Day 3! This is hard as hell, but I will not pick up a can again. No way am I going to put nicotine back into my system only to have to turn around and get it back out again, hell no.
Anyway! I'm realizing how often I chewed and the little things that make me think of it. That moment I take my last sip of morning coffee. Cooking. Driving to and from work. Watching a movie. Doing my hair. Crocheting. Going to bed and not having the "one last chew" I'm used to.
It's crazy to get rid of something that has been a huge part of my daily life for 20 years! I wasn't sure it would ever happen. But here I am working on it, and every minute is a success in my eyes because it would be so easy to just walk to the gas station down the street and grab a can.