

For fuck sake do you believe what you write. I carry one of your quotes in my signature block.
Also incase you didn't get it I am pissed off with you coming here on the opening day for March pre HOF with this nonsense. They don't need a shit storm to burst out in here that's why I carried this back to your thread.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline traumagnet

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2013, 03:54:00 PM »
Quote from: derk40
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Dude this is awful behavior, I don't know what you are thinking a cave is one thing but to post back to back day 1's is unacceptable. I was in contact with you daily so to see one day 1 was a shock. Then to get a text saying you are on day 1 again today is a slap in the face. I am with Derk don't post another day til you get your head out of your ass. You need to really figure out if you are quit or stopped and why you are doing this. Is it attention you lack or what is there a psychological reason. I hate saying shit like this to who I consider close but like I have said earlier I don't buy the family thing they can do what they want. I hold you to a higher standard. Also to cave when you are in contact with bad asses ugh. W2W is/was working with you Derk was, Jlud sent his number I was, wtf man you got a shit ton of explaining and a mile of fucking fence to mend.

For fuck sake do you believe what you write. I carry one of your quotes in my signature block.
Complacency sucks, one moment of it is the difference between being a user and a quitter....OIB

"Lean into the fall my friends, life can be amazing without nicotine. It's just a matter of choice." sM

"Endeavor to persevere."Chief Dan George "The Outlaw Josey Wales".

MY HOF speech

Offline Derk40

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Re: Jbob's intro
« Reply #33 on: November 22, 2013, 02:39:00 PM »
Quote from: jlud007
Quote from: Pinched
Jbob - day 1 - was in Sept 13 HOF and caved Wed night; smoked a cigar; posted a new day one in Feb 14 group and then smoked 2 more cigars this morning; encouraged by others to quit and post up new day one today.
Why? got complacent; had not been daily texting or contacting other quitters like i did early on; nic bitch dialed me up - and I didnt call or contact anyone for help; The Bitch has my number for sure
What will be different; I'll do what worked early; post, text and talk to other quitters daily; pick up the phone when The Bitch dials me up.
- Fire at will.
Hey brother, I respect that you have come back and I am glad to see that you nutted up because you were one of the early people that reached out and helped me.

You essentially answered questions 1  2 but you are missing the 3-What do you plan on doing differently?

I ask one thing specific, and you state that today is day 1 therefore you should be in March 2014 group. Regardless of what group you are in the will need guidance and your experience would be very beneficial, so this time stick the fuck around and do less than the minimum.

I hate to be the asshole here, however.....

You started over Day 1 on Thursday because of the cigar Wed night, then decided fuck it and smoked 2 more today.....then decided to comeback and post Day 1... again.... I just want to be sure we have all the facts.

I sent you my number yesterday, so fuck it why call someone, I'll suck off a couple more stogies before restarting my quit!

You have yet to give any meaningful answers here, I think your just setting us all up for the eventual....oh well fuck it I'm a pussy and just can't do it post. I hope I'm wrong Jbob. You've got my number, the offer stands if your ready to show some testicular fortitude.
2 more cigars this morning??? What?!? You have gotten some props for being honest after the first cave the other day, now you are essentially blowing your BS cigar smoke in our face with this 2nd cave in 3 days.

This is a perfect example of why you answer the 3 questions. Why would you post roll yesterday after your cave  wake up and smoke cigars today?

More importantly, why would you post roll again today for another day 1 before you figure out where you are at.

Recommend pulling your head out of your backside before you post roll again. Answer the 3 questions and figure out what your deal is brother!
Quit date: 6/23/2013
HOF Date: 9/30/2013

HOF Speech