I'm a previous quitter (I shouldn't say that, i'm not worthy of the title). I had a relapse about a month ago. I couldn't believe it. My mind came up with a resolution that I would chew and it would be a one time thing, and like having a drink it would be fine.
All of the hard work I put into quitting was gone. Out the fucking door.
So here's to starting over. Its gonna be a rough few days, but i've done it before and I know its possible. The hundreds of testimonials are my inspiration.
So here's a little information about myself. I'm a web developer located in Cincinnati, this region seems to be the dip capital of the world. My triggers include driving, and coding. I throw in a pouch or drool all over myself when I do either of these. Its sad, I know.
Truth be told, i'm tired of being controlled by this drug and i'm tired from hiding it from people that find it disgusting. Most of you will most likely find me in the chat, hearing from you guys keeps my guard up and motivates me to keep moving forward in a dip-free life.